Li Daoxuan looked at Yin Nanfeng who was still in a daze, and took out some gold, silver and jade from the ancient city of Jingjue from his storage ring.

In an instant, the whole room was filled with these treasures, and the light of gold and jade illuminated the whole room.

Li Daoxuan did this to show his strength.

He has now reached the late stage of Yuanying, and other forces can no longer pose a threat to him except for confronting the entire state machine.

In addition, he is very interested in Yin Nanfeng, and Xinyue Hotel is also a good force.

If Yin Nanfeng can be subdued, Xinyue Hotel will naturally become his force.

Yin Nanfeng shouted in surprise, and the listening slave who was listening outside the door hurriedly reported to Yin Zongguan after hearing it.

"Zongguan, the master may be in danger, I heard something wrong with the sound."

After learning the situation, Yin Zongguan immediately winked at the surrounding stick slaves.

The other stick slaves received the signal, quickly notified other stick slaves, and then rushed to Li Daoxuan's private room together.

They directly hit the door with their bodies and tried to break in.

However, when several stick slaves hit the wooden door, they felt like they hit a steel wall, and were bounced to the ground by the reaction force, with their arms broken directly.

The other stick slaves looked at each other in bewilderment when they saw this situation. One of the leading stick slaves walked towards Manager Yin and said anxiously:

"Manager, something is wrong. This door seems to have turned into an iron door, and we can't open it at all. Hitting it with a stick is like hitting steel."

Manager Yin stood in front of the closed wooden door, stamping his feet anxiously.

He sighed, turned around and hurried to another room on the third floor.

Manager Yin knocked on the door hurriedly, and the people in the room took off their headphones and opened the door impatiently.

Manager Yin looked at the young man in his twenties in formal attire, and hurried forward and said anxiously:

"Adjutant Zhang, the master is in danger."

The young man was nervous when he heard that Yin Nanfeng was in danger, and asked:

"What's going on? Tell me!"

Manager Yin swallowed his saliva, sorted out his thoughts, and said quickly:

"It's like this. A young man traded a batch of Song porcelain to us before, and today he suddenly came and said that there was another batch of funerary objects to sell."

"I thought it was another big deal, and the other party also required that the transaction must be made in person with the master, so I called the master over."

"But just now, the slave heard something wrong in the room, and I also asked the stick slave to try to open the door, but the door seemed to be an iron door and could not be opened at all."

"Manager Man is not here, and now you are the only one. I want to ask you to save our master."

After Manager Yin finished speaking, he knelt on the ground and asked humbly.

Adjutant Zhang understood what happened, then looked down at Manager Yin expressionlessly, and slowly said:

"I can help you with this matter, but you caused this matter. When this matter is over, you will be punished by the family law yourself."

"You are a member of the Yin family. It is your dereliction of duty to put the head of the family in danger."

"Take me to see it now."

Manager Yin listened to Adjutant Zhang's reprimand and did not dare to refute a word. This matter was caused by him, and he was the only one to bear it.

The most important thing now is to rescue the head of the family first. Manager Yin quickly got up from the ground and took Adjutant Zhang to Li Daoxuan's private room.

Adjutant Zhang walked to the door and suddenly felt something strange.

The Qilin blood in his body clearly sensed that there was a wall in front of him, but he could not see it with his naked eyes. He reached out and touched the wooden door, looking at it in surprise.

Although he was full of curiosity, he knew that the most urgent thing was to rescue Yin Nanfeng first.

Since the death of Zhang Dafoye and Yin Xinyue, Adjutant Zhang has been guarding the Xinyue Hotel.

Although he usually seems to be indifferent to others, he will never stand idly by when in danger.

Adjutant Zhang tidied his clothes and then charged at the wooden door.

Suddenly, there was a "bang", but the wooden door still did not open.

Seeing that his fist was bleeding, Adjutant Zhang shook his head helplessly.

It seems that the strength of the person inside is unfathomable, and Yin Nanfeng is really in danger this time.

But he can't give up yet, Adjutant Zhang raised his fist again and hit the wooden door again.

Yin Nanfeng in the room heard someone knocking on the door outside, and she also had a bad feeling.

The immortal in front of her was still drinking tea leisurely, and the gold, silver and jade wares around her were shining with dazzling light, making Yin Nanfeng feel a little unable to open her eyes.

She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down.

The calmness she had when she came in just now was gone, replaced by a frightened little girl.

Facing this immortal-like person, she had no intention of resisting at all, becauseShe knew that resistance was useless.

Yin Nanfeng smiled bitterly, and then said:

"I don't know what Mr. Li means? If Mr. Li needs some gold and silver, the Crescent Hotel will give you a satisfactory answer."

Li Daoxuan shook his index finger, then took a sip of tea and said slowly:

"I really want to sell some artifacts on this trip, and as for the situation outside, I don't want anyone to disturb me."

After Li Daoxuan finished speaking, he looked outside the door, and Adjutant Zhang was still knocking on the wooden door with spiritual energy.

Li Daoxuan continued:

"But I am also very interested in Miss Yin. If Miss Yin wants to be my subordinate, I will not refuse."

Yin Nanfeng smiled awkwardly. She clearly felt that Li Daoxuan did have this idea.

With Li Daoxuan's strength, I am afraid that all the forces of the Yin family combined cannot resist.

Yin Nanfeng bit her red lips tightly, and then looked at Li Daoxuan.

"Mr. Li is really joking. The New Moon Hotel will give you a suitable quotation for these things."

"As for working under Mr. Li, the Yin family is too big, and I can't make the decision completely. It takes some time. I wonder if Mr. Li can wait for some time."

"The Yin family will give you a satisfactory answer."

Now the situation is stronger than people, Yin Nanfeng can only fool around with this matter first, and consider it later, or delay it.

She is not like the Yin family's huge family business, which fell into Li Daoxuan's hands, although Li Daoxuan's immortal-like means made people have no idea of ​​resistance.

Li Daoxuan also knew that Yin Nanfeng would definitely not surrender so easily, but he would not wait too long. Li Daoxuan directly condensed more than a dozen Heavenly Demon Seeds in his hand, and the Heavenly Demon Seeds flew up directly. One directly drilled into Yin Nanfeng's eyebrows, and the rest of the Heavenly Demon Seeds went directly to the stick slaves and listening slaves outside the door, as well as Adjutant Zhang and Chief Steward Yin.

Yin Nanfeng saw a flash of black light flying directly into her forehead. She reached out and touched her forehead, but didn't feel anything unusual.

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