Chapter 211: Heaven punishes the national thief! (3K)

He carried out assassinations at every turn and executed civil servants who had different political opinions. Only those lunatics in old Japan could do this kind of thing.

Mayor Lane is not a good person, and his butt is not clean. In fact, he faces many accusations, especially for accepting bribes from companies and giving them a green light.

But Mayor Lane is definitely not a very bad mayor in the minds of most people.

At least it's not the worst one.


In the unification war from 2069 to 2070, the super aircraft carrier he invited from Arasaka scared off the New American army and preserved the independence of Night City. This feat was enough to make Night City's The citizens respected and loved him.

Yes, Night City is not doing well under Ryan's management.

But would it be good to return to the new America?

It seems that shootings are not frequent in the new America and corruption is not serious.

, as if bureaucracy is not prevalent.

But such a mayor was actually killed and pretended to have died of natural causes...

It was only natural that Jefferson would worry about his own safety.

But after all, this is just a one-sided statement by the couple, and Su Xiao still needs more evidence.

"Then why do you think the NCPD made a mistake? Is there any evidence?"

"Before Ryan passed away, he enacted a measure to cut the NCPD budget. Maybe it was this measure that touched the interests of some people and caused his death."

As soon as Elizabeth said it, Lidya Su immediately thought of what it was.

"But I heard that this initiative received a lot of political donations for him and Director Forte, and also greatly increased the company's demand for private security services."

Elizabeth shook her head: "Not everyone is on the same side as the company. Only Director Forte has benefited from the weakening of the NCPD. The others have either had their salaries reduced or been fired. It is almost impossible to say that they don't hate Ryan. possible."

Lidya Su has actually heard Li Nali mention this before.

Many people within the NCPD are dissatisfied with Mayor Lane and Chief Forte.

However, it would obviously be too arbitrary to conclude based on this alone that Mayor Lane was caused by the NCPD.

What's more, it is a foregone conclusion that NCPD expenditures will be cut. Even killing Mayor Lane will not change this. If it is exposed, it will cause even greater trouble.

NCPD is not the old Japanese Army Red Deer, Su Xiao thinks they should not be so radical.

"Well, besides that, are there any other clues?"

The Peralez couple clearly came prepared.

They didn't expect to convince Lidya Su with just a few words.

They also brought more conclusive evidence.

"Then there's that Mewtwo whose cyberpsychosis attacked the city hall."

Su Xiao was stunned for a moment: "Mewtwo? Was it recorded by the Mewtwo module implanted in the cyberpsychotic body?"

There are many cyberpsychotics with Mewtwo modules implanted in their bodies.

These are implanted secretly, and in most cases even the person himself is not aware of it.

The purpose is naturally to record the process of cyberpsychosis before his death.

Strictly speaking, this should not be called Mewtwo, but Black Mewtwo.

Because this kind of video is generally not edited, but allows the experiencer to directly experience the mental state of cyberpsychosis at the time and all the perceptions at the time of death.

Black Mewtwo like this is very popular in the underground market, and will be snapped up as soon as it is put on the shelves.

But Elizabeth shook her head.

"It's not from the cybermaniac, it's from the security guard who protected Ryan at the time. Our security director checked it carefully. He couldn't see anything unusual, but maybe you can find something from it."

Jefferson on the side also nodded.

"This Chaomeng must be sent back today, otherwise, I'm afraid many people will get into big trouble."

"How come there is a Mewtwo video on the mayor's security guard?"

"Ryan was making a public appearance at the time, and it was standard procedure to record the activities in the Mewtwo Experience. After the attack, the NCPD seized the video as evidence. We used a lot of connections to get it."

Lidya Su was thoughtful.

Even a big shot like Jefferson had to use a lot of connections to create a Mewtwo video...

And it must be sent back within today, otherwise there will be big trouble...

No wonder they are suspicious of the NCPD.

"Okay, show me then."

Since they said so, then the Mewtwo video chip and the Mewtwo headband must be on you.

Since the NCPD has tried every possible means to detain this Mewtwo, then maybe there is a way to crack it in this Mewtwo.

Elizabeth took out the Mewtwo headband with the chip inserted and handed it over from the front.

Jefferson on the side said: "No matter what you discover from this super dream, as long as it can clarify the matter and relieve the current doubts."

Lidya Su nodded.

He put on Mewtwo's Ring and activated it.

After a burst of familiar bright light, when the dazzling light receded, he was already in the world of Mewtwo Video.

Just like in Evelin's Mewtwo video, the perspective cannot be rotated and is fixed.

Standing in front of Su Xiao was a security captain with a serious face, metal implants on both sides of his cheeks, and a suit.

Behind the security captain was Lucius Lane, who was pacing back and forth.

Ryan is still alive.

