Shirley Yang instantly felt a huge amount of cultivation knowledge appear in her mind, and she was delighted, and then she quickly checked it in her mind.

She found the beginning part, and then sat cross-legged on the ground and began to practice.

Li Daoxuan and Hu Pang saw Shirley Yang couldn't wait to practice, and smiled at each other.

Li Daoxuan waved his hand and took out a chair, tea and snacks from the storage ring, and several people rested next to Shirley Yang.

Li Daoxuan took a sip of tea, and looked at Shirley Yang's hard practice, and couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

After all, the spiritual energy is thin now, even if there is a higher talent, the foundation building is probably over.

The most troublesome thing now is that it is still in the gourd cave.

There are still those naked female corpses around. If the evil baby runs out, Shirley Yang's practice will be interrupted.

Li Daoxuan used spiritual power to draw some spiritual liquid from the black pottery jar, turned it into spiritual energy, and then let it pass through Shirley Yang's skin pores.

As the spiritual energy transformed from the spiritual liquid continued to enter Shirley Yang's body, her face gradually became rosy and her breath became more stable.

Suddenly, Li Daoxuan heard some unusual sounds, as if they were made by the evil infants.

He stared at the naked female corpses around him, and always felt that they seemed to be coming back to life.

At this time, a slight noise caught his attention-a evil infant was crawling out of the belly of the female corpse!

Li Daoxuan immediately took action, a flash of light passed, and the evil infant was smashed to pieces.

But more evil infants came out one after another. Li Daoxuan saw it and quickly released a spiritual power shield with a radius of ten meters around.

Li Daoxuan gave Hu Pang and the other two a look, and the two immediately understood, summoned their spiritual swords, passed through the spiritual power shield, and rushed towards hundreds of evil infants.

Shirley Yang's eyebrows were slightly frowned, as if she sensed the environment outside, and her eyebrows frowned again, as if she would wake up from her practice at any time.

Li Daoxuan watched Shirley Yang wake up immediately and said softly:

"Keep calm, don't worry, Lao Hu and Fatty are outside."

Shirley Yang nodded slightly after hearing what Li Daoxuan said, and then continued to practice. Li Daoxuan was beside Shirley Yang to protect her.

Lao Hu and Fatty held the spiritual sword and entered the group of infants as if they were in an empty space. They killed all the infants without leaving a single piece of armor.

There were fewer and fewer infants. Suddenly, Shirley Yang's body emitted a faint reddish light. She successfully broke through to the first level of Qi Refining and officially embarked on the road of cultivating immortals.

At this time, the remaining infants saw that their companions were getting fewer and fewer, and they also felt the strength of Li Daoxuan and others. They were scared and fled in all directions.

Lao Hu and Fatty breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this.

After all, the two were still in the foundation-building stage. It was indeed a bit beyond their ability to use spiritual power continuously.

"Thanks to you, Lao Li." Lao Hu said with a smile.

If Li Daoxuan hadn't led him and Fatty on the path of cultivation, they would have lost their lives in the ancient city of Jingjue.

"Why are you being polite to each other, brothers? I won't be angry next time." Li Daoxuan replied with a smile.

Shirley Yang slowly opened her eyes, stood up, and felt the surging power in her body.

"Let's leave here quickly." Shirley Yang said.

Hu Pang and the other two nodded hurriedly. They always felt that there were other dangers here, not to mention that there were still many of those evil babies left. What if they attacked them again?

"Yes, let's leave here first."

Li Daoxuan waved his hand to put away the tables, chairs and benches on the ground, and then took Hu Pang and the other two and Shirley Yang to fly towards the exit of the gourd cave.

In a moment, Li Daoxuan flew to the exit with a few people. The entrance of the cave was covered with moss and ferns, giving people an ancient and peaceful feeling.

The breeze blew, bringing fresh air mixed with the smell of soil and grass.

Above the cave entrance, some vines were hung, intertwined with each other, like a green net, adding a bit of vitality to the cave entrance.

Li Daoxuan and his companions stood at the entrance of the cave, feeling the tranquility and mystery, as if they were in a fairyland isolated from the world.

There was no hustle and bustle here, only the gift of nature and the beauty of tranquility.

Just above the cave, Li Daoxuan and his companions saw the legendary Ming Tower of King Xian.

The Ming Tower was at the highest point of the cliff, with clouds and mist swirling around it, as if the Ming Tower was floating in the sky.

Li Daoxuan wrapped several people with spiritual power and flew quickly to the Ming Tower, and arrived at the main hall of the Ming Tower.

Several people saw that there were long white marble steps below the main hall, exactly ninety-nine steps.

When several people looked up, the sun shone down from the top of the jade steps, as if they had really entered the fairy palace.

It seems that the old man Xian Wang built thisMinglou really spent a lot of effort, and he really wanted to become an immortal.

When they arrived at the jade steps, Li Daoxuan put Shirley Yang and the others down, and they walked up the steps step by step.

They walked easily up the ninety-nine jade steps and arrived in front of the main hall, where they saw the entire main hall.

The entire hall was made up of hundreds of huge golden nanmu trees, with golden glazed tiles on the roof, and many trees were planted on both sides, some of which were even extinct species.

They walked and watched quietly, and even Li Daoxuan was shocked by the methods of the old man Xian Wang.

These were exactly the same as the reliefs seen on the Zhenling Book before, except that this Minglou was not built in the air.

The fat man smacked his lips and said:

"Hey, why did the old king build his house so beautiful?"

"I thought I could become an immortal by building a beautiful house, hey."

Li Daoxuan walked to a stone tablet, under which was a bixi on the stele, and on the stele were a few big characters "Mysterious and mysterious, the door of all wonders, Lingyun Palace, Huixian Palace."

"Come, come and take a look."

Hearing Li Daoxuan's words, several people gathered in front of the bixi on the stele, and the fat man looked at it again and again, but didn't understand it at all.

In fact, it's not the fat man's fault, it's all written in ancient seal script, and Lao Hu didn't understand it very well either.

Shirley Yang looked at the ancient seal characters on it, and then introduced it to Lao Hu and Fatty:

"Fatty, Lao Hu, it says "Mysterious and Mysterious, the Gate of Wonders, Lingyun Palace, Huixian Palace."

Li Daoxuan chuckled:

"This old King Xian is really obsessed with becoming an immortal, and he also built the Lingyun Palace. I guess this old guy is still thinking about the immortals coming down to earth to take him to become an immortal."

Shirley Yang continued:

"Which emperor didn't want to be immortal and ascend to become an immortal, but in the end, they all turned into a pile of yellow earth."

"Look at how many slaves this King Xian sent out and how many people he killed."

"Think about it, there are so many gods and immortals in our China, which one didn't rely on their own efforts to cultivate and achieve enlightenment?"

Shirley Yang looked at everyone seriously.

Li Daoxuan nodded, and secretly sighed that what Shirley Yang said made sense.

The fat man rubbed his hands and couldn't wait to rush into the hall.

"Let's go in and see what treasures are in the palace of this old Prince Xian."

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