When Lao Hu heard that the black jade was made of tongue jade, he threw it on the ground in disgust.

With a "pop" sound, the tongue jade fell directly on the ground and turned into powder.

The fat man's face turned black, and he remembered that he had licked this thing with his tongue before. He turned his head and vomited stomach acid with nausea.

Li Daoxuan walked to the fat man and patted his shoulder.

The fat man shook his head and indicated that he was fine. Several people rested on the spot.

After several people rested, they walked deeper.

The deeper they walked, the more corpses they found in horrible death.

The corpses were drained of blood and turned into mummies.

These mummies included men, women, young and old. They looked like aboriginals and slaves who were buried alive.

After moving forward a few hundred meters, Li Daoxuan and his companions saw a huge Qianjin stone gate standing in front of them.

There was a square hole at the top of the stone gate, which was just big enough for one person to enter and exit.

Shirley Yang looked at the cave entrance and introduced it to several people:

"This cave entrance should be the heavenly gate of the tomb. It is used for the tomb owner to ascend to heaven after his corpse is transformed into an immortal. It can only be found in the tombs of Taoists."

"It is impossible for King Xian to become an immortal, but we can enter this door."

Li Daoxuan led several people and flew directly to the cave entrance.

After passing through the heavenly gate, they arrived at a corridor about 100 meters long, with neatly arranged bronze military corridors on both sides of the corridor.

Each bronze military corridor also held a sharp bronze long sword in his hand.

Everyone walked along the corridor carefully, and suddenly, the bronze military corridor in front moved.

The bronze long swords in their hands flashed with cold light, and they approached everyone step by step.

Seeing this, Li Daoxuan immediately cast a spell, and a ray of light flashed, and hundreds of bronze military corridors instantly froze.

Shirley Yang reminded.

"Everyone be careful, these bronze military tunnels may be under the control of some kind of curse or mechanism."

Li Daoxuan shook his head and said:

"Each bronze military tunnel has a soul controlling it. Judging from the attire of these souls, they should be the army of King Xian."

"I just don't know where King Xian got the means to detain these souls in the human world and merge them with the military tunnels. They are controlled by them and have to continue to guard the tomb of King Xian after death."

Old Hu was amazed, and then looked at the fixed bronze military tunnels and said:

"Old Li, what should we do with these souls? Can we free them?"

Shirley Yang and the fat man also nodded. Li Daoxuan closed his eyes and recited an obscure spell.

After a while, he opened his eyes, took a deep breath, stretched out his hands and waved gently at the bronze military tunnels.

I saw green light flying out of his hands and sinking into the bronze military tunnels.

The bronze military tunnels that were originally fixed began to tremble and whimper.

With the injection of green light, the rust on the bronze military tunnel gradually faded, revealing the original golden luster.

Then, transparent souls floated out of the bronze military tunnel and surrounded Li Daoxuan and others.

These souls showed gratitude on their faces. They knelt on one knee in front of Li Daoxuan, then turned into starlight and dissipated in the air.

Shirley Yang said softly:

"They are finally free..."

After dealing with these bronze military tunnels, Li Daoxuan and others continued to explore forward.

Not long after they walked, they finally came to the end of the tunnel.

Three short and narrow stone bridges appeared in front of them, with mysterious runes and patterns engraved on them.

Li Daoxuan looked at the three stone bridges and said:

"This should be the Three Worlds Bridge. After the Taoists die, they must step on this Three Worlds Bridge to become immortals and get rid of everything in the world before they can ascend to become immortals."

"After crossing the Three Worlds Bridge, the coffin of King Xian is stored inside."

Shirley Yang and the other two nodded and followed Li Daoxuan across the Three Worlds Bridge.

Just after crossing the Three Worlds Bridge, Li Daoxuan and his friends arrived at a huge platform.

On this huge platform, three large coffins were placed strangely, and each coffin was different.

The closest to the few people was a bronze coffin weighing several tons, which was suspended in the air by four bronze chains.

Just next to the bronze coffin, a wooden coffin and a stone coffin were placed symmetrically.

The fat man walked directly to the bronze coffin that fell in the air and knocked on it.

Only the sound of "clang clang" was heard.

"Old Hu, Old Li, Miss Yang, do you think this bronze coffin is valuable?"

Old Hu shook his head. He found that the wooden coffin was a little different when he came in.

He walked up to the wooden coffin and touched it.Suddenly, I found that the material of this wooden coffin was extremely precious.

It felt like metal to the touch. Shirley Yang also came over to take a look and said:

"This should be the legendary cave coffin. It is said that this kind of tree grows in the ravine and never sees the sun all year round."

"Like ordinary trees, it grows one ring a year, but it takes hundreds of years for a tree that never sees the sun."

"It can grow one ring, so this kind of tree is extremely precious."

The fat man heard that the cave coffin was extremely precious, so he ran over and touched it.

"Old Hu, Miss Yang, Old Li, if we take this thing to Kyoto, can we exchange it for a royal palace?"

Shirley Yang looked at the fat man's greedy look and couldn't help laughing.

"Fatty, this thing is more valuable than gold of the same weight. One cellar coffin is worth more than ten gold coffins. Tell me if it is valuable or not."

Shirley Yang carefully observed the cellar coffin and found some strange patterns on it.

She took out a magnifying glass and looked at it. It turned out to be some dense small characters.

Shirley Yang said as she looked at it:

"These characters seem to be the characters of the ancient Dian Kingdom."

Li Daoxuan leaned over to take a look, and then said:

"It seems to be a spell."

The fat man immediately became excited when he heard it:

"I say, everyone, why don't you just open it and see what's inside."

As soon as the fat man finished speaking, he opened the cellar coffin.

As soon as the cellar coffin was opened, a puff of black smoke came out, and a ghost with only the upper body came out of the black smoke.

The ghost pounced on everyone with its fangs and claws, and made a sharp cry.

Li Daoxuan quickly used his Taoist magic, and a beam of light shot out, covering the ghost.

The ghost struggled in the light, but eventually turned into ashes.

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