Li Daoxuan led Hu Bayi and Wang Pangzi to the river. Li Daoxuan used his soul to sense that the river was 10 meters wide and 5 meters deep at its deepest point. Of course, Li Daoxuan also sensed the sleeping giant salamander in the river. Li Daoxuan and others could definitely get through, but Professor Chen and others might have some trouble, and they might have to go into the water.

Li Daoxuan said to Hu Bayi and Pangzi: "It's a bit deep down there, about 5 meters. We can get through easily. What about Professor Chen and others?"

Hu Bayi said at this time: "Otherwise, we can just jump over with them, but the river is a bit far away, so we may need to borrow some strength in the middle."

When Li Daoxuan was discussing with Hu Pang and others at the riverside about how to get a few people over, he heard Professor Chen shouting loudly: "Come over here, everyone."

Li Daoxuan paused after hearing what Professor Chen said, and followed him over. He saw that the stone wall where everyone was resting was engraved with dense texts, which should be the ghost cave text of the Jingjue Ancient City.

Professor Chen said excitedly after seeing everyone coming over: "These are all ghost cave characters."

Professor Chen explained to everyone: "This kind of text is the text of Jingjue Kingdom, called ghost cave text. Jingjue Kingdom was a country located in the Western Regions during the Western Han Dynasty. Today's discovery will open a new chapter in Western Region archaeology. Aiguo, you should quickly take your students to record all the texts on this rock wall."

Shirley Yang walked to Li Daoxuan at this time and whispered to Li Daoxuan: "Do you know where this place is? Are there any other records in your ancient book?"

Li Daoxuan said: "This should be the Nine-story Demon Tower, the tomb of the Demon Kingdom Ghost Mother High Priest."

Shirley Yang asked in surprise: "How did you know? Is it mentioned in that ancient book?"

Li Daoxuan responded: "Of course I have never been here. As for how I know, I rely on this," Li Daoxuan pointed to his head.

Shirley Yang thought it was the ancient book that Li Daoxuan mentioned before. In fact, after Li Daoxuan came down, he scanned the entire underground crack with his soul and understood almost everything.

Hao Aiguo asked Chu Jian and Satipeng to start recording the text on the mural with a notebook. Satipeng took a camera and took a photo of the ghost cave text on the stone wall. Only a click sound was heard.

The flash of the camera was very dazzling, illuminating the surrounding area. Lao Hu was startled by the sudden sound and said to Satipeng: "Xiao Sa, you can't turn on the flash, turn it off."

After hearing Lao Hu's shout, Satipeng turned off the flash of the camera.

Li Daoxuan reminded at this time: "Be careful down here, danger is everywhere, some animals or those fire beetles may lose their lives after hearing it."

Satipeng heard Li Daoxuan say this, and curled his lips indifferently: "It's not that serious, it's all alarmist."

Li Daoxuan still underestimated Satipeng's stupidity when he heard this, but this kind of person is interesting.

The archaeological team finally recorded the ghost cave text on the stone wall.

Hu Bayi and Wang Pangzi had already discussed how to lead everyone across the river, that is, to jump over. Although Hu Pang and Wang Pangzi had not yet reached the foundation-building stage and had not yet learned to fly, it was not a big problem to jump over with a few people like floating on the water. They couldn't let these intellectuals swim over, not to mention that there was a sleeping giant salamander in the river.

At this time, Yingzi volunteered to take Shirley Yang over first. There were only two girls from the archaeological team, and they couldn't let Li Daoxuan carry Shirley Yang over.

Yingzi walked to Shirley Yang, hugged Shirley Yang with both hands, and learned from Li Daoxuan holding her before, tapped the ground lightly, and flew directly to the river surface. In the middle, she tapped the water surface lightly, borrowed some strength, and reached the other side of the river.

Seeing nothing unusual, Hu Pang and the other two also imitated Yingzi, but they did not follow Yingzi's princess hug. They just picked up the clothes and jumped over to the river.

Fatty almost fell into the river. When Fatty was holding Chu Jian, Chu Jian kept moving around, affecting Fatty, and he almost fell into the river.

After everyone passed, Li Daoxuan walked slowly to the river, stepped lightly on the ground, and landed gently on the other side of the river without any leverage.

When the archaeological team saw this scene, they thought it was Li Daoxuan's skill, which was better than Hu Pang and Yingzi. They didn't expect that Li Daoxuan was actually lazy, otherwise he would have flown over directly.

After everyone crossed the river, they walked a distance and saw a flashing light blue light in front of them. Li Daoxuan saw it and waved to signal everyone to stop.

Hu Ba Yi Wang Pangzi and Li Daoxuan explored the way forward. After walking over a slope, they saw a tower-style woodenOn the way to the wooden pagoda, there were burial pits on both sides, and the burial pits were full of corpses, animals, and humans. The two burial pits were full.

Li Daoxuan, Hu Bayi, and Wang Pangzi walked to the front and saw many corpses placed on the wooden pagoda. There were many fireflies on the corpses, flashing a light blue light.

After seeing this, Li Daoxuan signaled Hu Bayi and Wang Pangzi to go back.

After returning, he told Professor Chen what he saw, but everyone still insisted on following him.

Li Daoxuan said to everyone seriously: "Turn off your headlights, don't shine the flashlight directly, and don't turn on the flash of the camera. I will only say this once."

Li Daoxuan thought of the TV series in his previous life where he saw Sa Dipeng taking pictures of the Nine-story Demon Tower, but the flash was not turned off, which caused everyone to run for their lives. When Li Daoxuan left, he told a few people again and led the way in front.

Li Daoxuan led the way in front, and the archaeological team followed and saw the shocking scene of the Nine-story Demon Tower. The ancient wooden building flashed with light blue light, which really made people a little fascinated.

Gawawa in the team saw the Nine-story Demon Tower. He was a local soldier and knew the story of the Demon Country Ghost Mother that had been circulating in the local area. When he saw the tomb, he knelt down with a plop, put his hands together, and knelt down towards the Nine-story Demon Tower.

The big guy behind saw Ga Wa kneeling down, rushed over, pulled Ga Wa up, and scolded: "Ga Wa, you are still wearing a military uniform, and you are still doing religious superstition."

Professor Chen saw the Nine-story Demon Tower and whispered to everyone: "This is the legendary Nine-story Demon Tower. This is the funeral form of the mausoleums of the kings of the ancient Demon Kingdom."

Satipeng listened to Professor Chen's introduction and said excitedly: "Professor, I have seen it in a book before. There is also a relic very similar to this Demon Tower in Xuewei, Qinghai."

Professor Chen nodded and sighed: "Yes, it's a pity that the Demon Tower was destroyed by the hero King Gesar when the Demon Kingdom was destroyed. We have studied it for a lifetime, and no one has ever seen it so well preserved. Everything here is worth studying."

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