It was a mask made of gold, which looked a bit strange. Although it had experienced thousands of years of wear and tear, it was still shining with gold.

There was a single eye on the huge golden mask, staring at Li Daoxuan and others coldly.

The mouth of the mask was particularly large, and there was a mouthpart similar to that of an insect inside.

The mouth was full of fangs, arranged in a circle.

Li Daoxuan and others were looking at the Huo's immortal worm, and it rushed over directly.

Li Daoxuan took a few people and flew up easily, avoiding the attack.

The Huo's immortal worm bit directly into the hard ground, and several rows of teeth fell off.

It roared in pain, thinking that it was a big meal sent to it, but it didn't eat the meat and lost several teeth.

It looked up at Li Daoxuan and others flying in the air, and its simple brain nerves could not understand why they could fly.

It twisted its body, borrowed some strength from the ground, and jumped towards Li Daoxuan and others.

Just as they were about to bite them, Lao Hu and Fatty's two flying swords flew over.

As soon as their flying swords touched the body of Huo's immortal worm, they made a "clang" sound.

Lao Hu and Fatty looked closely and found that Huo's immortal worm was actually covered with a layer of bronze scales.

The bronze scales were very similar to its skin, so Lao Hu and Fatty didn't notice it.

Huo's immortal worm was hit by the two flying swords. Although it didn't suffer any injuries, it was still knocked down.

Lao Hu and Fatty saw that the opportunity had come, and immediately rushed over again with swords, "clang clang" and "clang clang" sounds.

The two people's spirit swords could not cause any damage to this Huo's immortal worm. It seems that King Xian really spent a lot of money to create this golden mask and bronze scales!

Seeing that the spirit swords were useless, Lao Hu and Fatty shouted to Li Daoxuan:

"Lao Li, don't just watch, hurry up and take action!"

"We two really can't do it."

Li Daoxuan looked at the two people struggling to maintain the sword control, and said with a smile:

"You two still can't do it, you have to practice hard when you go back."

"Just look at me!"

As soon as Li Daoxuan finished speaking, he pointed a sword towards the Huo's immortal worm trapped by the two spirit swords, and shouted softly:

"Two sleeves of green snakes"

From the sword finger that Li Daoxuan stretched out, two ten-meter-long green pythons composed of spiritual power flew out, and the two green pythons hit the Huo's immortal worm directly.

There was only a "pop" sound, just like puncturing a balloon, the Huo's immortal worm exploded directly, and the dark green liquid instantly covered the entire cave.

Old Hu and the others looked down at the ground. On the dark green liquid on the ground, there was actually a huge golden mask, a bronze box, and the bronze scales of Huo's immortal worm.

Several people looked at Li Daoxuan in surprise. They didn't expect that Li Daoxuan had such a precise control of power.

Li Daoxuan gave the three people a reliable look, and then said:

"Don't worry, how could I not be measured when I attack."

"And there are things in it that are very important to us."

After saying that, he glanced at the fat man, who smiled "hehe". He had long been eyeing the golden mask of Huo's immortal worm.

Now that Li Daoxuan let him go, this thing must be his, and he quickly flew towards the golden mask below.

Li Daoxuan and Old Hu Xueliyang looked at each other and fell down.

The ground was already covered with a layer of dark green liquid. Fortunately, several people had spiritual power shields, otherwise no one could stand this harsh environment.

As soon as they landed, they saw the fat man put the golden mask into his storage ring, and then Li Daoxuan looked at the bronze scales and bronze box.

Looking closely, there were many inscriptions engraved on this bronze scale, although some of the words were severely worn and only a small part could be seen clearly.

Several people looked at these clear inscriptions and felt that they had seen them before. Lao Hu suddenly thought of something and said:

"Look, do you think they look familiar? We seem to have seen them on the bronze vat of Ma Dadan."

"I studied it myself later. The inscription seems to be a long-lost witchcraft, a sinister and evil magic used to seal the souls of the dead."

"It seems that this special bronze scale armor, plus the golden mask, should be a ritual of some witchcraft."

"Then install it on this giant insect. I just don't know what the bronze box contains."

The fat man patted Lao Hu directly and said:

"Lao Hu, what are you talking about!"

"I don't understand. If you ask me, open the bronze box and see what's inside."

Several people walked towards the bronze box. When they arrived in front of the box, they found that it was actually a bronze coffin with aForty-eight bronze cap nails.

The fat man walked forward, turned the bronze coffin over and checked it. There were two small holes at the bottom.

Several people were confused. Li Daoxuan looked at their confused faces and said softly:

"Look at these two holes and see if they are exactly the same as the dragon and tiger short stick in the hands of the high priest."

The fat man patted his head, then quickly summoned the dragon and tiger short stick from his storage ring and gestured in front of the two holes.

The fat man scratched his head, afraid to start, for fear of breaking it, and then looked at Li Daoxuan and said:

"Old Li, you should do it!"

"I'm afraid I'll get the wrong mechanism."

Li Daoxuan took the dragon and tiger short stick from the fat man, used his soul to sense the environment inside the bronze coffin, and then inserted it directly.

With a slight twist, the sound of the mechanism turning came directly from the bronze coffin. In a moment, the lid of the coffin shifted upwards a few points.

Li Daoxuan took back the dragon and tiger short stick from the two holes, threw it directly to the fat man, and then looked at the bronze coffin.

He touched the lid of the bronze coffin with his hand, and with a little force, he opened the lid directly.

Old Hu and the fat man saw that the lid had been opened, and hurried forward, and the things in the coffin appeared directly in front of them.

The inside of the coffin was divided into several grids, and the sizes were different.

Several people looked at the first grid, and there was only a black pottery jar in that grid, which was black and looked like an ancient product from ancient times.

The pottery jar was sealed tightly. Li Daoxuan gently lifted the pottery jar from the grid, and then put it in Old Hu's hand, asking him to keep it temporarily.

The fat man was not interested in the pottery jar. If it was gold, silver, jade, or stone, he would have taken it away long ago. This thing was worthless just because it looked old.

The fat man could not wait to open the lid of the second compartment and immediately found a faint light inside. The fat man reached in and touched it.

The fat man smiled and took out a blue three-legged toad the size of a human head. It was just like the red-backed toad he had seen before, very lifelike.

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