The Queen of Jingjue, who was talking with Shirley Yang and Yingzi, was alerted when she saw Li Daoxuan suddenly appear. However, before she could react, a black light flew towards her forehead.

The Queen of Jingjue defended herself hastily, but she was not as fast as the Heavenly Demon Seed. The black light instantly sank into her forehead and turned into a magic pattern.

The Queen of Jingjue gently stroked her forehead. In addition to being able to sense the existence of the magic pattern, there was nothing else unusual.

She looked at Li Daoxuan at the door with a surprised look on her face. Just as she was about to ask, Li Daoxuan said first:

"This is the Heavenly Demon Seed I planted for you. From today on, you are my slave. If you dare to betray me, the consequences will be very serious."

After Li Daoxuan said this, he looked at the Queen of Jingjue with a hint of evil smile.

The Queen of Jingjue was frightened by Li Daoxuan's evil smile and got goose bumps all over her body. She immediately thought of Li Daoxuan patting her buttocks, and immediately looked at him angrily and ashamedly.

Li Daoxuan remembered that when he entered the room just now, the Queen of Jingjue was chatting with Shirley Yang and Yingzi, and the three of them giggled from time to time.

He was about to ask, but Yingzi walked to his side and said in a coquettish voice:

"Brother Daoxuan, the Queen sister told us a lot about the Jingjue Kingdom."

"In fact, she is very pitiful. She was chosen as the ghost mother with endless demon pupils."

"She suffered a lot, and finally relied on her own ability to slowly become the queen of Jingjue."

Li Daoxuan looked at the ashamed Queen of Jingjue in surprise. Although he knew the deeds of the Ghost Cave Clan, he did not expect the Queen of Jingjue's experience to be so bizarre.

However, Li Daoxuan did not easily believe the words of the Queen of Jingjue. After all, she has been planted with the Heavenly Demon Seed now, and can only be observed slowly in the future.

The predecessor of the Kingdom of Jingjue was the Kingdom of Demons. After the demise of the Kingdom of Demons, the exiled remnants of the Kingdom of Demons revived after many years and wanted to rebuild the Kingdom of Demons. Because they believed in the doctrine of reincarnation of the Ghost Mother, they were called the Samsara Sect during this period!

They even used the memory of the first generation of the Ghost Mother, Nian Xiong Hei Yan, to create a shadow evil Luohai City near the altar.

Although the Samsara Sect has been actively working to restore the country, it has never succeeded, so one of the branches of the Samsara Sect went to find the origin of the Kingdom of Demons - the bottomless ghost cave.

After going through untold hardships, they finally returned to their hometown - the Ghost Cave, and only then did they officially call themselves the Ghost Cave Clan!

After countless years of wandering, the Ghost Cave Clan still remembered the process of selecting some witches. After countless failures, probably during the Han Dynasty, in the depths of the Western Desert, a witch who did not fully master the endless demon pupil finally appeared, that is, the last generation of the Ghost Mother, the Queen of Jingjue, Wu Chan Na Jia Hai.

Li Daoxuan looked at Shirley Yang who was thinking and said to her:

"Shirley, let's rest here for a day, then go back to Kyoto and look for the legendary Zhuchen Pearl."

Shirley Yang nodded. She also asked the Queen of Jingjue many questions, but the answer she got was to find the Zhuchen Pearl.

Li Daoxuan looked at the Queen of Jingjue who was still in the corner and asked:

"What's your name?"

When the Queen of Jingjue heard Li Daoxuan asking her name, she straightened her plump chest and said proudly:

"My name is Wuchan Najiahai."

Li Daoxuan thought about it and felt that this name was not suitable, so he gave her a new name:

"Your name is not suitable, I will give you a name!"

"From now on, call me Yuyan."

The Queen of Jingjue, now Yuyan, nodded slightly. She was very satisfied with this new name, and was also curious about modern society and wanted to find out.

More than a thousand years ago, she had just ascended the throne as the Queen of Jingjue, and before she had enjoyed all the glory and wealth, she was cursed by the snake god. Fortunately, she found the Kunlun sacred tree in Kunlun Mountain, and with the help of the Kunlun sacred tree, she was able to come back to life more than a thousand years later.

Li Daoxuan stared at the Queen of Jingjue, and a strange color flashed in his eyes. He nodded slightly, turned and walked towards Professor Chen and Ye Yixin's stone house.

He was not worried about Shirley Yang. After all, she was still cursed at this moment and needed to find the Zhuchen Pearl with them. I believe she would not easily reveal the secret.

Li Daoxuan noticed Shirley Yang's affection for him, and his heart also had a ripple for this foreign girl.

When he came to Professor Chen and Ye Yixin's stone house, Li Daoxuan saw that the two had made their beds and fell asleep peacefully.

The two had been frightened in the ghost cave and were already exhausted. Li Daoxuan sighed helplessly. Now that the two were asleep, it was better than letting them witness the scene of him being planted with the devil seed.

He summoned two demon seeds from his body and flew towards the two sleeping people. A black light flashed, and demon seeds appeared between the eyebrows of the two people, but they disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Li Daoxuan observed that the two people did not wake up, so he turned and went to the stone house of Lao Hu and Fatty.

As soon as they arrived at the door, the two peopleSeeing Li Daoxuan, they all greeted him:

"Old Li, how is the situation?"

"Have you dealt with the Queen of Jingjue?"

Li Daoxuan nodded and answered the two:

"I have planted the Heavenly Demon Seed in her, and I gave her a new name, Yuyan."

"The Heavenly Demon Seed will make her submit to me, you can rest assured."

Old Hu and Fatty nodded after hearing this. They were relieved to hear that the Queen of Jingjue, Yuyan, had been dealt with.

Just as the two were about to ask again, Li Daoxuan generated another Heavenly Demon Seed from his body.

He looked at Anliman who was standing on the other side of the stone house and said:

"Anliman, you know too much, you also need to plant the Heavenly Demon Seed."

"Don't worry, as long as you don't leak it out, you will be fine for the rest of your life. After returning this time, we will also give you a generous reward."

Although Anliman was worried about the Heavenly Demon Seed in Li Daoxuan's hands, he could only nod helplessly when he saw that the other party had a large number of people and they were all immortals.

The demon seed in Li Daoxuan's hand flew to Anliman's eyebrows and disappeared in a flash, hiding. Li Daoxuan promised that as long as Anliman kept the secret, he would not take his life.

Li Daoxuan looked at Lao Hu and remembered that Lao Hu still had two yellow sheep in his storage ring.

"Lao Hu, don't you still have two yellow sheep in your ring?"

"You and Fatty will deal with them. Let's have a good meal before we leave."

The group rested on the spot. They couldn't always eat dry naan. Lao Hu nodded, took out two yellow sheep from the storage ring, and held them in his hands.

Fatty looked at the yellow sheep in Lao Hu's hand, drooling. He had long been fed up with the hard naan and dried meat.

Lao Hu and Fatty walked towards the pond that Li Daoxuan had made. With so much water this time, they would definitely be able to eat yellow sheep without sand.

The two cleaned the yellow sheep, set up the grill, sprinkled seasonings, and soon roasted a fragrant whole lamb.

Shirley Yang, Yingzi and the Queen smelled the fragrance and immediately walked out of the stone house, and saw Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang roasting a whole lamb.

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