"Aren't the scavengers coming? Aren't they..."

Panan took over with a smile.

"Scavengers don't pick up all garbage. Maybe you don't know, but there are several garbage mountains outside the city. I'm talking about garbage mountains in the real sense, with so much garbage that they are as big as mountains."

"Most of the trash comes from Charter Hill and North Oak. A lot of the stuff is still usable. The scavengers have gone there, so they don't come here."

Lidya Su nodded.

He hired Panan and the others just to prevent the gangsters and scavengers from causing trouble. Although no one came, it seemed like the money was wasted, but Su Xiao regarded it as spending money to eliminate trouble.

This thing is just like buying medical insurance. Some people may regret it, thinking that they are in good health and have no disease or disaster, so buying medical insurance is a waste of money.

But once the medical insurance is cancelled, things will happen again at this time.

It's so evil sometimes.

Lidya Su didn't feel bad about spending such a small amount of money. It would be better if no one came.

"You have worked so hard. I will ask you to go to the city and have a good meal later."

Panan's eyes lit up.

"Really? Where to go? Don't go to that kind of high-end restaurant. It's a lot of trouble, it's not full, and it costs a lot of money. I don't like it. I just like that kind of fly restaurant. It looks dirty on the outside. But it tastes delicious…”

Unexpectedly, Panan is actually a hidden foodie, and I really can’t tell it at ordinary times.

Lidya Su waited for her to finish and said with a smile.

"You decide later. By the way, where is the captain of the engineering team? Ask him to come over and see me."

A few minutes later, a middle-aged man wearing a safety helmet appeared in front of Su Xiao.

"Tell me about the current progress of the project."

"Yes," the engineering team leader reported seriously, "After conducting several repeated surveys, we unanimously believe that the original town planning and layout of Shijishan is very unreasonable. If it is used as a town for lower-level communities, it may It’s barely passable.”

"But for a company, it is not qualified both in terms of its function as a base and in terms of resisting possible foreign invasion."

"Therefore, our engineering team has re-produced a planning drawing, which you can take a look at."

The engineering captain sent the planning drawings to Su Xiao's tactical eyepiece and continued to explain.

"As a company, office buildings are indispensable, but since this is not Night City but outside the city, the office buildings should not be built too high."

"We believe that a height of about four to five stories is sufficient for its normal functioning."

"This is the employee living area. In order to take care of the employees' psychological condition, we suggest that a two-bedroom apartment is most suitable."

"Of course, if you feel that this is too much of a waste of land area, we can also change it to a crowded four-bedroom apartment, or an even more crowded eight-bedroom apartment."

"If you insist on changing, I suggest that a maximum of four bedrooms is enough."

"The eight-bedroom apartment is too crowded, which puts a physical and mental burden on employees and prevents them from getting good relaxation and rest."

"Of course, the decision-making power is still yours, we are just giving an opinion."

"We plan to build a shooting range in this place. Although there are many, very mature smart weapons on the market to choose from, even a super company cannot issue smart weapons to every employee."

"Furthermore, for smart weapons, manufacturing companies that produce prosthetics have also introduced smart weapon interference modules. As long as this interference module is implanted, it will greatly interfere with the accuracy of smart weapons."

"Therefore, it is still necessary to have a shooting range to hone your marksmanship. In fact, not only super companies, but also many weapon shops in Night City also have their own shooting ranges for the same reason."

“As for here, we are going to build a VR training room. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know the VR training room. Simply put, the VR training room is equivalent to the previous simulation training place under various objective and specific environments. "

"For example, indoors and outdoors, city and countryside, wilderness and desert, day and night, snowy and cold nights, etc."

"The above buildings are what we consider necessary for a private military company. Do you think there is anything that needs to be added or improved?"

Su Xiao looked over the planning drawings carefully, and the more he looked at them, the more satisfied he became.

This engineering team was recommended by Roger, and they are indeed professional and reliable.

In fact, the engineering captain and the others thought better than Su Xiao expected, so they just built according to this plan.

There are not many people in his company now, but these buildings are enough.

When more people are recruited in the future, we can slowly expand

It's not too late for Zhang.

Anyway, he has bought a large area of ​​land on the Shiji Mountain side, and there is no rush to develop and expand it.

However, if he had to express his opinion, he thought of one point.

This is the VR training room that the engineering captain just mentioned.

T-BUG had shown him the lowest-end VR training equipment before.

It is said to be a VR training device, or a VR training chip.

This thing doesn't even need a Mewtwo ring, but is inserted directly into its own neural socket.

The principle is similar to Mewtwo, but in Mewtwo, you are immersed in the perspective of Mewtwo actors.

But in VR Mewtwo, you can move freely.

However, the VR training room that the engineering captain mentioned is not such a low-level thing, but the kind that can simulate the real venue to the maximum extent, and is used by super companies.

Only that level of VR training equipment requires a dedicated VR training room as a venue.

Su Xiao doesn't have this thing now, but he is not in a hurry and asks the engineering team to build the VR training room first.

Then, he did not delay the engineering team leader's work and let him go back to work, while he made a phone call to T-BUG.

The call was answered quickly.


Su Xiao knew that T-BUG's personality was that he did not want to have too much contact with others, so Su Xiao also skipped the pleasantries and went straight to the point.

"Remember the VR training equipment you mentioned to me before? I need a set now. Is there any way to help me get the best one?"

"The best? You mean..."

