Shirley Yang glanced at the fat man indifferently and continued to talk to Li Daoxuan: "It is said in the notes that only in the wind season can we find the Jingjue Ancient City. This year's wind season has come. If we delay any further, it may be too late."

Old Hu said seriously: "The trip to Kunlun Glacier has made everyone very tired. If we continue to go to the Jingjue Ancient City, everyone will not get enough rest, which may affect the entire trip. We still need to rest."

Li Daoxuan also nodded.

"Miss Yang, I understand your feelings, but you are still too impatient. Sometimes you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. When we get to the town, let's rest for a few days and move on when we are ready."

Professor Chen, who was half-closed, had been listening to the conversation between the few people. He looked at Li Daoxuan with a firm and bright look, and said solemnly:

"Comrade Xiao Li, we have made preparations. We have dedicated our lives to the Jingjue culture and cannot stop for a moment. Moreover, Shirley also said that we can only enter the Jingjue Ancient City during the wind season."

Li Daoxuan looked at Professor Chen. He didn't expect that Professor Chen was so serious about the Jingjue Ancient City, as if he would rush forward without hesitation even if he faced death in the next moment.

Seeing the atmosphere was a bit serious, Lao Hu said to Shirley Yang and Professor Chen: "No matter how much we plan, it's all just talk. If we have to enter the desert, we must find someone who is familiar with the local conditions, especially someone who is familiar with the desert. Sometimes experience is more reliable than expertise."

The fat man also took the opportunity to say: "We still need to take a day off. We must prepare things for entering the desert."

Shirley Yang nodded. She looked into the truck. Everyone in the archaeological team was exhausted. Even if they were in a hurry to enter the Jingjue Ancient City, they still had to ensure that everyone had enough rest.

Professor Chen saw that Shirley Yang nodded in agreement, and also recognized the opinions of Li Daoxuan and others.

The sound of people talking woke up the archaeological team members sleeping in the truck. Chu Jian heard the conversation between them and said:

"Brother Hu, although we are young, we have thought it through clearly. Professor Chen has emphasized the danger to us many times before we set out. We love archaeology. We don't want to just talk about this love, but to put it into action. I believe that we can learn a lot of things that we can't learn from books this time."

Hearing Chu Jian's talk, Ye Yixin and Satipeng also nodded. Li Daoxuan, Fatty, Lao Hu, Yingzi, all wanted to laugh in their hearts. This group of nerds, if it weren't for Li Daoxuan and others, it would be a problem for them to be alive now. It's ridiculous to say such polite words here.

"Yes, exploring the Jingjue culture has been Professor Chen's wish for many years and is also the subject of our research. This opportunity is rare, and we will never give up easily because of the danger." Ye Yixin also expressed his mentality to everyone at this time.

Hao Aiguo pushed his glasses, looked at the group of students, and said with satisfaction: "Professor Chen and I talked to every team member after we came out of the glacier. Their ideological awareness is higher than one another. With such a team, the future of archaeology in our country is promising!"

Li Daoxuan looked at such a group of ignorant people and felt a little speechless. He didn't expect that this group of people had been a little crazy. He winked at Lao Hu, Fatty, and Ying. The three saw Li Daoxuan's eyes and realized that it was useless to dissuade these people. They could only leave it to fate.

"Well, as soon as we get there, we will immediately find a guide and decide on the next route." Shirley Yang looked at the determination of the crowd and said with confidence.

Hao Aiguo said excitedly: "I think we will split into two teams after we arrive. I will take my classmates to prepare supplies for the desert, and Xiao Hu, you will lead the team to find a guide."

Li Daoxuan, Yingzi, Fatty, and Lao Hu saw this scene and looked at them speechlessly. Since this group of intellectuals are not afraid of hardship, what are they afraid of as tourists?

The truck drove for half a day and finally arrived at the small town on the edge of the desert. This place has not been completely desertified. The town is surrounded by anti-sand forests, which are green and have become a beautiful landscape.

As soon as I got off the car, I saw a middle-aged man in the town wearing glasses. He was an official at first glance. He said to Professor Chen and others attentively: "Dear leaders, you have been tired from the journey, and you have worked hard."

Hao Aiguo supported Professor Chen and introduced him to the middle-aged man: "This is Professor Chen Jiuren, our expert in Western Region archaeology."

Professor Chen also took out a red certificate from his arms and handed it to the middle-aged man, saying: "This is my work permit."

After the middle-aged man took the certificate with both hands, he looked at it.After checking the ID, he handed it back to Professor Chen and said with a smile:

"An expert from Kyoto."

After Professor Chen took the ID, he put it back in his arms and said modestly: "I don't dare to be an expert. In front of the Western culture, we are all students."

The middle-aged man smiled and said to the young man next to him: "Experts speak at a different level. My last name is Zhao, Zhao Zhiguo, you can just call me Xiao Zhao."

The young man next to him introduced to Professor Chen and others: "This is our Section Chief Zhao."

Section Chief Zhao greeted Professor Chen and others: "It is an honor for such a great professor to come to our small place. Let's do this. You can stay in the guesthouse now. If you need any help, we will do our best. If you need any cooperation, we will definitely give the green light . "

Li Daoxuan looked at everyone and thought that they might not be able to do much today, so he said to Section Chief Zhao: "Section Chief Zhao, it's like this. We are in urgent need of a guide. Do you know anyone in our town who has experience in entering the desert?"

Shirley Yang also said: "No, we need the most experienced one, and we need to set off immediately."

Section Chief Zhao looked at Li Daoxuan and Shirley Yang. The temperament of these two people was not like that of archaeologists at all. He said to Professor Chen with some curiosity:

"These two"

Professor Chen introduced to Section Chief Zhao: "These two, one is our hired expert in the Western Regions, Comrade Li Daoxuan, and this is Miss Yang, the investor of our archaeological excavation this time."

Section Chief Zhao shook hands with Li Daoxuan and Shirley Yang one by one. Then he stayed there awkwardly.

Section Chief Zhao rubbed his hands awkwardly and said, "This is the most experienced guide. This is a bit difficult."

The fat man looked at Section Chief Zhao and asked, "No?"

Section Chief Zhao didn't know what to say for a moment. The young man next to him said, "Yes, Section Chief Zhao, Anliman is a living map in the desert. Everyone in the town knows that this old man is very amazing and he also raises camels. Even the children in our town know that there are three things to bring into the desert: water, camels, and Anliman."

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