Li Daoxuan fell asleep directly. In his dream, Li Daoxuan got the other half of the Heavenly Dao Origin, and after merging them.

Li Daoxuan directly controlled the thunder to kill all the Japanese devils in the country, and those lackeys were not left.

Even the island was struck by the thunder.

On the next day, Li Daoxuan opened his eyes and thought of the dream he had last night.

He made up his mind that after merging the Heavenly Dao Origin, he must torture the Japanese devils.

. . . . . . .

On the other side, Qiu Dekao and Tanaka Yoshiko took the weak Chenpi out of the sand city.

They couldn't wait, and with Chenpi, they wanted to try the mine tomb first.

Qiu Dekao was lucky. If they left half a day later, they might not have survived.

Chenpi lay weakly on the Japanese train, and two Japanese nurses took care of Chenpi next to him.

Chen Pi's wounds have all been sutured now, and his body is just a little weak.

In another carriage, Jude Kao and Tanaka Yoshiko looked at the map of the ancient tomb in the mine.

This map of the ancient tomb was obtained at the cost of many Japanese lives, and the result is only a map of the periphery.

Jude Kao looked at the map and said seriously:

"Miss Yoshiko, we must be careful when we go in."

"Despite the help of Mr. Chen Pi, this ancient tomb in the mine obviously hides huge dangers."

Tanaka Yoshiko nodded, then looked at Jude Kao and responded:

"You are right."

"But if we can find what's inside, our little devil empire will be even stronger!"

Jude Kao's eyes flashed with a subtle contempt. Since cooperating with the little devil, he has discovered the despicable nature of this nation.

At this time, Chen Pi was slowly helped up by two little devil nurses, his eyes full of fatigue and alertness.

"How do you plan to enter the ancient tomb?"

Jude Kao pointed to an entrance on the map and said:

"This looks like the safest path."

"But I'm worried there will be a trap inside."

Chen Pi sneered and said:

"Don't forget, I'm Er Yuehong's apprentice."

"I will lead you to find the thing, but I will take my share afterwards."

Jude Kao and Tanaka Yoshiko exchanged glances and laughed secretly in their hearts.

Ridiculous! Chen Pi, if you really find that thing, then there is no need for you to live.

In the end, they agreed to Chen Pi's conditions.

The train slowly drove towards the mine, and when it arrived at the mine.

Five or six hundred Japanese soldiers got off the train, and these Japanese soldiers were wearing ninja costumes.

On the chest, there was a chrysanthemum logo embroidered.

Tanaka Yoshiko waved to the Japanese ninjas, and the Japanese soldiers walked directly to the entrance on the map.

Judekao followed Tanaka Yoshiko and went in.

Finally, Chenpi followed in with the help of two Japanese nurses.

This entrance had been explored countless times by the Japanese, and the mechanism had been destroyed long ago.

After entering the ancient tomb, everyone found that it was unusually quiet inside, with only the sound of burning torches.

The Japanese walked forward cautiously, and suddenly, a black shadow flashed by, and a Japanese fell to the ground instantly.

The other Japanese immediately became alert, and Chenpi signaled everyone to stay calm.

He carefully observed the surrounding environment and found some traces of mechanisms on the wall.

Chenpi recognized that these mechanisms were left by the ancients to stop tomb robbers.

He reminded Judekao and Tanaka Yoshiko to be careful.

However, they did not take Chenpi's words seriously and continued to order the Japanese to move forward.

At this moment, the mechanism was triggered, and countless sharp arrows shot at the Japanese, screaming for a while.

Chenpi took the opportunity to get rid of the restraints of the two Japanese nurses and disappeared into the darkness.

Qiu Dekao and Tanaka Yoshiko realized the seriousness of the matter and began to regret not listening to Chen Pi.

They decided to withdraw from the ancient tomb first and then find a way to deal with Chen Pi.

The two of them fled the ancient tomb with the remaining ten or so Japanese soldiers.

As soon as they escaped, they saw Chen Pi waiting for them in front of the train.

Tanaka Yoshiko saw that Chen Pi was still alive, and thought about the more than 400 Japanese soldiers who died inside, and she was immediately furious.

She took out her pistol and pointed the gun at Chen Pi.

Chen Pi didn't take Tanaka Yoshiko's pistol seriously at all, and said contemptuously:

"I told you that there is a mechanism inside. Who told you not to listen? This is all your own fault. It has nothing to do with me."

Tanaka Yoshiko listened to Chen Pi's ridicule of the Japanese soldiers, and couldn't help it, and was about to pull the trigger.

Just as she was about to shoot, she was stopped by Qiu Dekao's hand.

Jude Kao whispered:

"Don't shoot, he is still useful to us, wait until we get the stuff, then you can kill himAll are fine."

Tanaka Yoshiko calmed down after hearing what Qiu Dekao said. Chenpi was indeed useful.

Qiu Dekao looked at Chenpi with a smile, then slowly walked to Chenpi's side and said:

"Mr. Chen, we were wrong this time. If we had listened to your instructions, I believe we would have gotten the things in there."

Chenpi looked at Qiu Dekao and sneered:

"Your people are useless."

"I need people from Jiumen. If they cooperate with me, I will get the things for you."

Chenpi turned and walked towards the train, "I will contact people from Jiumen, but don't play any tricks. "

Jude Kao and Tanaka Yoshiko looked at each other, with a sly look in their eyes.

The three of them boarded the Japanese train and headed towards Sand City.

With so many Japanese ninjas dying this time, I'm afraid the ninja families in the Japanese country will be heartbroken. After all, it took a lot of effort to train so many ninjas.

As a result, they almost died in the ancient tomb in the mine.

After Chen Pi and others arrived in Sand City, they walked towards the Japanese Chamber of Commerce.

The residents in Sand City who knew these Japanese brought Mo Looking at those little Japanese soldiers with a smile.

Now everyone in Sand City knows that yesterday's thunder directly killed all the little Japanese soldiers in Sand City.

These little Japanese soldiers actually dared to come back.

The residents in Sand City silently prayed that the thunder would kill these little Japanese soldiers again, leaving no one alive.

Chen Pi and his group arrived at the Little Japanese Chamber of Commerce and looked at the big pit in front of them, and were instantly stunned.

Where is my huge Chamber of Commerce, where are the people, why is there only a big pit left.

The residents around couldn't help laughing when they saw Tanaka Yoshiko and others.

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