"Of course it's the same model used by those giant companies to train their own security forces."

T-BUG took a breath, her eyes widened in the video, with a shocked expression on her face.

"Are you serious, Su? That model of VR training equipment is not a piece of cabbage on the street."

"In other words, you can't do it?"

T-BUG knew a guy who opened a shop near the roundabout in the Kabuki District, specializing in gadgets for hackers.

Lidya Su didn't have high expectations, but he wouldn't lose a piece of meat if he asked.

"If it's just the most basic VR training chip, I can try to find a way to get you some, but you need the same kind of equipment as the company..."

"I'm sorry, I can't help you. Why don't you ask the middleman? In the whole night city, who is most likely to meet your requirements, apart from the middleman, I can't think of anyone else."

"Okay, then I won't disturb you."

Just when Su Xiao was about to end the communication, T-BUG suddenly stopped Su Xiao.

"Wait a minute, Sue."

"Well, what's wrong with you?"

"Absolutely... that's it." T-BUG, who has always been cold and venomous, might really have something to ask for, otherwise she wouldn't be so hesitant.

"I heard someone say that you are now the president of a company?"

Lidya Su raised her eyebrows: "Who did you listen to?"

T-BUG hesitated.

"Jack told me."

Lidya Su nodded.

"I don't mean anything else, I just want to ask, do you want anyone there? I guess you won't refuse a hacker with rich experience, right?"

Su Xiao did not answer T-BUG immediately, but started to think.

Currently, there is already an electronic warfare expert in his team, and that is Lucy.

Although V's hacking skills are not as good as Lucy's, he can still be used as half an electronic warfare expert.

However, in Night City, it is not difficult to find a person who can shoot, but it is not so easy to find a hacker who is good at protecting his own network security and can burn out the skull of any intruder.

And one good hacker is worth a dozen half-assed hackers.

In terms of ability, T-BUG certainly has no problem. When they sneaked into the Kanbi Building together, it was enough to prove T-BUG's ability.

In terms of character, T-BUG can also be trusted, after all, they went through adversity together in the beginning.

And more importantly, although there is no Xiaoxiao coveting Shiji Mountain now, it does not mean that there will never be one in the future.

If Su Xiao takes Lucy out to do tasks in the future, it would be good to have a hacker on the Stone Ridge Mountain side.

"You want to work here? No problem. When are you free? Find a time and let's meet offline and discuss the salary in person. What do you think?"

"Okay, I'll be there in two days."

After finalizing the interview time with T-BUG, Su Xiao called V and Lucy, transferred 20,000 euros to them, and asked them to take Panan and the others to the city to have fun and relax.

He himself took the Delamain taxi that brought them here and went to find Rogge in the next life.

The next life will be the same afterlife.

Cyberpunk-style decoration, noisy electronic music, and mercenaries dressed in different styles gathered together, either toasting to a big deal or getting drunk in memory of their lost companions.

Find Rogge in his exclusive box. After a while of greetings, Su Xiao goes straight to the point.

"I need a set of VR training equipment now, is there any way to get it for me?"


Su Xiao knew that Rogge had a way.

He did not go to other middlemen in the city;

No other middleman is as capable as Rogge. On the other hand, he has the best relationship with Rogge.

It was second only to his relationship with the priest.

"Do you want the entry level? Or the basic level? Or do you want both?"

"Entry level? Basic level? How many levels of VR training equipment are there?"

Rogge held out four fingers: "Four kinds."

"The lowest level is entry-level. It only requires a training chip. It doesn't even need a Mewtwo headband. You can just pick up the training chip and insert it directly into the nerve slot. The principle is similar to Mewtwo. It is mainly used to do the most powerful things. Basic training.”

"Of course, in places like Africa and the Middle East, entry-level VR training chips are almost enough to train armed militias for tyrants and warlords."

"The slightly better one is the basic level. Strictly speaking, the basic level is the real VR training equipment, not the entry-level toy that in the eyes of professionals is no different from playing house."

"However, basic-level VR training equipment has space and venue restrictions. It requires an indoor space of at least 200 square meters without obstacles. Failure to meet the requirements may cause accidents such as casualties and equipment damage."

"Some far-sighted African tyrants and warlords will use basic-level VR training equipment for their guards. After all, their legitimacy and legitimacy are maintained by the barrel of a gun. Without loyal guards loyal to them, , they have long been cut into eight pieces and divided into five pieces."

"If even the basic level can't satisfy you and your standards are the same as those of the famous elite special forces, then you need advanced VR training equipment."

"Advanced VR training equipment requires an indoor space of at least 400 square meters, but if possible, it is best to have 2,000 square meters to fully utilize its maximum performance."

"I have never used VR training equipment of this level, but I have heard that advanced VR training equipment can simulate various real environments, giving people an immersive feeling."

When Rogge was speaking before, Su Xiao had no chance to interrupt. Taking advantage of this moment, he raised a question.

"Being there? Can't just any Mewtwo do it?"

Roger smiled.

She doesn't like to talk nonsense.

But Su Xiao is an exception, so she can make an exception for Su Xiao.

"My little guy, what I mean by immersiveness is not the same as Chaomeng's immersiveness."

"Let me give you an analogy. It is also a desert scene. In Mewtwo, although you can also feel the glare of the sun, the temperature of the sun and the heat of the sand, your body is actually lying down. Moving, can you understand my analogy?"

Lidya Su nodded: "Of course."

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