Perhaps out of confidence in his own strength, the Ran Dao Association didn't even put a hood on him.

It also allowed him to see with his own eyes how powerful the firepower and equipment of the Luan Dao Club were.

"Mr. Su, Adecado and I will never forget your help today. As long as Adecado is useful in the future, you can speak up."

"Well, I won't be polite when the time comes."

After the excitement and excitement, Bob seemed a little nervous: "Now that Sol is safe, let's leave quickly."

This place is not far from the camp of the Random Swordsmen. If they find out that Thor is missing, they will definitely send someone out to look for him.

They had to get back to Adecado's camp before that happened.

"No, there is one more thing to do before going back." Su Xiao pointed towards the direction of the cement factory, "You don't want to cause such a disaster if you leave the knife behind."

The Rogue Society is the collective name for highway robbers. These guys are like cockroaches, and they can't stop killing them.

But this group of gangsters entrenched in the cement factory will be different. Not only are they mortal enemies of Adecado, but they also have much greater financial resources and equipment than Adecado.

If they leave like this, what will Adecado's patrol do if they encounter Ran Dao again?

Therefore, this problem must be solved.

It won’t work without solving it.

The three of them looked at Lidya Su with wide eyes.

Saul said hesitantly: "But, with Adecado's strength alone, if he wants to build such a cement factory, I'm afraid..."

"Don't worry, I have a solution." Su Xiao told Sol not to worry about this problem.

He walked away a few steps and called Roger.

"Rogg, this is Su. I need the support of a Manticore. Money is not an issue...Okay, I will send you the coordinates right now."

After communicating with Rogge, he smiled and said to the others: "Let's wait and see the good show."

The other three were confused.

Both Sol and Bob have question marks on their foreheads.

But they were still calm and didn't say anything.

Panan couldn't help but said: "Boss, did you just call Rogge? Did you ask her to send someone to support us?"

Panan had met a guy from the Random Sword Club under the introduction of Rogge.

Therefore, that incident gave Panan a very bad impression of Rogge.

But Panan also knew that Rogge was the queen of the next life and was in charge of many people.

Therefore, she mistakenly thought that Su Xiao called Rogge to sway him.

"Manticore, haven't you heard of this name?"

Panan shook his head.

Manticore, what is this? The name of a mercenary unit under Rogge?

"This is the name of a heavy-duty armed aerial vehicle produced by military technology. Rogge provides rental services. As long as you have money, you can rent it from her."

This is another reason why Su Xiao doesn't become a platinum member of the trauma team.

If he needs support, he can pay Rogge to send a "Manticore" over.

Whether it's firepower or armor, the Manticore is not something that the trauma team's float vehicle can defeat.

The reason why many people subscribe to the trauma team's platinum membership is because they hope that when they are attacked, the trauma team's float vehicle will fall from the sky and save their lives.

But Rogge's "Manticore" can also achieve the same effect, and it doesn't have to pay monthly premiums like the trauma team does, which can save a lot of money.

Of course, not everyone can easily call the "Manticore" from Rogge.

First, you have to have money.

Secondly, you must have a good relationship with Rogge.

"Look, our air support is arriving."

Others looked in the direction Su Xiao pointed and saw a black spot in the sky.

If you just use the naked eye, you may not be able to tell what it is, but if you are implanted with a prosthetic eye from Qilusi or other major brands, you can scan it and find that the black spot is actually a "manticore".

The next moment, more than a dozen rockets detached from the black spot and headed straight towards the cement factory.

In just a moment, the cement factory changed its appearance.

A sea of ​​blazing fire.

The chaos in the cement factory was all blown up.

The dozen or so rockets just fired killed at least dozens of people.

As for the gangsters in the cement factory, they still didn't know where the attack came from.

Some people even foolishly ran to windows, rooftops and other fighting positions in an attempt to meet the invading enemy.

After the first wave of rocket attacks, the Manticore did not continue to fire rockets, but switched to machine gun fire.

Two multi-barreled rotating machine cannons fired up, shooting out large swaths of barrage.

The human body was as fragile as a piece of paper in front of the machine gun. The swordsmen who ran to the windows and roofs were plowed deeply together with the outer walls of the buildings.

After a barrage, not even a complete body was left behind, only broken corpses and debris on the ground.

The manticore's god-like power made the other three people, except Su Xiao, dumbfounded.

After the Manticore used its machine cannon to plow through the roof and windows of the cement factory neatly and carefully, the survivors who were still alive realized that the attack actually came from the sky.

At this time, there were only a few dozen people left in the Luan Dao Club, which originally had three hundred people.

The remaining people didn't dare to go out anymore.