Of course this is not a fake corpse, this is Ryan from Mewtwo.

Elizabeth also said just now that it was the Mewtwo video of the time when the cyber madman attacked the city hall a few days before Ryan's death.

Next to Lane was his old assistant, Deputy Mayor Wilton Holt.

The two seemed to be communicating something, but the distance was too far and Su Xiao couldn't hear clearly.

All he could hear was the serious-looking security captain speaking to him.

"How long have you been doing this, regardless of the severity, just doing it to everyone? Keep an eye on the mayor. These things belong to the city hall, and they must look like the city hall no matter what."

After the security captain finished teaching him a lesson, Su Xiao's perspective began to move.

What he sees now

The owner of this perspective, who was also the guard responsible for protecting the mayor, turned and walked outside.

When he turned around, Su Xiao noticed that this was the conference room of the city hall, which was sometimes used by Ryan to hold press conferences.

There is also a large Night City City Hall logo on the wall.

The guard walked through the aisle between the two rows of benches and returned to his post at the door of the conference room.

As an important location of the city hall, it is obviously not enough to have only one guard guarding the door, so there is also a reception desk and an inspection gate outside.

The reception desk is used to receive visitors and check their status in order to confirm the mayor's availability.

After all, as the company is a major taxpayer in Night City, you can’t keep company representatives waiting, right?

And if ordinary people come to visit, then the distinguished Mayor Lane must be in the midst of busy affairs and have no time to escape.

The detection door can detect whether the visitor is carrying a weapon, which is of course also necessary.

The guard stood at the door for a while, and not long after, he saw a man in a trench coat coming in from the outside.

The colleague at the reception desk wanted to ask him about his identity, but he walked quickly and had already passed the inspection door.

Just when he passed through the inspection door, the green light strip above suddenly turned into a dazzling red.

The colleague next to the inspection door immediately stopped him: "Wait! Please wait where you are."

The man took something out of the inner pocket of his windbreaker and flashed it at him.

The other party stopped blocking him and used the terminal on the table to turn the red alarm on the detection door back to green.

The man strutted towards the door.

The owner of Su Xiao's perspective, however, reached out to stop him because he did not see what the man and his colleagues showed just now, and because his arrival triggered the alarm.

"You stop."

"River Ward, NCPD."

The man was a tall white man with a soldier-like haircut.

His left eye is a prosthetic eye, but it is not a prosthetic eye like Qiluji's that is similar to a human eye, but a mechanical eye.

In fact, this kind of mechanical eye is more common. Qilushi is a leader in the field of optical design and manufacturing. It is famous for its high-quality eye implants and scanners. Even the most entry-level Qilushi Type 1 prosthetic eye is not Everyone can afford it.

Although mechanical eyes like this man's are not beautiful enough, they have all the functions that prosthetic eyes should have and are more affordable.

Although River revealed his identity as the NCPD and showed his ID.

But the guard still cautiously reported inside.

"NCPD officer, will you let him in?"

The security captain's answer on the communication channel was: "Let him wait."

"I have something very important to do and I want to see the mayor's security captain."

"Okay, let's wait until the meeting is over."

However, River did not listen to the guard and waited at the door.

Instead, he just barged in.

The guards hurriedly stepped forward to stop him.

Just as the two were pulling and pulling, two mantis knives suddenly penetrated the guard's stomach.

This is not Black Mewtwo.

If it were the unedited original Black Mewtwo film, when the mantis knife passes through the stomach of the owner of the perspective, the person watching the video will feel the same pain.

This was just a super dream, so Su Xiao didn't feel any discomfort.

The guard immediately fell to the ground and crawled on the ground a few times.

Then he heard gunshots.

The shooter was River, who had just broken in.

The large-caliber revolver in his hand rang several times in succession, and a figure who stepped over the guard fell into a pool of blood.

River held the gun in both hands and walked up to the assassin cautiously.

After scanning with the mechanical eye and confirming that the assassin was dead, he put away his weapon and turned towards the fallen guard.

The last thing the guard saw was River's leather shoes.

The Mewtwo video ends here.

Chapter 212 Assassination of Jefferson Peralez (3K)

After watching it twice in a row, Su Xiao exited the Mewtwo video and took off the Mewtwo headband.

Jefferson and his wife Elizabeth both cast concerned looks.

"How about it, did you find any clues here?"

"Is there anything suspicious? Anything, or are we overthinking it?"

The street lights and neon lights outside the car window reflected Su Xiao's face.

He handed the Mewtwo headband in his hand to Jefferson.

"It's hard to say. Based on this episode of Mewtwo, I can't simply draw a conclusion. I have to ask a few questions first."

Elizabeth took Mewtwo's ring, popped out the chip inside and put it away.

The Mewtwo Ring belongs to them, and all they need to put back is the Mewtwo chip inside.

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