Qi Lao Ba took out his compass and calculated, and found that it was a very dangerous place.

"Wait, I just calculated, and it turned out to be a very dangerous place."

Li Daoxuan shook his head indifferently, and then said:

"Qi Lao Ba, I'm here, what are you afraid of."

Li Daoxuan pushed the tombstone away directly, and there was a big cave behind the tombstone.

When the others saw Li Daoxuan go in, they simply followed him in. The old man saw that they all went in.

He didn't care about him and turned around and ran into the town.

There was actually a long mine tunnel inside, and green fluorescence was emitted on the walls on both sides.

This should be copper ore. Qi Lao Ba looked at the ore and said:

"This mine should be a copper mine, but why is there an ancient tomb in this mine."

Everyone continued to walk in, and a foul smell came to their noses.

"This smell... like the smell of a rotting corpse." Er Yuehong whispered.

Zhang Dafo looked around vigilantly, secretly holding his weapon in his hand.

There was a faint sound of eerie wind coming from the depths of the mine tunnel, as if something was waiting for them.

Suddenly, a black shadow flashed in front of them, accompanied by a shrill scream.

Er Yuehong and the others were startled and raised their weapons to prepare for the fight.

"Don't be afraid, it's just a bat." Qi Laoba comforted, "But the atmosphere here is really weird, everyone be careful."

They moved forward cautiously, and the mine tunnel became narrower and narrower, and could only accommodate one person.

At this time, Qi Laoba found that the green fluorescence on the wall seemed to be guiding them in a certain direction.

At the end of the passage, an iron gate appeared in front of several people.

Behind the iron gate was a statue.

Qi Laoba said in surprise:

"This is the statue of Tianzun Laomu of Xuanguandao!"

"This Tianzun Laomu is the most important god in Xuanguandao. If someone is placed here, there must be some huge treasure hidden under the mine, which is extraordinary."

Li Daoxuan looked at the statue and did not feel the power.

It is reasonable to say that. The spiritual power of this world is exhausted. If the gods stayed in this world, they would have died long ago.

Li Daoxuan directly rubbed a fireball with his hands and threw it towards the iron gate.

The iron gate was directly melted, and the statues behind it were melted by the fireball.

Zhang Dafoye and his men were forced to retreat again and again by the scorching fireball. They could only wait until the fireball burned out before going over.

After the temperature dropped, Li Daoxuan led them forward.

Not long after walking, they arrived at an abandoned place for miners to rest.

The surrounding connecting places were sealed with stones.

Everyone looked around and found that there was nothing unusual here except some worn-out tools and tables and chairs.

"It looks like there were miners resting here." Zhang Dafoye said, kicking a stone next to him with his foot.

Li Daoxuan walked to the corner and observed the ground carefully.

He found some strange traces on the ground, which seemed to be left by some reptiles.

"Everyone be careful, there may be danger here." Li Daoxuan warned.

Before he finished speaking, a rustling sound came from all directions.

Then, countless black snakes emerged from the cracks in the rocks and pounced on everyone.

"It's a poisonous snake!" Er Yuehong screamed.

Everyone immediately launched a counterattack, and in the flashing of swords and swords, the poisonous snakes were cut into two pieces.

However, the number of snakes was large and they kept coming.

Li Daoxuan cast a spell, and the flames soared, burning the approaching poisonous snakes to death.

But he noticed that these poisonous snakes seemed to be controlled by some kind of power, and their attacks were more fierce.

In the fierce battle, Zhang Dafoye discovered the source of the poisonous snakes - a cave hidden behind the stone wall.

He signaled everyone to concentrate their firepower and attack the cave.

After a loud noise, the cave collapsed, and the snakes finally stopped attacking.

Li Daoxuan explored the cave and saw that all the poisonous snakes were crushed to death. He nodded and then led Zhang Dafo and the others to the next place.

As soon as they arrived at this passage, they saw a bowl placed on each side, with some talismans pressed under the bowls.

Qi Laoba looked at the two bowls and said:

"This should mean that the well water does not interfere with the river water. It seems that this road is walked by the living and the dead."

"The means are not from our country, they look like the means of the Japanese Yin-Yang master."

Zhang Dafo looked at Qi Laoba and said:

"I say Laoba!"

"You also understand the Japanese Yin-Yang master!"

Li Daoxuan sat on the stone step next to him and said:

"The Japanese Yin-Yang master's means are learned from the Yin-Yang family, but they ended up learning a strange thing."

"This thing is useless."Everyone nodded. What Li Daoxuan said made sense.

Er Yuehong and the others saw that Li Daoxuan was resting here, so they also sat on the stone steps on both sides.

Li Daoxuan took out the compressed dry food and pure water from his storage ring.

He gave each of them a portion, and they ate and drank according to Li Daoxuan's instructions.

Qi Lao Ba ate half and hid the other half in his arms.

Li Daoxuan looked at Qi Lao Ba's appearance and chuckled.

He gave Qi Lao Ba another portion, and then said:

"Don't worry, there are a lot of these things. You can't finish them even if you eat them for a few years. Don't worry!"

Qi Lao Ba heard that there were a lot of compressed dry food, took out half of it from his arms, and started to eat it.

After everyone rested for a while, they continued to move forward.

As they walked, they came to a fork in the road.

Li Daoxuan led the way to the cave entrance on the left. As soon as he walked in, he saw that someone seemed to have lived inside.

There were nooses hanging on the wooden shelf.

Er Yuehong approached and observed, and then he found that it was a hanging rope.

Several people also approached and found that it was a hanging rope, and they couldn't help but clenched their fists.

Li Daoxuan also used the Human Emperor Banner to sense the souls around him and found that there was no breath of any ghosts.

It seems that the people who were hung here are probably very old, and they have either disappeared long ago or have entered reincarnation.

Er Yuehong stared at the hanging rope, thinking.

He always felt that there was a weird atmosphere here, as if a pair of eyes were secretly watching them.

"These hanging ropes may be warnings left by our predecessors." Er Yuehong said softly.

Li Daoxuan nodded, signaling everyone to stay alert.

They continued to go deeper, the passage became narrower and narrower, and the humid air was disgusting.

After walking for a while, they actually reached the end of the cave.

Adjutant Zhang took the lead and groped around on the nearby walls to see if there was any mechanism.

After searching for a while and finding no mechanism, Adjutant Zhang turned around, looked at Li Daoxuan and others and shook his head.

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