Ma Dadan and the others were so happy when they saw the coffin shop was right in front of them that they couldn't close their mouths and hurried to the coffin shop.

Li Daoxuan and the others watched quietly at the door. After they all went in, Li Daoxuan waved his hand to signal Lao Hu and the others to follow.

As soon as they pushed open the door, they saw Ma Dadan and the others holding homemade muskets, and the man named Lao San was holding two homemade earth bombs in his hands.

Lao Hu and Fatty couldn't help laughing when they saw this scene. They thought they could do something fancy, but this was the result.

Ma Dadan and the others saw that Li Daoxuan and the others were still in the mood to laugh, so they gestured to the people behind them, and the man holding the musket opened fire.

Lao San ignited the earth bomb in his hand and threw it towards Li Daoxuan and the others.

Li Daoxuan raised his hand and waved it, and a spiritual barrier rose up, blocking Lao Hu and the fat man.

The iron balls in the homemade muskets hit the spiritual barrier, and a "clang" sounded.

The earth bomb was blocked by the spiritual barrier, and then fell to the ground and exploded. The smoke and dust floated, and immediately fascinated everyone.

The third brother walked up to Ma Dadan and said proudly:

"Brother, these monsters must have been killed by the bomb."

As soon as the third brother finished speaking, the smoke and dust gradually dissipated. Li Daoxuan and others were unharmed, and even the dust on their bodies was not stained.

Ma Dadan and others were surprised and opened their mouths wide, and then ran to the coffin shop.

Having seen that guns and bombs had no effect on this group of monsters, they ran faster than each other, and hated their parents for not giving them two more legs.

Li Daoxuan swung out a sword energy, and the sword energy immediately flew towards Ma Dadan and others who were still running away.

Ma Dadan heard the miserable screams from time to time behind him, and his steps became faster and faster, and he went directly into the hole under the coffin.

Li Daoxuan only left Ma Dadan and Li Chunlai, and wanted them to lead the way.

Li Chunlai's face was covered with other people's blood, and he covered his head tremblingly.

Looking at Li Daoxuan and others who were slowly walking forward, he kept stuttering "monster" and "monster".

Li Daoxuan pointed his finger at the ground again, and the corpse on the ground suddenly ignited a blazing flame. The flames roasted the fat on the corpse, and the smell of barbecue filled the entire coffin shop.

Old Hu and the fat Shirley Yang couldn't help vomiting when they smelled the barbecue smell.

Shirley Yang said while vomiting:

"Old Li, can't you wait until we leave before dealing with it?"

Li Daoxuan scratched his head awkwardly, and he was indeed a little nauseous when he smelled this smell.

He waved out another spiritual energy, and the corpses were instantly burned to ashes. When the breeze blew, there was not even a trace left.

Li Chunlai looked at the flames that Li Daoxuan waved, and burned the corpses to ashes, and immediately looked at Li Daoxuan and others in horror.

Li Chunlai kowtowed to the ground, kowtowed continuously, and muttered.

"Gentlemen, please forgive me!"

"I was also forced by Ma Dadan."

Li Daoxuan walked in front of Li Chunlai and said softly:

"We are going to the Fishbone Temple, just lead the way for me."

"If you play tricks again this time."

Before Li Daoxuan finished speaking, he heard Li Chunlai kowtow and said:

"Gentlemen, don't worry, there will be no accidents this time."

The fat man looked around. The coffin shop was so small, and there were high walls around it, but Ma Dadan was gone.

When he walked to the red paint, he found that there was a hole under the coffin. The hole was pitch black. It seemed that Ma Dadan should have hidden in it.

The fat man waved to Li Daoxuan and others, motioning everyone to come over. After coming over, he found this big hole.

"Lao Li, Lao Li, Miss Yang, why don't we go down and take a look, and catch Ma Dadan."

Everyone nodded, the fat man jumped down first, and the others followed.

After going down, they found layers of steps. Looking at the traces of chiseling, they should have been dug thousands of years ago.

Not long after, everyone arrived at the bottom. There is an underground river here, and a large bronze vat is placed in the middle of the river. The vat is connected to the stone wall with bronze chains around it.

The fat man stared at the bronze vat, then looked at Lao Hu and asked:

"Lao Hu, do you think this bronze vat is so big, is it very valuable?"

Lao Hu nodded and said slowly:

"It should be like this. Looking at the rust on this bronze vat, it is unlikely to be hundreds of years old. It is at least an antique of more than a thousand years."

After listening to what Lao Hu said, the fat man flew up lightly and flew towards the bronze vat. As soon as he landed on the vat, he heard the voice of someone in the vat.

Just when the fat man wanted to open it and take a closer look at what was inside, the bronze cylinder cover was pushed open by someone.It opened.

The fat man landed lightly on the bronze chain, and when he looked inside, he saw Ma Dadan in the tank, his body was no longer human.

His clothes were torn, and there were bite marks on his body. There was a fish tail on Ma Dadan's mouth, and it seemed that he had swallowed a fish alive.

Ma Dadan was still chewing, and then looked at Li Daoxuan and others with resentment.

He looked at the fat man closest to him and pounced on him.

His swift movements were not like those of a human being.

The fat man looked at Ma Dadan who pounced on him, flew lightly, and dodged easily.

Ma Dadan fell on the bronze chain, and the bronze chain was pressed to make a "click" and "click" sound, as if it was about to break.

Ma Dadan looked at the flying fat man, let out a beast roar, and then pounced on Li Daoxuan and others on the platform.

Old Hu looked at Ma Dadan who pounced on him, and quickly took out the spirit sword from his storage ring, and flew towards Ma Dadan's heart.

The flying sword pierced through Ma Dadan's heart with a whoosh, but it still didn't kill him. He fell to the side of the platform and used his hands and feet to crawl towards Li Daoxuan and others.

Lao Hu looked at Ma Dadan who was still persevering, pointed with one hand, and the spirit sword flew towards Ma Dadan's head. With another whoosh, Ma Dadan's head fell, and the rest of his body fell forward by inertia, but fell to the ground after a few steps. This time he was completely dead.

Lao Hu patted his chest with lingering fear. He never thought that Ma Dadan was so cruel, like a zongzi.

Lao Hu looked at the broken body. After Ma Dadan died, black gas kept coming out of the body.

After the black gas dissipated, many small holes appeared on the surface of the body, and many insects like small fish came out of the small holes.

"Old Li, do you know what this is!"

"Why is it so strange? It looks like a zongzi but it has consciousness."

Li Daoxuan thought about it. It was not in the original novel or the TV series. It seemed that he had changed too much since he came to this world.

He had traveled through time, so what could not happen?

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