But Michiko Arasaka was born and raised in New America. Even after completing her studies, she lived in New America for a long time before returning to Japan.

Hanako Arasaka didn't have many connections or channels to know private military companies, but his niece might have a chance to know them.

"Aunt Huazi, do you want to find another private military company to do this job?"

Michiko Arasaka thought for a while and said: "Aside from us Arasaka and Military Technology, the one with the most proficiency in private military business and the best reputation is Kangtao. But you know Kangtao, they only accept protection and escort work, and they never Refuse to accept missions such as assassinations and attacks.”

Hanako Arasaka said proudly: "As long as they are willing to talk, money is not an issue."

"This is not a matter of money, Aunt Hua Zi. You don't understand the Seris people. They cherish their feathers very much and attach great importance to their reputation and reputation in the world. What they value is the long-term impact rather than the immediate petty effects." Small profits, they will never do anything to harm Siris just for money.

and Kangtao’s reputation. "

To be honest, Hanako Arasaka himself doesn't quite believe that someone can be disinterested in money.

She has had a silver spoon in her mouth since she was a child. Although she is a caged bird imprisoned in Japan, she has also seen many ugly people who are looking for power and superiority. Many people at the bottom are willing to do anything as long as they are given a little money. Do.

But since my niece said so, let me believe it.

"Okay, what about besides Kang Tao?"

"That's high-tech military industry."

"High-tech military industry?" Hanako Arasaka frowned, "A Russian company?"

Michiko Arasaka nodded.

"In addition to the weapons manufacturing industry, Hi-tech Military Industries has also begun to get involved in the private military field in recent years. Their instructors directly recruit talents from special forces such as Signal, Warrior and Alpha."

Signal Flag, Warrior, and Alpha are all famous Russian special forces.

Retired soldiers from these special forces are a hot commodity in the mercenary market.

But for some reason, Hanako Arasaka continued.

"Is there anything else?"

"There are other private military companies, but they are not as good as the high-tech military industry I just mentioned... Wait, I thought of one, Shuguang Military Company."

"What's this?"

I have heard of Hanako Arasaka from the high-tech military industry.

But Hanako Arasaka has never even heard of this Dawn Military Company.

"It's a private military company registered in Night City. It was established just over a year ago."

"It's only been established for more than a year?"

No wonder.

It’s a small company with a history of just over a year. No wonder I haven’t heard of it.

Seeing her aunt's expression, Michiko Arasaka knew that her aunt had misunderstood.

"Aunt Huazi, Shuguang Military Company was established not long ago, but it should not be underestimated."

"How to say?"

"Shortly after the establishment of Dawn Military Company, they moved to Bolivia. In the next more than a year, it seems that they have eliminated other forces in Bolivia and become the largest force in Bolivia."

The niece's words made Arasaka Hanako fall into deep thought.

It's not surprising that Arasaka, Military Technology, and Kang Tao can do it to eliminate other forces in Bolivia.

But they are established giants, while Shuguang Military Company is only a new company established for more than a year, and they can do this, which shows that this company is still somewhat capable.

Arasaka Hanako's impatient expression suddenly became much calmer.

"Then how well did they complete their mission?"

"It's very good. Before going to Bolivia, the son of a car tire tycoon was kidnapped. Not only did they help the employer rescue the son, but they also helped the car tire tycoon solve all his worries."

"What worries?"

"The son of the car tire tycoon was kidnapped by the Shining Group in Mexico. If he only rescued the employer's son, he might be kidnapped again. Therefore, Dawn Military Company directly helped the employer and brought the boss of the Shining Group who kidnapped the employer's son to Kill it."

"This is really cruel."

Arasaka Hanako's eyes lit up.

She now knew why her niece recommended this private military company.

This is called truly using money to do things and help people eliminate disasters.

It's not as simple as simply saving people, but also helping people solve all subsequent troubles.

"Okay, then I'll trouble you to contact Shuguang Military Company."

Michiko Arasaka asked curiously: "Although Akebono Military Company's resume is very impressive, high-tech military industry is not bad at all. Why doesn't my aunt consider high-tech military industry at all?"

"The Russians have strength, but don't believe in their character," Hanako Arasaka shook his head, "During the Seven Years' War, Russia was originally in the same camp as France and Austria, and was the enemy of Prussia and Britain. .”

"During the Seven Years' War, Prussia was beaten to the brink of despair. As a result, Peter III of Russia came to the throne and advocated peace with Prussia. He not only withdrew from the alliance, but also returned the Prussian territory occupied by the Russian army."

"This approach not only stabs France and Austria in the back, but also disrespects the soldiers who shed blood and died on the front lines."

"The betrayal of the Seven Years' War is just one of the things that Russia has done to stab its allies in the back. Russia has done too many betrayals and broken alliances in history. So, if we have a choice, we'd better do it. It’s better not to cooperate with the Russians.”

Michiko Arasaka was noncommittal.

Although she is Japanese, she was born and raised in the United States.

And like most Americans, her history isn't great.

She didn't know much about what Hanako Arasaka said about the Seven Years' War.

However, since Hanako Arasaka thinks that high-tech military industry is not good, then there is no need for high-tech military industry.

