He looked younger than forty.

But the appearance breaks through to a new level of obscene.

He was thin and small, like a puppet from some dark fairy tale.

He wore a collar-like ornament around his neck and a thin vest.

I almost forgot to mention that this vest looks like a fishing net.


Mitarashi Anko also wears fishnet clothes.

But the problem is that she is a woman.

Lidya Su sat down on the chair in front of Brother Zhi.

V and Lucy stood behind Su Xiao.

Jack stood in front of the office door with his arms crossed.

Judy was pacing around uneasily.

"The girl you are looking for is Evelyn Parker, right? Please excuse me, is it the wooden man who asked you to come?"

Evelin is Genting’s sex doll, top quality.

According to common sense, people like Brother Finger wouldn’t even think about it.

As soon as Lidya Su and others entered the door, they were looking for Evelin.

All Brother Finger can think of is, could it be that the wooden man changed his mind and wanted to take Evelin back?

But he had already given Evelin to...

Seeing Brother Zhi's eyes rolling around, Su Xiao was too lazy to guess what he was thinking.

Let’s get straight to the point.

"You don't have to worry about this. You just need to know that we have nothing to do with Genting."

"By the way, I almost forgot to remind you that the person in charge of Genting is no longer an idiot. He is not feeling well. I think he will no longer be able to manage Genting's affairs."

Brother Finger was shocked.

He looked at Lidya Su seriously again.

But the other party's eyes seemed to be shrouded in a thick layer of fog.

You can't tell what the other person is thinking at all.

Brother Finger sighed.

Although the identity of these people is unclear.

But Brother Zhi Tou can open a clinic in a dirty place like Twisted Street.

Naturally, I still have the discernment I should have.

Who can be offended and who cannot be offended.

He can still tell the difference.

"Poor girl... I really want to help her. But you can also see that the facilities here are not very ideal..."

"You said you couldn't help her. Be specific about why you couldn't help her."

"If I knew how to help, she would be standing here happily now," Brother Finger paused and continued, "The instruction register on her chip was burned out. I tried to replace it with a new one, but it didn't work. .”

"That was burned by some hacker using homemade malware."

"It is possible."

"Then what? What did you do to her?"

Brother Finger adjusted his sitting position.

"She stayed with me for four days, completely motionless and basically daydreaming the whole time."

"I realized I couldn't help her, so I put her together and called my middleman."

Jack couldn't hold it back and laughed: "Do you still have a middleman?"

Of course Brother Finger has a middleman.

It should be said that everyone has a middleman.

Because people like Brother Zhi, who need someone to solve problems when they encounter problems, are the food of middlemen.

Lidya Su said nothing.

He just gave Brother Zhitou a look.

He motioned for him to continue.

Brother Finger's face was a little red, but he didn't have an attack.

"After I called the middleman, two people came and took her away that day."

"Who did you call? Who was your go-between?"

"Wakako Okada, Queen of Westbrook."

The location of Twist Street is right next to Genting.

Of course it also falls within the scope of Japan Street.

It's not unusual for Finger to call a local middleman in Westbrook.

Okada Wakako is not a good person.

But as long as you don't offend her and are willing to give her money.

Normally, she's still okay.

The general situation mentioned here is the situation of Brother Finger.

In unusual situations, such as Diana who was silenced by biotechnology, Okada Wakako would not come to help in such a situation.


Chapter 174 The world is not just black and white, there is also gray in the middle (4K)

"What did you tell her?"

"That's right, I said I have a broken sex doll here for her, and I also installed Genting's behavioral chip and Mewtwo implants. They are all good products. Except for the instruction register being burned out, everything else is fine. It’s still a first-class product.”

"Where did those two people you said took Evelin?"

"I don't know. They don't like to talk very much. I'm not stupid. I won't ask questions that I shouldn't ask."

Brother Zhizou just finished speaking.

After listening for a long time, Judy acted like an angry bobcat.

"Aren't you stupid? You are overthinking, aren't you? Why do these girls come here and let you, a toad, touch them? Is it because you are handsome or because you have a kind heart?"

"That's because they have no choice. After all, they look down on you from the bottom of their hearts, and they can see through your patheticness at a glance."

Judy's words were heartless and hurtful.

Even Brother Zhi, who is used to making a living in the garbage dump, cannot remain indifferent.

But maybe they were worried about the force of Su Xiao and others.

He swept the non-existent dust from his thighs to hide his emotions.

Lidya Su continued to ask.

"You should remember the looks of those two people, right?"

"They are the kind of characters that others dare not look at, and one of them has a beard."

"When they were moving her, didn't they say where they were going to take her or what they were going to do?"

"They mentioned Black Mewtwo, Skull Moth and so on, and said she was very suitable. I can probably guess who Wakako found. They are the team that specializes in filming Black Mewtwo, and they want her to be one of them. actor."

Brother Finger swallowed hard: "Please, this is all I know. I really don't know anything else."

Judy glared at Brother Finger fiercely.

"Then you just handed her over like a plastic doll without even thinking about it?!"

Brother Finger knows that he is being unreasonable.

But he also has his own grievances.

"I have no choice, girl, you have to be reasonable. I can't... I can't raise a useless person, right? Even if I have the heart, I don't have the ability."

"Besides, I didn't know you would come to find her. If I had known, I would have kept her, right?"

Judy choked when she heard this.

She only felt a tightness in her chest.

Unable to speak.

But I felt uncomfortable holding it in my heart.

"I need to go out and catch my breath."

After saying that, Judy walked out the door.

Jack, who was standing at the door, quickly moved out of the way for her.

Brother Finger lowered his head uneasily.

He tried his best to stay calm.

But the shaking of his legs revealed the panic and fear in his heart.

Lidya Su looked at him deeply.

stood up from the chair.

Brother Zhi Tou was so frightened by Su Xiao's action that he fell down from his chair.

Sitting on the ground.

But the next moment, something happened that confused him:

Lidya Su didn't do anything to him.

Instead, he made a leaving gesture to the others.

Just took V, Lucy and Jack out.


Brother Finger was very happy.

The joy and excitement of the rest of my life arose in my heart.

But at the same time, I was also confused.

He thought Lidya Su would beat him.

Even more serious, you might even kill yourself.

But why didn't you take action?

After coming out of the operating room, the sex couples lining up outside were still sitting on the sofa waiting.

They saw Su Xiao and others coming out.

They all instinctively avoided.

"Su, is it really okay for us to leave like this?"

Jack looked back and said in the team communication channel.

Judy is not on this channel.

Just the four of them.

So Jack wasn't worried about being heard by Judy.

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