Chapter 487

The general public lacks awareness of many diseases.

Some diseases and phenomena that seem extremely dangerous in the eyes of insiders, ordinary people may not care at all.

If patients conceal it, it is very likely that they believe that the consequences of a certain disease are less than the consequences of exposing their privacy.

Sun Meng shook his head, “I haven’t done it yet, but the girl said that she was underage and had never had a relationship. Moreover, her parents came with her, and her parents didn’t agree to have a urine pregnancy test.”

“However, we think that the trouble is not because she is pregnant. According to her condition, her menstruation is normal, and there is no series of reactions during pregnancy. It should not be pregnancy.”

Sun Meng continued: “I gave her compressions and auscultated her heart and lungs. There was compression pain in the right lower abdomen, but it was not obvious, and there was no rebound pain. The initial suspected may be appendicitis.

I asked her to do a gynecological B-ultrasound, but no obvious problems were found. Except that the appendix is ​​slightly thickened, there is no problem with the gallbladder, kidneys and ureters, and there is no stone.

Considering that this girl has no habit of overeating, she did not overeat before the sudden abdominal pain, and her painful part is on the right side, and acute appendicitis is usually the left side, which basically ruled out acute appendicitis. ”

After a while, Zhou Yuan and the two arrived in the observation room.

A girl was lying on a hospital bed in the observation room. Zhang Ling was squatting on her side to examine the girl’s abdomen. Next to her, there was a middle-aged couple who seemed to be the girl’s parents.

“Doctor Zhou is here.” Sun Meng said.

Zhang Ling, who was undergoing the examination, stood up with a joyful expression and couldn’t help saying: “Doctor Zhou’s medical skills are very good. Let him come and have a look.”

The girl’s father frowned and glanced at Zhou Yuan.

“Is there no older doctor coming…your deputy director can’t come and see?” he asked.

Sun Meng looked a little embarrassed and said: “Our three deputy directors are all undergoing surgery now, and they all have their own patients.”

Zhang Ling was a little displeased, and explained: “Deputy director… We, Doctor Zhou, are the deputy director. Are you sure you don’t want him to come here?”

The girl’s father was stunned: “Vice Dean? That’s it?!”

Zhou Yuan ignored him, walked to the girl’s bed and took a look.

The girl’s expression was very painful, but her face was not ugly, at least not pale. But it can also be seen that it doesn’t look like a normal person.

At this point, pretending to be pain can basically be ruled out.

After all, people at this age still have strange flowers pretending to be sick to skip class…

“What checks have you done?” Zhou Yuan asked.

“Pressing pain, rebounding pain, and listening to the heart and lungs. The pressing pain is obvious, there is no rebound pain. She wants to take some painkillers, and I didn’t give it if there is a problem.” Zhang Ling said.

Before the condition is determined, medication is generally not allowed.

Otherwise, unexpected situations may occur.

Zhou Yuan nodded.

Still cannot rule out appendicitis.

Although acute appendicitis is mainly pain on the left side, there are always special groups of people.(Read more @

“Your name…” Zhou Yuan looked at the girl.

“Xiong Xinru.”

The girl reluctantly said a word, opened her eyes and glanced at Zhou Yuan.

She had already closed her eyes tightly in pain, but now she stared at Zhou Yuan with her eyes wide open.

So handsome…

Zhang Ling’s face changed.


You didn’t even open your eyes when the old lady gave you a check-up. Now that my doctor Zhou is here, you can’t close it anymore?

“Is the abdominal pain around the belly button at first and then transfers to the right lower abdomen?” Zhou Yuan asked.

This is a characteristic of appendicitis.

“No… I remember the pain on the right side at the beginning, and I haven’t transferred it.” Xiong Xinru replied.

Zhou Yuan nodded.

After checking for a while, he stood up, looked at the girl’s parents, and said: “Her condition is difficult to judge, and several checks are needed.”

Zhou Yuan’s face is more serious.

Abdominal pain is actually the most feared symptom encountered by outpatients.

Abdominal pain may occur in many diseases.

A simple abdominal pain can involve gastroenterology, general surgery, gynecology, urology, and occasionally with departments such as dermatology, cardiology, vascular surgery, and endocrinology.

Even consider psychoneurological diseases.

Schizophrenia and neurosis in the psychiatric department all have abdominal pain symptoms.

“It’s best to have a urine pregnancy check. When was your last menstrual period and was there any delay?” Zhou Yuan suddenly looked at Xiong Xinru.

Xiong Xinru blushed, lowered his head, and said in a low voice: “The last time was the beginning of the month. It is over. There should be no delay. Every month is the beginning of the month.”

“No sex?” Zhou Yuan confirmed again.

“Really not…I’m still young, only sixteen years old…” Xiong Xin Ruhu was about to bury his head in Hungarian, his voice was inaudible.

“I still recommend a urine pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy also has obvious abdominal pain, which is similar to her situation. If it is an ectopic pregnancy, if it is not discovered in time, the chance of death is very high!” Zhang Ling said next to her.

Xiong Xinru’s parents’ complexion changed, and Xiong Xinru’s face turned pale.

She was about to defend, when her mother spoke and said, “Make one, anyway, don’t waste time.”

Zhou Yuan nodded and opened several inspection items.

A few months ago, he didn’t even have the qualifications to do the examination, and the intern could not prescribe the project, but now Zhou Yuan has taken off the intern hat.

Before Zhou Yuan came, Sun Meng had done several tests on Xiong Xinru, only urine was pregnant.

There is nothing wrong with other checks.

When Xiong Xinru was pushed for the examination, Sun Meng, who remained in the observation room, looked a little uncomfortable, and said, “There are a lot of examination items. Will the patient’s family members feel resisted…”

“But I really can’t find it out!” Zhang Ling said worriedly.

Sun Meng: “We went to the surgeon. We did not have acute appendicitis, nor did we have bile duct stones, cholecystitis, cholangitis, pancreatitis, nor did we see symptoms of intestinal obstruction, gastrointestinal perforation, unexplained abdominal pain, really a headache. !”

“Can’t you perform surgical exploration?” Zhang Ling asked.

Zhou Yuan shook his head: “There is no indication for surgery.”

Hearing these words, Zhang Ling fell silent.

There is no indication for surgery, which means that surgery is not required, or that it has not yet reached the point where surgery is necessary, and there are no symptoms that require surgery.

“Isn’t it really an ectopic pregnancy?” Zhang Ling asked gossiping.

A sixteen-year-old girl.

In recent years, it has been rare for young girls to get pregnant and taste the forbidden fruit when they are unmarried?

The urine pregnancy test was quick, and soon, Xiong Xinru returned with his parents.

Zhou Yuan looked at the result that Xiong Xinru’s father handed him, and his expression became serious.

“Pregnancy is negative. No pregnancy.” Zhou Yuan said.

If it is pregnancy, it is actually a good thing for the doctor, at least this unexplained abdominal pain can be solved, and the treatment of ectopic pregnancy is not complicated!

However, now is the worst situation…not an ectopic pregnancy!

The cause of abdominal pain is still unknown! .

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