David hesitated for a while, but still said: "I can take a break from school and look for a job or something."

The so-called suspension of study is just a nice way of saying it.

It's not that Arasaka Academy doesn't have the option of taking a break from school, but for a humble soldier like David, this option doesn't exist.

Or just stay at Arasaka Academy;

Either go out and don't even think about coming in again.

You can come when you want and leave when you want. What do you think of Arasaka Academy? Public toilet?

As expected, Gloria immediately became angry.

"what are you talking about?"

"Mom, you know we really can't afford to repair the system."

The so-called system maintenance fee refers to the fact that David burned down the online education system of Arasaka Academy.

It was because of this incident that David was almost ordered to drop out of school.

If Gloria hadn't repeatedly assured the principal, begged in a low profile, and promised compensation...

David doesn't have to go to school tomorrow.

And it was not David's intention to burn out the system.

The Mewtwo bracelet David needs to go to school is a severely outdated item. If he wants to connect to the academy's system, he must purchase the latest Mewtwo bracelet.

But as mentioned earlier, after David asked Gloria for money for the first time to no avail, he turned to a prosthetic doctor who usually gave him very exciting programs.

Let the other party install a pirated program of unknown origin on his old-fashioned Mewtwo headband.

In the words of the prosthetic doctor, "As long as you install this pirated program, you don't need to buy a new Mewtwo Ring, you can still use it as a new one."

David believed.

Then he fell.

This is what happened in the end.

However, even at this point, David didn't hate the prosthetic doctor much.

Instead, I feel that this may be an opportunity - if the word taught in the academy does not mean the wrong thing.

David, who did not dare to look at his mother, kept turning his head to look at the scenery outside the window without noticing his mother's face.

"Besides, I am quite out of place in the academy, and my mother probably doesn't know anything about it." David said something that he should not have understood at this age. "As long as you are poor, you will not be taken seriously."

David closed his eyes for a moment, and the ugly face of the guy who always accompanied two followers and looked down on him from above when he was at Arasaka Academy appeared before his eyes.

"No matter how hard I study, I can't be like them, and I don't want to become them."

The atmosphere in the car became silent.

Gloria's voice was trembling, with a hint of crying.

"Then why have I been working? I've been working so hard just to make you...but now...what do you think I've been doing during this time?"

Only then did he realize that something was wrong with his mother's mood. David, who turned his head back, noticed that there were tears flashing in Gloria's eyes.

"You are so smart and talented." Even though he held it back, tears finally flowed down uncontrollably. "That's why I work so hard to make money and train you. What should I do if you don't want to study anymore?"

Night City is a city of dreams. Just like the American dream decades ago, everyone wants to realize their dreams in Night City.

But the cruel thing is that her humble background, poor knowledge, and low academic qualifications have almost blocked all of Gloria's upward paths.

She can only do the most tiring and dirty work, and earn the meager salary.

As if God thought she was not miserable enough, he made her pregnant early, and the father of the child disappeared without a trace as soon as he knew she was pregnant.

Chapter 256 Car accident and attack (3K)

More than once, Gloria thought about getting over it, committing suicide by taking pills, swallowing a gun, or simply jumping off a high-rise bridge or something like that.

How can I raise this child if I can't even support myself?

But the amazing thing is that every time Gloria wants to die, as long as she thinks of David, she doesn't want to die anymore.

So, Gloria worked hard, took less rest time, worked an extra job, ate less for herself, and fed David more, and finally fed David.

What surprised her even more was that David showed a completely different learning ability from other children from lower-class backgrounds in Saint-Domingue.

Although Gloria had never heard the story of "Injury to Zhongyong", she also knew that if David were to be like her and only do the lowest level of work, it would only be a waste of his talents and make everyone else obsolete.

Therefore, she made a decision that required great courage and sent David to study at Arasaka Academy.

Arasaka Academy is a famous consistent school where many talented people who come from powerful families and will become the pillars of Arasaka in the future study here.

90% of the students' parents are either rich or noble. It is no exaggeration to say that Arasaka Academy is the nursery of Arasaka's power center.

Gloria knew this, but she still felt that only by allowing her children to receive the best education could they reach the highest peak.

And David did not live up to Gloria's expectations and trust. David, who continued to achieve excellent results in the college, gradually became Gloria's spiritual support.

Until today, Gloria, who had been tired all night last night, originally planned to have a good sleep at home today, but was suddenly awakened by the ringing of the phone.

The principal informed her that David might be expelled from the college because he had caused a lot of trouble.

This bolt from the blue instantly made Gloria's fatigue disappear and allowed her to rush to Arasaka Academy in a short time.

In order to let David stay, Gloria even made humble pleas and finally got the principal to take back his life.

And now, my son doesn’t want to study anymore?

So doesn’t it mean that all my years of persistence and hard work have been completely in vain?

At this time, Gloria seemed to have returned to the day she learned she was pregnant, and the day her boyfriend abandoned her.

Loneliness hits me like a tsunami again.

