Chen Yulou held his breath and gently pushed aside the grass in front of him.

Through the moonlight between the trees, he saw a grave behind an old tree, with half a broken monument standing on the grave.

The orange cat was lying in front of the grave, trembling all the time, as if it had encountered something extremely terrifying.

Chen Yulou looked at the strange scene in front of him and took a breath subconsciously.

He felt that the air seemed to have a smell of urine, and Chen Yulou suddenly felt a little dizzy.

Chen Yulou resisted the discomfort and looked at the grave, and saw a figure in a trance.

He rubbed his eyes, thinking that he was dazzled.

However, when he looked again, the figure became clearer.

It was a woman in tattered clothes, her face was as pale as paper, and her eyes were empty.

Chen Yulou was shocked. How could there be a woman here in the middle of the night? He tried to get closer to see the woman's appearance clearly.

At this moment, a cold wind blew, rustling the leaves.

Chen Yulou shuddered, and a trace of fear rose in his heart.

He turned around and wanted to leave, but found that his legs were like being nailed, unable to move.

The woman in tattered clothes walked up to the orange cat.

The woman directly stretched out her hands with sharp nails, and the sharp nails fell on the orange cat's belly.

Gently cut open the orange cat's belly, and the orange cat was cut open alive. The severe pain made the orange cat scream in pain.

The woman put her nails directly into the orange cat's belly, and with a light pick, the orange cat's intestines were picked out by the nails.

At this time, the orange cat had not died yet, and the four paws and the cat's tail were still twitching because of the unbearable pain.

The woman picked up the long intestines with her nails and handed them to her mouth.

Chen Yulou only heard a "slurp" sound, and the whole intestine was swallowed directly into the stomach by the enchanting woman.

Chen Yulou was already sweating profusely from the scene in front of him.

Chen Yulou watched all this in horror. He wanted to scream, but found that his throat seemed to be blocked by something and he couldn't make any sound.

The woman turned her head and stared at Chen Yulou with empty eyes. There was still a trace of blood at the corner of her mouth.

The woman walked slowly towards Chen Yulou, and every step seemed to step on his heart.

Chen Yulou tried desperately to move his feet, but he had no strength at all.

Seeing the woman getting closer and closer, Chen Yulou's heartbeat accelerated rapidly.

Suddenly, a burst of hurried footsteps came from far away, and someone was heard reading aloud:

"The heaven and the earth have righteousness, which is mixed and flowing. Below is the river and the mountain, and above is the sun and the stars. In people, it is called Haoran, which is full of the sky..."

This is the main text of "The Song of Righteousness". Every word in it seems to be full of the righteousness of heaven and earth. When you hear it, your whole body is full of righteousness.

After listening to the song of righteousness, Chen Yulou found that his body, which seemed to be frozen, could slowly move his hands and feet.

The woman also heard this sound of righteousness, but her reaction was more intense, and her whole body seemed to have mutated.

Her hands and feet began to twist and deform.

The woman looked around to see where the sound came from.

She saw a sharp arrow flying directly towards the woman in the distance, and where the sharp arrow flew, two men and one woman dressed as Taoist priests appeared.

The young female Taoist priest carried an umbrella with talismans painted on it.

The umbrella was opened, and a faint light emanated from it. The woman was illuminated by the light on the umbrella.

The whole body twisted more seriously, and with a "bang", the woman's body burst open.

A raccoon with a height of more than one meter and a gray body appeared in the original place, and around the raccoon was a broken female skin.

Chen Yulou saw this scene and realized that the raccoon might have become a spirit.

The skin of the woman was probably from someone who had killed a woman, then peeled off the skin and put it on himself.

So he looked exactly like a human. If it weren't for the demonic aura emanating from his body, Chen Yulou wouldn't have been able to tell it apart.

The Taoist priest in his thirties at the front saw that the raccoon was actually trying to run into the grave.

He shouted softly, used his Qinggong to jump up, rolled in the air, and kicked the purple gold crown upside down. This kick was so powerful that it directly kicked the raccoon spirit to the ground.

The raccoon spirit was kicked upside down by the purple gold crown, but it was not hurt at all.

The Taoist priest in his thirties who led the group frowned and was just thinking about how to make a move.

Suddenly, a golden light appeared in the dark sky.

Chen Yulou and Queqiao Shao looked and saw a flying sword flying down from the sky. This flying sword was aimed at the raccoon.The raccoon spirit attacked.

The raccoon spirit looked at the flying sword getting closer and closer, and just as he was about to turn around and run away, the flying sword flashed past quickly, and the raccoon spirit was pierced by the flying sword.

Several people looked at this scene in shock. Where did this flying sword come from? This is clearly the method of an immortal!

Could it be that several people encountered an immortal, and Chen Yulou had recovered.

Patting the dirt on his body, Chen Yulou walked forward and carefully observed the raccoon spirit pierced by the flying sword.

He found that the body of the raccoon spirit began to emit black smoke and a foul smell.

Chen Yulou said:

"This raccoon spirit may have practiced some evil method to be so powerful."

Partridge Whistle said:

"This brother, this time thanks to the help of the mysterious immortal, otherwise we may not be able to subdue this raccoon spirit."

Chen Yulou thought to himself.

"I wonder if this immortal is still nearby. If we can make friends with him, it will surely be of great help to our actions in Pingshan."

Just as they were thinking, the flying sword suddenly turned into a golden light and disappeared into the sky.

Chen Yulou said with regret.

"It seems that the immortal has left."

Partridge Whistle suggested:

"Well, we are lucky to get rid of this raccoon spirit today. We should leave this place as soon as possible to avoid other dangers."

Just as the two finished talking, a handsome young man suddenly appeared beside them.

Partridge Whistle, the old foreigner, Hua Ling, and Chen Yulou were startled by the sudden appearance of Li Daoxuan.

Chen Yulou exclaimed directly:


The old foreigner, Hua Ling, and Partridge Whistle, when they heard Chen Yulou say that the handsome young man in front of them was a ghost, quickly stepped back, looked at Li Daoxuan warily, and prepared to take action.

Li Daoxuan was startled by Chen Yulou's shout. How could a living person like me become a ghost?

Li Daoxuan hurriedly explained:

"Don't panic, everyone. I'm not a ghost. My name is Li Daoxuan. I shot the flying sword just now."

Chen Yulou looked Li Daoxuan up and down, still a little suspicious.

Queqiao Shao took a step forward and clasped his fists and said:

"Thank you for your help, sir. May I ask where your master is from?"

Li Daoxuan smiled and said:

"I'm just a man of the world. I passed by here and happened to meet this raccoon spirit. You're welcome."

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