Chapter 484

System: “Task requirements: cure Jiang Mai’s tuberculous pleurisy and ensure that he completes the college entrance examination.”

“Doctors do not always encounter opportunities to change the lives of patients. But Jiang Mai’s life is in your hands. If tuberculosis pleurisy can be cured and Jiang Mai can take the college entrance examination normally, his life will be completely different. !”

“System Reward: Advanced Treasure Box*1, system update progress increased by 35%!”

Zhou Yuan was a little surprised.

The rewards for this task are very generous, not to mention the advanced treasure chest, the system update progress alone rewards 35%.

This means that as long as this task is completed, the upgrade can be completed by obtaining another 5% of the update progress. In other words, it can be upgraded by simply doing another task!

Of course, the rewards of the task are rich, and the difficulty of the task is also high.

“The difficulty of surgery for tuberculous pleurisy is not high, but long-term treatment is difficult.” Zhou Yuan analyzed.

It is really more difficult to operate. The blood vessel transplantation that Zhou Yuan masters is more difficult than it.

Opening the chest to draw fluid is a basic operation for surgeons, and any doctor has done a similar operation when in medical school.

However, the difficulty lies in the amount of each withdrawal, the frequency of withdrawal, the type of administration, the amount of medicine, and so on.

“This time is a test for myself.” Zhou Yuan said to himself.

There is no targeted surgery for tuberculous pleurisy. It is impossible to take it on the operating table after learning a master-level surgery.

Withdrawing fluids, administering drugs, and nursing can only use Zhou Yuan’s basic medical knowledge to take care of him step by step.

“Sure enough, the difficulty is not small…” Zhou Yuan got a headache after thinking about it this way.

Technical problems can be solved by the system, and tuberculous thoracic mould is really no way!

“I hope everything goes well.”

After get off work, Zhou Yuan did not stay too much and went straight back home.

Although he has energy potions, Zhou Yuan doesn’t need to rest at all. When he is tired, he can refresh himself immediately by sipping a bottle.

However, although sleep is not necessary, the satisfaction that sleep brings cannot be supplemented by energy medicine.

What’s more, when there is no need, the energy potion can be saved.

Sun Meng needs to stay in the hospital 24 hours a day because she is the chief resident physician, and it takes more than a year of assessment to be able to be promoted if she is sure that she has the ability to be an attending physician.

But Zhou Yuan didn’t need it. He skipped this stage and became the deputy dean…

Even He Jianyi is just a deputy director.

Before Zhou Yuan came, He Jianyi and Wang Huimin were two deputy chief physicians in the emergency department, and both were vying for the position of the only chief physician.

Six months later, He Jianyi and Wang Huimin were still deputy directors, while Zhou Yuan Qingyun, who had just arrived at the hospital, went straight up and was already the deputy director…

It’s uncomfortable to think about it!(Read more @

Zhou Yuan’s promotion rate is unprecedented in the country.

Of course, in contrast, Zhou Yuan’s medical skills are unparalleled.


Lying on the bed, Zhou Yuan smiled slowly.

This period of time can be said to be the most leisure time for Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan didn’t go to bed directly, but took out Lin Mingde’s data and researched it again.

Although Qian Wei is dead, Zhou Yuan’s research on spiritual aspects cannot be stopped.

Depression affects too many people. If a practical treatment plan can be put forward, countless people will benefit!

This is a disease based on billions.

Although Qian Wei’s mission failed, it was not useless.

At least, Qian Wei’s mission told Zhou Yuan one thing: Depression is indeed related to organic disease!

Previous studies believe that depression is just a pure mental illness, nothing more than can’t think about it, there are psychological disorders, and the brains of depression patients are no different from other people.

However, Qian Wei’s task has a very conspicuous hint: to find out the brain lesions of Qian Wei’s depression.

This is tantamount to telling Zhou Yuan that depression is related to organic disease!

This is a brand new research direction, and it is also a bright research direction!

Again, there is a long way to go to medicine.

Since the predecessors thought that depression is just a pure mental illness and has nothing to do with organic diseases, it means that it is extremely difficult for Zhou Yuan to find the cause of the final organic changes in depression.

Otherwise, someone had discovered it before Zhou Yuan.

“Mr. Lin Mingde’s research in the spiritual field is too extensive…”

After a long time, Zhou Yuan recovered and exclaimed sincerely.

After waking up, Zhou Yuan simply washed…

While it was still early, Zhou Yuan practiced dumbbells for a while, and stopped when he was struggling just now.

Today is not a rest day, and surgery is needed. Zhou Yuan can’t let his muscles be sore. He lifts dumbbells just to wake up the muscles and maintain muscle strength.

Soon, Zhou Yuan returned to the hospital.

“Morning! Doctor Zhou!”

“Good morning Doctor Zhou!”

“so hot!”

Zhou Yuan walked in the lobby of the emergency department. Every young nurse greeted him brilliantly and talked about Zhou Yuan’s handsomeness behind his back.

“Who said that it is not good to talk about people behind your back? I like others talking about me behind your back.” Zhou Yuan thought with a smile.

“Zhou Yuan, morning.” Zhang Ling, wearing a nurse’s hat, waved enthusiastically.

Zhou Yuan replied, suddenly remembering something, and asked, “There was nothing wrong with Jiang Mai last night? It was the tuberculosis pleurisy patient who had just finished the open chest drainage.”

Zhang Ling remembered immediately and shook her head: “He left yesterday afternoon.”

Zhou Yuan was taken aback: “Are you gone?!”

“Yeah…it’s Jiang Mai, right?” Zhang Ling frowned.

She has a deep memory of Jiang Mai.

Stubborn and self-righteous, this is Zhang Ling’s impression of Jiang Mai.

“What’s the matter?” Zhou Yuan noticed that Zhang Ling seemed a little disgusted with Jiang Mai.

Zhang Ling said: “I told him that he is easy to get infected after the operation and it is best to be hospitalized for recuperation. Our nurses will also pay special attention to him! But he insisted on going home, saying that he could take care of himself!

Is he more capable than professional nurses like us! He didn’t know why he was so stubborn and he didn’t listen to anything. His parents were also persuading him, but he was going to run outside the hospital directly holding the infusion bottle!

No way, we can only go through the discharge formalities for him. No one can persuade him! ”

Zhou Yuan was stunned.

He knew Jiang Mai’s situation. He knew this when he discussed the operation plan with Jiang Mai’s parents, Dr. Xiaocheng and others.

Jiang Mai insisted on going home, not because he can take care of himself, but because he really has no money…

However, when the eighteen or nineteen-year-old has the strongest self-esteem, his strong self-esteem does not allow him to say that he has no money, so he can only find other excuses to avoid it. .

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