Li Daoxuan gently stroked Yingzi's head, and Yingzi also enjoyed this kind of caress.

After Li Daoxuan put his hand down, he asked softly:

"Yingzi, before we came up, what happened to the old man Anliman?"

Yingzi responded:

"No, he ate something and went to rest."

Li Daoxuan nodded, indicating that he knew.

Li Daoxuan took Yingzi's jade hand and started walking towards the tent.

At this time, Professor Chen and others had not come up yet, and they could still take a rest while they had time.

While Li Daoxuan and others were resting, Professor Chen and others' archaeological work at the tomb of Prince Gumo had also ended.

Professor Chen directed Hao Aiguo and Chu Jian to close the stone door with difficulty.

After Li Daoxuan and others left, only the two of them were left to work.

The two of them were still complaining in their hearts, complaining about Li Daoxuan and others.

Professor Chen watched Hao Aiguo and Chu Jian close the stone door, and then asked Hao Aiguo to put the skins that had been peeled off back on.

After everyone had packed up, they put on their equipment in order and climbed up.

When Professor Chen and his group came up, it was already evening.

Everyone sat around the fire, eating the leftover barbecue from yesterday and taking a short rest.

Professor Chen looked at the information in his hand and said to everyone:

"Gumo Kingdom was a relatively powerful country among the vassal states of Jingjue Kingdom at that time."

"The tomb of Prince Gumo that we found today has extremely high archaeological value."

"It is of groundbreaking significance for the study of Jingjue culture and that period of history."

"Comrade Xiao Hu, Comrade Xiao Li, thanks to you, we know that there will be a sacrificial hall under this well."

"Under the hall, we can find this incredible prince's tomb."

Old Hu shook his hand and said indifferently:

"Professor Chen, thank Lao Li for thanking!"

"If Lao Li hadn't told me that there was a tomb here, I wouldn't have been able to find this Gumo Prince's tomb with the sixteen-character Yin-Yang Feng Shui secret technique."

Professor Chen also nodded. Li Daoxuan was knowledgeable and really helped them a lot this time.

"Comrade Xiao Li, fortunately you joined our team, otherwise we don't know how much effort we would have to spend, thank you!"

Li Daoxuan looked at Professor Chen's grateful expression, his face was calm, and he just shook his hand slightly.

Shirley Yang looked at Li Daoxuan with a calm face and said softly:

"Old Li, we have been here for two days, we have rested enough, and we have enough water."

"Why don't we set off tomorrow morning!"

Her eyes were firm, revealing an unquestionable determination.

Hao Aiguo and Chu Jian Ye Yixin next to him nodded in agreement after hearing Shirley Yang's suggestion.

Now, the most important thing is to go to the ancient city of Jingjue and look for the legendary mysterious ruins.

Li Daoxuan also nodded slightly, he really wanted to see the legendary Queen of Jingjue now.

"Okay, then set off early tomorrow morning."

Shirley Yang and Professor Chen looked at each other, and each could see the firmness and determination in each other's eyes.

After chatting for a while in front of the fire, everyone returned to their tents.

The next morning, before the sun rose, Professor Chen and his team were ready to set off.

Li Daoxuan opened his eyes and saw through his hazy sleep that Professor Chen and his team had already packed their equipment. They were full of energy and fighting spirit, as if they were full of strength.

Li Daoxuan looked helplessly at Shirley Yang, who was like a chicken blood, and chuckled. He began to pack his things and prepare to set off.

After everyone packed up, they began to ride their camels.

Under the leadership of An Liman, they continued to move towards the direction of the Jingjue Ancient City.

The sunrise in the desert was particularly beautiful, but they had no time to stop and appreciate it.

Their goal was the mysterious ancient city ahead, where countless secrets were hidden waiting for them to solve.

As time went on, their pace became slower and slower.

The harsh environment in the desert gradually overdrew the physical strength of Professor Chen and his team.

Under the ravages of the strong wind, they had to find a place to take shelter and rest.

Lao Hu and Fatty picked up shovels and built a simple windbreak in the desert to protect Professor Chen and others from the strong wind.

Fatty silently piled sand and couldn't help complaining in a low voice:

"This wind has been blowing all day, when will it stop!"

Lao Hu shook his head helplessly. He was also a little irritated now and had enough of the harsh environment in the desert.

The key is that Professor Chen and the others are here. If they are not here, then it's okay to do whatever they want. Why be so aggrieved? Li Daoxuan should have opened the spiritual shield long ago.

An Liman lit the fire, too.He said helplessly:

"It's the windy season! That's what it is like."

"The scary thing about the black desert is not the quicksand that can trap people, nor the ants that eat everything up."

"It's not the black sandstorm. Legend has it that there is a dreamland deep in the desert. When people go in, they will see lakes, rivers, beautiful women and mythical beasts."

"But they can't get there until they die of thirst and exhaustion."

"Because those are traps set by the devil to lure people to die there."

Shirley Yang thought about it and thought that Anliman should be talking about the mirage in the desert. She looked at everyone and explained:

"Grandpa Anliman, it should be the mirage in the desert. For people with dehydration symptoms."

"It's really easy to be confused. "

The fat man looked at Shirley Yang curiously and asked:

"What is dehydration?"

Li Daoxuan chuckled and looked at the fat man and said:

"Two-thirds of the human body is water, but if you lose 5%, you will develop dehydration. Mild dehydration is at most dry mouth and tongue. "

"But if it is severe dehydration, when the water loss exceeds 10% of body weight, there will be severe thirst, dry mouth, little or no urine, dry skin, sunken eye sockets, mental depression and even coma. At the same time, there may be serious complications such as low blood pressure, arrhythmia, and shortness of breath. "

"To put it simply, if there is no water in the desert, it is a dead end. "

After hearing Li Daoxuan's professional explanation, the fat man gave Li Daoxuan a thumbs up.

Ye Yixin on the other side awkwardly walked to the side of Shirley Yang and whispered in her ear:

"Sister Shirley, I need to go to the bathroom. Can you come with me?"

Shirley Yang looked at Ye Yixin, whose face was flushed, and immediately understood that she must have walked all day and lost too much water in her body, so she would excrete excess water through urination and sweating to maintain water balance.

Shirley Yang looked at Ye Yixin and nodded, and took Ye Yixin's hand to go out together. She also felt a little bit, so it was just right to go together.

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