Anyway, from the resume point of view, Shuguang Military Company has not been established for a long time, but it is more eye-catching. If she had to choose, she would choose Shuguang Military Company.

Chapter 342: Da Ga, Broad Tuowa Road (4K)

"I understand, Aunt Hua Zi, I will contact them."

Michiko Arasaka in holographic projection.

"Money is not an issue. As long as they can get rid of Arasaka Yorinobu, we can give them as much as they want."

Hanako Arasaka is not worried at all about turning Dawn Military Company into another military technology.

Although Dawn Military Corporation dominates Bolivia, Bolivia is not the new United States.

And what Arasaka can give to Dawn Military Company, he can naturally take back.

After that, Hanako Arasaka and Michiko Arasaka chatted some more before ending the communication.

After Michiko Arasaka's holographic projection disappeared, the room suddenly fell into darkness.

Hanako Arasaka whispered "turn on the lights" and the room soon became brightly lit.

She sat down, and a food delivery robot brought her red wine and goblets without her having to do anything herself.

Although the solution to Arasaka Yorinobu has been finalized, Arasaka Hanako did not feel relieved.

Because she was not sure that Akebono Military Company could really kill Arasaka Yorinobu.

If even Shuguang Military Company couldn't do it, then she would have to find another way.

However, it is late at night now.

Whatever worries and difficulties you have, leave them to yourself tomorrow.

Going to bed late is a woman’s natural enemy.

Even in 2077, when beauty and skin care technology is mature, if you stay up late every day, smoke and blow on bottles of wine, no amount of advanced technology can save you.

Even if you upload your consciousness to the shrine and then find a suitable body to download it, that won't work.

With the current relic technology Arasaka has mastered, such "reincarnation" can only last a few times at most, and the soul will be worn out.

It is impossible to live forever.

Therefore, if you want to live longer, you must take better care of your body after each "reincarnation", eat healthily, live healthily, and live a healthy life.

Only in this way will it be possible to live until technology reaches true immortality.

Just when Hanako Arasaka was about to take a rest, suddenly, a voice rang.

"Miss Huazi chose our company to share your troubles. I feel honored."


Following the direction of the sound, Hanako Arasaka turned his head.

However, in a place that should have been empty, a figure suddenly appeared from the air.

This man was wearing a set of exoskeleton armor, but his face was covered by a fully enclosed helmet. He couldn't see his appearance, nor could he tell whether he was male or female.

Hanako Arasaka took a step back instinctively, his face full of alertness.

"Who are you? How did you get in?"

"Aren't you looking for Shuguang Military Company? I am the president of Shuguang Military Company."

"President of Akebono Military Company? Arasaka Yorinobu sent you here?!"

Arasaka Hanako was not stupid and reacted quickly.

Since this person who claims to be the president of Shuguang Military Company appears here, there is only one possibility.

It was Arasaka Yorinobu who took the lead and hired Akebono Military Company, so the other party was in his mansion.

Unexpectedly, he and his brother wanted to go up to the same place.

Arasaka Hanako's face changed slightly. She thought quickly in her brain, and then said: "Wait a minute, I know it was my brother who hired you, but it doesn't matter. I can pay you double the amount my brother gives you." times."

His own mansion was heavily guarded, but the other party was able to sneak in quietly.

This is enough to illustrate the strength of Shuguang Military Company.

And since the other party can touch his face, he can also touch his face.

If so, as long as Arasaka Yorinobu can be killed, Arasaka will be his.

That's right, it's his own, not shared equally with his niece.

As long as Arasaka Yorinobu dies, Arasaka Michiko will no longer have to live.

This is not only a power struggle, but also a reason. Arasaka Hanako also looks down on his niece.

Although he has been a caged bird since he was a child and rarely leaves Japan, he is most influenced by his father, Saburo Arasaka.

And what Saburo Arasaka hated most in his life was Americans.

After the United States disintegrated decades ago, it was replaced by the New America.

Therefore, Hanako Arasaka, who perfectly inherited his father's hatred, naturally looked down on Michiko Arasaka, who was born and raised in the United States.

Especially what the other party did during the Fourth Corporate War in order not to be kicked out of New America made Arasaka Hanako feel that her niece's bones were too soft.

Hanako Arasaka is not a radical like Yorinobu, but he also feels that the behavior of nodding and bowing to the new America and military technology is really worthy of Arasaka's reputation.

The reason why he had joined forces with Michiko Arasaka before was because Yorinobu was powerful.

If their two weak factions don't unite, they will be defeated by Yorinobu's factions one by one.

But if Yorinobu dies, there is no need to continue to unite with his niece and let her go to see her father, and Arasaka Hanako doesn't think there is anything wrong with it.

"Double reward..." After hearing what Hanako Arasaka said, Su Xiao looked strange, "Do you know what your brother promised to me?"

Arasaka Hanako's eyelids twitched.

Hear the implication of Lidya Su’s words.

But she still didn't think much and said quickly.

"No matter what he promises you, double what I say is double. Arasaka will pay his debts."

Piles of rare materials are placed in the warehouse on the Arasaka Beach, and Arasaka Yorinobu

The large financial aid promised...

emerged in Lidya Su's mind.

If it doubles again, Bolivia may transform from a poor country in Latin America into a pioneering example in Latin America.

"Your offer is tempting, but I refuse."

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