Chapter 142

“Master Bird Shadow!”

Jiraiya hadn’t reacted yet, and the civilians around him saw the divine sparrow spirit, already bent over, and shouted respectfully.

Blinking his eyes, Jiraiya carefully looked at the bird in front of him.

“Are you Senju Ise?”

Shenqueling nodded, raised his paw and pointed to the hot spring shop in front of him, and said, “It doesn’t seem to be suitable for us to talk to.”

“I am waiting for you in the Bird Shadow office in the middle of the village.”

After speaking, the spirit flies high.

Jiraiya looked at the hot spring shop in front of him, smelled the scent of it, and collapsed.

“How did this kid find out?”

Afterwards, he walked towards the Niaoying office building in the center of the village.

After a while, Bird Shadow was in the office.

“Long time no see, Jiraiya.”

Seeing people coming in, Ise nodded and smiled.

“I haven’t seen you for a few years, you are more unfathomable than before.”

Jiraiya’s eyes became serious, and he could feel the hidden, but deep, terrifying aura of the opponent.

Obviously, the opponent’s strength has exceeded the level of his own judgment.

“It’s incredible how fast progress is!”

With a light sigh, Jiraiya’s face was a little solemn.

He still hasn’t forgotten what he heard from Nagato a few years ago about the other side’s views on peace. Since entering the village, apart from the apparent peace, stability and prosperity.

The terrible preparations made him feel heavy.

Obviously, after development, the Niaoyin Village is now strong and strong enough to launch a war against its neighboring countries.

“Since you are here, I am even more curious about where my son is?”

Ise smiled slightly and motioned to the other party to sit down and talk.

Of course Jiraiya is not polite, and the two are not strangers. They have seen each other before.

“So it seems that the team is clinging to our ninja, you sent it.”

“Yes, these years, I have never given up looking for Nagato and Fusang them both.”

Ise nodded.

“They are in the Niaoyin Village. I arranged for them to rest first.”

Jiraiya said.

Afterwards, he looked at Ise, his eyes slightly solemn.

“Nagato is special, I think you should understand, are you sure, can lead him to a bright future?”

Ise suddenly laughed, and he said loudly, “Jiraiya, I know you got the prophecy of Mount Myōboku Toad Sage, but you think my son is the son of prophecy, but it’s too outrageous!”

Jiraiya’s face changed slightly and looked at Ise weirdly: “How can you know so much?”

“I know the truth about this world, Jiraiya.”

“The son of prophecy is not Nagato, but he is indeed related to you. In the future, you are destined to meet him.”

Ise smiled lightly.

“Your so-called prophecy will eventually come true.”

Jiraiya looked stunned, but soon burst into laughter.

“But when I came to this world, the trajectory of the world was quietly changing. No one knows what the future will be like.”

Ise quickly said again.

Jiraiya’s face changed again.

But soon, he reacted and snorted and chuckled: “Are you kidding me?”

“As long as you know?”

Ise smiled.

After a pause, he said lightly.

“No one can predict the future, and living the present is more important than anything else.”

Jiraiya glanced at Ise and then smiled: “What you said is very philosophical.”

Then he stood up, ready to leave.

“Nagato is here, you can find me, and naturally you can find him soon.”

“I will stay here for a while, and I will have a long chat in the future.”

“Now, I still have something important.”

Seeing Jiraiya leaving, Ise suddenly raised his voice and laughed.

“Jiraiya, peeking at the women’s bathroom in Toriyin Village, but you will be arrested.”

Jiraiya staggered and almost fell.

“There are two other companions of yours, both of whom are in our village now. You can gather with them in your free time.”

Ise said again.

Jiraiya turned his head and looked surprised: “You mean Tsunade and Orochimaru?”

Ise smiled, then turned to look at the documents on the table.

This is the message sent back from the waters near the country of water, related to his own tail beast plan.

Legend has it that in the nearby waters of the Water Country, there will be large fish infested for a long time, huge in size, and occasionally, there will be huge Uzumaki on the sea, and many fishermen who go out to fish have suffered shipwreck because of this.

And even the ninjas of the Water Country had nothing to do with this water monster.

“Using it as a prototype, the tail beast created by it will have its power?”

Muttered, when he looked up again, Jiraiya had already left.

“Nagato, how many points have they grown now?”

“The Akatsuki organization was not established, but came directly to me.”

“It seems that the butterfly wings have already begun to work.”

Speaking softly, Ise’s eyes flickered.

However, since Nagato has arrived at Torihide Village, it represents that the original historical trajectory is moving quietly.

What will happen in the future? No one knows.

However, he may be able to control some of these directions.

About half an hour later, Nagato’s door suddenly rang. The sudden knock on the door made him stunned for a moment, and then his complexion became cold.

It was quiet outside, he smelled bloody breath in his nose, and Rinnegan in his eyes also saw unusual power fluctuations.

“A ninja from Torihide Village?”

Frowning, he said nothing.

“Boom boom boom!”

The door rang again, and the visitor did not directly break the door, but showed a little politeness.


Nagato said aloud.

“My name is Kaguya, and I am a disciple of your father.”

The words with laughter sounded quickly.

This made Nagato startled, then immediately got up and opened the door.

What caught my eyes was a smiling face, dressed in a decent kimono, looking at him with a full smile.

“You are Nagato, I am on the order of the teacher to take you to meet him.”

Nagato nodded, and the smile on the other’s face made him feel trustworthy, which reminded him of his partner Yahiko.

“Me, I still have companions.”

Kaguya smiled: “They are already waiting for you downstairs.”

“So does your mother.”

Nagato was speechless, it turned out he was the last to be found.

When he got outside, he saw Yahiko, Konan and his mother Fusang, standing next to a person about his age.

But the whole body leaked a very powerful aura, obviously the strength is not bad.

“This is Brother Xue, Yuori and Qi.”

Kaguya introduced with a smile.

The three Xue Xue nodded to Nagato, who hurriedly responded.

The teenagers in front of them claim to be the disciples of their father, but the temperament of these people is very good.

“Come with us, the teacher is already waiting for you.”

Xue said at this moment.

Nagato, Yahiko, and Konan got together, Fusang was supported by Qi.

“Nagato, it seems that you can’t be wrong, the shadow of Tooyin Village is your father.”

“Your father is too good to be able to teach such a disciple.”

The two whispered quietly, Nagato also became nervous.

He hasn’t seen his father for a long time.

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