Professor Chen pointed at Li Daoxuan, his face full of horror, and stuttered:

"How is this possible?"

He had been a materialist for most of his life, but he was shocked to see such an extraordinary scene at this time.

Shirley Yang sighed, looked at Professor Chen who was still in shock and said:

"Professor Chen, there are indeed phenomena in this world that cannot be explained by science."

Li Daoxuan saw that the snakes had been killed, but the eyes above the temple seemed to be still watching him, and the meat ball was still being generated.

He gathered his spiritual energy, and the transparent small sword gathered into a one-meter-long spiritual sword, stabbing in the direction of the meat ball.

The spiritual sword easily penetrated the meat ball, and a hole was pierced above the temple, and the eye mural also broke and fell.

Looking closely, the eye mural turned out to be a huge meat ball, but after being penetrated by the spiritual sword, purple-black liquid flowed out of it.

Li Daoxuan turned his head, looked at everyone calmly, and said slowly:

"The door is open, let's go in."

After that, he walked towards the cave entrance that had just been opened.

Lao Hu walked to Professor Chen's side, looked at Professor Chen who was still in a daze, and said softly:

"Professor Chen, Lao Li has solved the problem here, let's go as soon as possible."

Professor Chen took a deep breath and gradually recovered from the shock.

He looked at Lao Hu, Fatty, and Yingzi who was carrying Ye Yixin. They were hiding their skills all the way. Although he didn't know what their purpose was, since they had come here, they might as well follow them.

Professor Chen nodded and followed Li Daoxuan to the entrance of the tomb of the Queen of Jingjue.

After everyone entered the entrance, they found that the long corridor was all black. It seemed that the stones used to build the tomb also came from Zaglama Mountain.

The walls of the corridor were engraved with eye patterns. It seemed that the Queen of Jingjue was obsessed with eyes.

Everyone continued to move forward. Li Daoxuan, who was leading the way, heard the sound of flowing water. It seemed that there was an underground river in the tomb of the Queen of Jingjue.

But that was right. The thirty-six countries in the Western Regions were all in the desert. Water was the source of life, so it was normal to build a tomb next to the water source. The previous tomb of Prince Gumo was also built by the water.

Li Daoxuan said softly:

"Lao Hu, Fatty, there is an underground river ahead."

Everyone nodded, and they all heard the sound of flowing water.

After walking a little further, everyone saw an underground river with water flowing continuously.

Shirley Yang walked to Yingzi's side and put Ye Yixin down from Yingzi's back. Lao Hu took out a cup of water and filled it with water. He walked to Shirley Yang's side and handed it to her. After Shirley Yang took the water, she slowly fed Ye Yixin.

Ye Yixin slowly opened her eyes and looked at the unfamiliar environment around her. She was about to ask, but was stopped by Shirley Yang.

Shirley Yang motioned her to lie down by the river first and slowly recover her strength.

Professor Chen looked at Ye Yixin with joy. Now she was the only girl left in the archaeological team. If something happened to Ye Yixin, he really didn't know how to explain to their families.

Li Daoxuan looked at Lao Hu, Fatty and Yingzi who were still drinking water and resting, walked up to them and said:

"Lao Hu, Fatty, Yingzi, let's go ahead and explore the way."

Li Daoxuan gave them a look, and the three of them immediately understood that there seemed to be treasures ahead.

Then he turned to Shirley Yang and said:

"Shirley, you take care of Professor Chen and Ye Yixin here."

Shirley Yang nodded. Seeing that she agreed, Li Daoxuan took Yingzi, Fatty and Lao Hu to jump across the river.

After jumping over the river, they found a stone gate with a stone supporting it under it. This should be the Broken Dragon Stone.

Legend has it that the Broken Dragon Stone is the protective wall of the ancient emperor's mausoleum and the tomb of the noble man. After the tomb owner is buried properly, someone will put down the Broken Dragon Stone. The Broken Dragon Stone weighs a thousand pounds. Once it falls, the tomb door will close, separating the yin and yang.

Now that the Broken Dragon Stone has been opened, it means that someone has entered, and it is most likely Walter's gang.

Li Daoxuan took the lead and walked forward, passing through the Broken Dragon Stone, and Lao Hu and others followed.

Behind the Broken Dragon Stone is a corridor. After passing through the corridor, they saw a broken bridge. The broken bridge was full of gold, silver and jewelry, so much that it even formed a mountain.

Fatty and Lao Hu were surprised to see the gold, silver and jewelry under the broken bridge.

Li Daoxuan had told them about the treasure here before, but they were still shocked when they really saw these treasures.

Fatty jumped down without hesitation and buried himself deep in the pile of gold, silver and jewelry. Laughter came from it from time to time, and Lao Hu also laughed.

Li Daoxuan took out three storage rings from his backpack. He made these in his spare time. After all, the Queen of Jingjue had many treasures, so he had to prepare more.He took out two of them and gave them to Lao Hu and Yingzi, then shouted to the fat man who was still laughing in the pile of gold, silver and jewelry:

"Fatty, stop laughing and pack up your things quickly."

After that, he threw another storage ring to the fat man.

The fat man poked his head out from the pile of treasures and looked at the three people on the broken bridge.

Li Daoxuan threw a storage ring from the bridge, and the fat man reached out to catch it, put it on his hand immediately, and then began to put things into the storage ring.

Lao Hu and Yingzi also jumped down, looking at the mountains of treasures around them, and hurriedly put them into their own storage rings.

After a while, there were few treasures left of the Queen of Jingjue.

The storage rings of Lao Hu, Fatty and Yingzi were all full. Li Daoxuan looked at the remaining gold, silver and jewelry, flew down from the broken bridge, and put them into his pocket.

After finishing the packing, he looked at the three people who were still laughing foolishly and said:

"Everything is ready, let's go, Professor Chen and the others are still waiting for us."

The three of them laughed and flew upwards on their swords. After reaching the Broken Bridge, Li Daoxuan led them towards Shirley Yang and others.

Since Li Daoxuan and the other four left, Shirley Yang had been staring at the Broken Dragon Stone by the river. When she saw them come out, she was relieved.

Li Daoxuan once said that the Queen of Jingjue was still alive, and she was worried that they would accidentally bump into her after they passed by. Although she always thought that Li Daoxuan and the others were very powerful, what if the Queen of Jingjue was even more powerful?

Professor Chen saw that several people had returned, and walked forward happily and asked:

"Xiao Hu, Xiao Li, Xiao Wang, did you see anything?"

Li Daoxuan nodded, and then slowly said:

"Go through the Broken Dragon Stone, and walk a section of the corridor, there is a broken bridge, and it should be under the broken bridge."

Professor Chen nodded excitedly, and then looked at Shirley Yang and said:

"Shirley, since Xiao Li and the others have already explored the way, let's go quickly!"

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