[Listing testimonials, thank you]|Get big moves from the haunted house|Get big moves from the haunted house Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore


This chapter should be the last public chapter.


It will be on the shelves at 13:00 or 14:00.

It’s been fifteen days since this book was published, with 10 updates on the first day, almost no less than 5 updates every day after that, and only 3 updates every three days.

15 days 12w word, in Feilu, it is at the upper-middle level, I know many are 10 days, 12 days on the shelves.

This should be the fastest book I’ve put on the shelves. My speed is about 1,000 words per hour. I didn’t expect to code 12w words in 15 days. I think it’s a bit incredible.

And it’s not the first book, but the writing speed is as bad as ever.

15 days, 12w words, almost every day, only 3 updates every three or four days, that’s because the outline is sorted out, and there is something to do, so I pigeon you.

On the shelves, it means to start charging.

There are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people. During the period, there was support and criticism, but there was no way, it was difficult to talk about it. Every “One Piece fan” has his own “One Piece” in his heart.

Everyone has different personalities and different opinions, and it is precisely because of all kinds of diversity that this colorful world is formed.

Listing means charging.

I know that there should be a large number of readers Shuaibi who would choose not to continue reading. Here, I would like to say thank you, thank you for your company for 15 days, thank you for your support, even a flower, an evaluation ticket, All are great support.

Then, see you in the public chapter of the next book.

If it sells badly, I will not sell it. I have never liked to sell badly when I put on testimonials.

Many of the testimonials on the shelves are written about how miserable they are and how miserable they are. This is not good.

It’s on the shelves. If possible, I hope that those readers who choose not to continue reading will be able to spend a cent or two to subscribe to the first chapter. It doesn’t need much, just a few cents. Usually a dollar falls on the ground. Many people may not choose to pick it up.

The first order on the shelves affects the recommendation, so I hope to be able to give a first order, um, not forced.

Let’s put the chapter on the shelf…

Let’s have ten shifts on the first day, plus the six shifts owed, a total of 16 shifts. If your hand speed is not good, chapter 4 should be released directly, and the rest will be paid back overnight.

I am a scumbag, I didn’t save the manuscript, I wrote it now.

Sometimes there are good ideas, and they will be added to the outline as they are written.

It is also the first time to write the supernatural subject. I used to write about fans, but Feilu suppressed fans and recommended something to be more original.

The original is recommended once a week, and the fan is once every two weeks, and if the original and the fan compete for recommendation, the score of the fan will be folded by half, and then the fan will compete with the original.

That is, if you have 5,000 subscriptions for your fandom, and 3,000 subscriptions for someone else’s original creation, your fandom’s score will be folded by half, which is equal to the original 2500. Even if your subscription is higher than others, it is still original.recommended above.

Today, Pirates and Hokage can no longer write prefixes, and there will be no Pirates: xxxx, Pirates of xxxx books such as xxxx.

The two prefixes of pirate are no longer written.

Helpless to try to transform the original, it is really difficult to write, when writing, you need to write and check the information.

Writing is even slower.

To be honest, sitting in front of the computer every day is quite tiring.

But writing this book, I am also very happy, I can create my own story.

It took 15 days to be on the shelves.

Finally, thanks to all readers Shuabi!


Thank you for your 15 days of support.

Here I wish you all the best of luck, and the days to come will be prosperous. The most important thing is that life is really precious after experiencing the ‘yiqing’ of the Chinese New Year this year. Everyone should pay attention to their bodies. .

I wish you all good health, good luck in your career, and a prosperous life.


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