It seemed like there were two worlds inside and outside the barrier.

Professor Chen looked at the transparent barrier in front of him curiously. As the successor of materialism, he encountered something that science could not explain for the first time.

When Lao Hu saw the transparent barrier in front of Professor Chen, he realized that Li Daoxuan had made it for Professor Chen, and he understood it. Lao Hu still admired Professor Chen, at least he was not like the other people in the archaeological team.

Seeing that Professor Chen was about to ask him about the aura shield, Lao Hu quickly interrupted and said, "Professor Chen, let's catch up with the big team first. It's too dangerous here."

Professor Chen could only nod when he heard Lao Hu say that, and let Lao Hu hold him and go to the camel.

When Professor Chen got on Lao Hu's camel, Lao Hu pulled the reins of the camel and went to the team.

When they arrived at the team, Lao Hu told everyone about Professor Chen's accidental fall just now.

Everyone was relieved to see that Professor Chen was fine.

When Professor Chen came back, Li Daoxuan took back the spiritual shield on Professor Chen. The rest was to wait until they arrived at the Xiye Ancient Temple. Li Daoxuan looked around and looked for traces of the Xiye Ancient Temple.

Li Daoxuan looked around and saw a group of dilapidated buildings about 3 kilometers away. He thought that it should be the remains of the Xiye Ancient Temple. He said to everyone:

"Let's not rest. The Xiye Ancient Temple is in front of us."

After hearing this, everyone was extremely happy. They finally escaped from the sandstorm. Everyone excitedly moved in the direction pointed by Li Daoxuan.

After riding the camel for about an hour, they finally arrived at the Xiye Ancient Temple.

Lao Hu and Anliman put the camel behind a wind-eroded sand wall and followed everyone into the remains of the Xiye Ancient Temple.

Everyone went into a small hole and saw that the building had been buried by sand for many years.

Li Daoxuan watched Fatty, Yingzi, Shirley Yang, and Lao Hu all enter the cave, and removed the spiritual shields on everyone to prevent the archaeological team from discovering them.

Fatty used the flashlight in his hand to look around, and confirmed that there was no abnormal danger, so he was relieved.

Fatty said to Lao Hu and Li Daoxuan:

"Lao Hu, Lao Li, I have checked here, it is safe. We are lucky to have saved our lives."

Li Daoxuan used his soul to sense that there was a giant ant nest under the sand, and the desert marching ants in the ant nest were all sleeping. They should be the desert marching ants in the TV series.

"Not necessarily, let's not rest for too long, and leave here immediately after the sandstorm stops."

"Especially the things here, don't move them, and don't dig anything."

Li Daoxuan glanced at the archaeological team. This was for the archaeological team. If they dug out the giant-eyed stone statue and let the desert marching ants out like in the original book, then Li Daoxuan would have to save them depending on his mood.

Li Daoxuan said, "I have warned you. If you want to kill yourself, don't blame me."

When Lao Hu and Fatty heard what Li Daoxuan said, they immediately understood that there might be something else in this place.

They all nodded.

Professor Chen also nodded. After experiencing the Nine-story Demon Tower and the experience in the desert, Li Daoxuan is trustworthy.

However, Hao Aiguo, Satipeng, and Chu Jian from the archaeological team curled their lips, thinking that Li Daoxuan was exaggerating again.

Just when everyone was sitting on the ground to rest.

Fatty walked up to Anliman, lifted his clothes, and said angrily:

"Get up, come on, get up, run, you were running just now, but now you can't run anymore, run."

Lao Hu heard the quarrel here, walked up to Fatty, and took Fatty's hand off Anliman's clothes.

"Let go, what are you doing!"

The fat man looked at Lao Hu and said:

"This old man, he keeps talking about his friends all day long. If he hadn't been stopped, he would have run away long ago."

When the people in the archaeological team heard what the fat man said, they also understood why the fat man was so angry. If they really waited for Anliman to run away, they might not live to find the ancient city of Jingjue.

They all looked at Anliman angrily. Even a kind-hearted person like Lao Hu looked at Anliman with helpless eyes.

Li Daoxuan looked at Anliman and said:

"Anliman, if you run away again, I don't mind letting all your camels die in the desert."

Li Daoxuan knew that it was useless to scare this old man. The fat man had threatened him before, but Anliman's performance in the desert was still not afraid of death, but he didn't hit his actual weakness.

Anliman's biggest weakness is his camel.

When Anliman heard what Li Daoxuan said, his face, which had been indifferent, changed instantly..

His camel is his life. If he doesn't have a camel, he doesn't want to live.

An Liman said sincerely:

"Everyone, I'm wrong, but don't kill my camel. The camel is my life. Please."

An Liman bowed deeply to everyone.

Seeing An Liman's sincere apology, everyone forgave the old man.

However, Li Daoxuan didn't believe the old man so easily.

Li Daoxuan sent a message to Lao Hu and Fatty:

"Fatty, just keep an eye on this old man. If he runs away again, kill a camel first and see how many times he can run."

"Lao Hu, just keep an eye on the archaeological team. I just sensed that there are desert marching ants under the sand. They eat people. Don't let them wake them up."

Lao Hu and Fatty nodded after hearing Li Daoxuan's message.

Old Hu looked at the archaeological team and said:

"Everyone, this sandstorm may pass at any time. We may have to spend the night here."

Then he said to the fat man who was staring at Anliman:

"Fatty, take Satipeng and Chujian outside to bring in food, fuel and sleeping bags."

"In addition, we may have to take turns on duty tonight. If we can't hold on, the holes around the house will be buried by sand, which will be no different from the outside."

"And Lao Li just said that we may face other dangers in here, so try not to move anything here."

Professor Chen nodded and said:

"Little Hu is right."

The fat man took Satipeng and Chujian outside to carry supplies.

In a short while, Chujian and Satipeng came back with food, fuel and sleeping bags.

The fat man came in carrying a few dead poplar trees, and said with a face full of wind and sand:

"Oh my god, the wind is so strong that if the three of us hadn't held on, we would have been blown into the sky."

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