All fools know that even if you drive, you can't avoid attacks from the sky.

The only thing they can do is huddle inside the building.

Pray for the Manticore to run out of fuel, or use up all the ammo, and leave to go back to resupply.

Only then do they have a chance.

However, Su Xiao, who was lying on a high place observing all this, shook his head, with the expression of looking at a dead person on his face.

"it's over."

Chapter 304: Madam, you don’t want your son to be bullied in the academy (3K)

I only saw the "scorpion tail"

"Lion" passed over the cement factory and dropped several cylindrical bombs. The bombs did not fall to the ground and explode. Instead, they split in mid-air, and several smaller bombs flew out of each bomb.

When these dozens of small bombs came into contact with the cement factory, the entire cement factory was completely covered in flames and smoke.

If the previous cement factory was only reduced to ruins, now it has directly turned into a scene of cruel purgatory.

A fire, a fire that could not be extinguished, was burning in the cement factory.

Even from a distance, you can still feel the terrifying heat and flames.

It was impossible for anyone to survive in such an environment.

Driving, the group returned to Adecado.

In Adecado's camp, everyone held a bonfire party, not only to celebrate Sol's return, but also to thank Su Xiao for his help.

Everyone was singing, drinking, and dancing until late at night.

What Su Xiao can clearly feel is that Panan and other Adecado's trust in him has increased significantly, and their loyalty has risen several levels in one go.

Now Su Xiao, even if Panan and the others are asked to follow him to rush to Arasaka Tower, I believe they will not look back.

Sol's matter has come to an end here.

Taking Panan and the others, Su Xiao returned to Stone Ridge Mountain.

Thanks to the advanced technology of 2077, after such a long time, the engineering team finally completed the construction of the base.

An office building, several employee dormitories that can accommodate thousands of people, as well as ordinary shooting ranges, VR training rooms, etc. have all been completed.

In addition, the engineering team also planned the layout of the base very reasonably.

The engineering team left plenty of room.

It can also be expanded outward if necessary in the future.

Su Xiao is very satisfied with the construction of the base, and it is indeed the engineering team recommended by Rogge.

At this time, David suddenly came to find Su Xiao.

He looked worried, but he lowered his head and didn't say a word.

So Lidya Su took the initiative to speak.

"What's wrong, David, what happened?"

"My mother regained consciousness."

"This is a good thing." Su Xiao thought she had found David looking for her, but was embarrassed to say that he wanted to ask for leave.

"Do you want to ask for leave to see her? It doesn't matter. I've approved it. I'll give you three days' leave. If it's not enough, I'll give you another three days."

David hesitated and said: ", boss, I don't dare to see my mother, because she might ask me if I study at Arasaka Academy. I...I don't know how to answer."

It turned out that I was worried about this.

Lidya Su patted him on the shoulder: "Then I'll go with you and let me speak for you."

David looked happy: "Really? Thank you, boss."

Trauma team at the hospital.

In the single ward, Su Xiao and David met David's mother, Gloria.

After she woke up, Gloria learned from the nurse that it was Su Xiao who sent her to the hospital, and it was Su Xiao who paid for all the treatment expenses.

Gloria did not feel happy or excited, but seemed uneasy.

Because she didn’t know what Lidya Su’s purpose was.

She asked herself that she didn't have anything that Lidya Su liked.

Just when she was thinking wildly, Su Xiao brought David to her.

Gloria suppressed her thoughts and a smile appeared on her face.

"You are Mr. Su, right? I heard from the nurse that you sent me to the hospital and paid for my treatment."

"After I am discharged from the hospital, I will find a way to return the money to you as soon as possible."

Lidya Su smiled and said: "In fact, there is no need to worry about money. Are you fully recovered now?"

Gloria nodded and said, "It's fine now. Thank you for your concern."

Then, she looked at Lidya Su and then at David, seeming a little confused as to why David was with Su Xiao.

She hesitated for a moment, then asked the question hidden in her heart: "David, was it Mr. Su who picked you up from Arasaka College?"

Sure enough, Gloria would ask this question.

David glanced at Lidya Su.

"Mom, actually..."

The words were on David's lips, but he couldn't continue.

Seeing that David was unable to speak, Su Xiao stepped forward to help him: "Ms. Gloria, actually David is working for me now."

"Working for you?" Gloria's eyes widened. She turned to look at David, "David, is this true? You didn't go to Arasaka Academy?"

David plucked up the courage to answer his mother's words, but he still did not dare to look into his mother's eyes. Instead, he lowered his head and said.

"Mom, we... I broke the college's online education system, do you remember? Because I lay in the hospital for several days before being discharged, and Arasaka College expelled me at that time."

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