His mother's reaction made David's heart beat hard.

"I shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry. Stop crying."

The two people, immersed in the sad atmosphere, did not notice that there was a business bulletproof car and a pink van following the business bulletproof car, approaching them from behind.

David's attitude made Gloria soften a little.

She wiped the tears from her face and eyes.

"I know what they did to you because I've been through the same thing."

The same thing does not mean that Gloria was bullied in school, but in the workplace when she was doing a low-level job.

Even now, Gloria works in the cadaver transport department of the medical center. She also earns the lowest salary, does the most work, and has to endure the cynicism of her colleagues and seniors.

That's why Gloria doesn't want David to drop out of school.

David's life has just begun, and there is still a long way to go.

She didn't want David's life to be a muddy road.


"That's why we have to prove it to them. I hope you work hard, become an elite, and climb to the top of Arasaka Tower. I know you have such talent and you can definitely do it."

If she could climb to the top of Arasaka Tower, like the civilian elite Goro Takemura that Arasaka Academy always promoted, then Gloria would die in peace.

"That's putting it lightly."

Gloria's dream had been mentioned more than once, and David, who had already felt the solidification of class in advance when he was still a student, didn't think it was so easy to cross class.

However, David, who had already made his mother cry once, really couldn't bear to make her cry again.

It can only

Suppressing his inner irritability, he leaned back in the chair.

At this moment, out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the scene outside the car window. A golden heavy machine gun was hung with a bullet chain as plump as a fruit. A big hand, tanned by the sun, covered the machine gun's magazine. Cover it heavily.


The next moment, the whizzing heavy machine gun bullets easily shattered the windshield of their car, leaving countless sparks and bullet marks on the business bulletproof car diagonally opposite.

David leaned back in his chair and watched the bullets whizzing past him.

If one bullet deviated from its trajectory, he and his mother were doomed.

But I don’t know if it was God’s blessing, until the machine gunners of the Animal Gang took the initiative to stop shooting...

Even though the windshield of their car was completely shattered, and even the hood was scratched into disarray by bullets...

David and Gloria remained unscathed.

The bulletproof glass of the business bulletproof car had cracks like spider webs. The condition of the car body was slightly better, but it was also full of bullet holes and bullet marks.

Perhaps as if he wanted to get rid of the animal gang, after being attacked, the business bulletproof car accelerated and drove forward.

The pink van carrying the Animal Gang saw the target running away and accelerated to catch up.

"Destroy him!"

"Don't let him get away!"

“The Suit Dog’s sedan is electroplated!”

"Just wait and see, brothers of the Animal Gang!"

Perhaps they felt that the firepower of the heavy machine gun was not enough, so the Animal Gang leaned out half of the body from the roof of the van, carrying an RPG, and fired a rocket into the bottom of the business bulletproof car.

The explosion caused the entire car to change from a "one" to an "I", and the front of the car was close to the ground and rubbed crazily with inertia.

Amid the cheers of the strong men of the Animal Gang, the business car that stood upright crashed into David and Gloria's car.

"Mom! Stop quickly! Mom!"


The commercial sedan collided with the classic car behind it, causing a car accident.

The strong men of the Animal Gang on the pink car were all in great spirits.

"The Animal Gang is not someone to be trifled with!"

"Let's go back to the boss to receive the reward."

"Are we leaving like this?"

"Otherwise? What else do you want?"

"No, I mean, should we check it, just in case? You know, this suit dog's car is as hard as a tortoise shell. It can't even be penetrated by a heavy machine gun. What if we just leave? , he was revived by the trauma team on his hind legs, but what should he do?"

"Although you are a newbie, your thinking is quite clear. I was wrong to get angry at you before."


"Let's go back."

The pink van that drove some distance stopped on the viaduct, then turned and returned to the front of the overturned business car.

Except for the animal gang in the driver's seat, who was holding a heavy machine gun, the other strong men got out of the car and walked towards the business car.

"With everything like this, everyone inside must be dead, right?"

"It's hard to say. You have also seen the effect of the heavy machine gun fire just now. The car looks very miserable, but not a single bullet can hit the inside. It is best to open the door and shoot hard inside. Shooting hard is the best."

"Are you a little too cautious?"

"Be careful of the boat that sails ten thousand years. Come on, hold on to that side. You, go over there and hold the handle. Let's work together to open this car door for him."

"Have you caught everything?"

"Caught it."

"Okay, push harder, one, two, three!"

Several animal gang members worked together, and they actually forced the car door open.

It was at this time that a hand holding a "super" smart pistol suddenly poked out from the gap in the car.

Bang bang bang bang——

Four smart bullets penetrated the heads of the four animal gangs. The animal gangs, who were still alive and kicking just now, fell down with gloomy eyes at this moment.

The strong man in the driver's seat holding a heavy machine gun on alert realized that something was wrong and hurriedly pointed the gun at him. However, the hand stretched out from the business car was still one step ahead and shot the strong man in the head. .

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