At that time, Emperor Wu of Han gave the ancient Dian Kingdom two choices. The first was to destroy the country, and the second was to present the legendary Zhuchen Pearl to Emperor Wu of Han.

The ancient Dian Kingdom regarded the Zhuchen Pearl as a divine object that could make people immortal, so how could it be willing to present it?

So the ancient Dian Kingdom at that time was divided into two countries, and the original subjects of the ancient Dian Kingdom still presented the Zhuchen Pearl to Emperor Wu of Han.

But Emperor Wu of Han never thought that the Zhuchen Pearl presented to him was a fake made by the old man Xian Wang.

After Xian Wang got the real Zhuchen Pearl, he fled to the mountains in western Yunnan.

After arriving at Zhalong Mountain, Xian Wang found that it was an excellent Feng Shui cave, and he started to build a tomb for himself with his subjects.

It took nearly 30 years to build the tomb of Xian Wang, and the number of people who built it was at least 100,000.

Xian Wang, who was not rich to begin with, completely cut off his retreat.

I guess that old man didn't think about leaving anything for his descendants.

Thinking that he could become an immortal and live forever is just a pipe dream.

In the end of the world, the spiritual energy is exhausted. The old man, King Xian, probably relied on the Zhuchen Pearl to become an immortal.

"Baopuzi Neipian" records: "The superior man raises his body to the sky, which is called the heavenly immortal. The middle man travels in famous mountains, which is called the earthly immortal. The inferior man dies first and then sheds his skin, which is called the immortal of corpse transformation."

The immortal of corpse transformation is that after death, like a cicada sheds its skin, it abandons the body and lets the soul become an immortal.

King Xian took a completely wrong path. If he follows his routine, he will probably be a high-level zombie in the end.

In fact, King Xian can also live forever, but forget about becoming an immortal.

Zombies are born from the resentment, death and bad luck of heaven and earth.

Immortal, immortal, indestructible, abandoned by the three realms of heaven, earth and man, outside the six paths of sentient beings, helpless and wandering around.

Li Daoxuan couldn't help laughing when looking at the stone tablet.

Lao Hu and the others were very surprised and asked him why he laughed.

Li Daoxuan looked at them and explained slowly:

"Look at what is written above. King Xian spent decades and finally became a zombie with a high probability."

"You still want to become an immortal after your corpse is transformed. It's just a daydream."

Several people immediately understood what Li Daoxuan meant. King Xian had been tossing around for so many years and turned himself into a zombie.

Li Daoxuan and others continued to look at the contents of the stone tablet, and saw that there was a magnificent palace floating above the clouds at the top of the stone tablet.

Moon City, Corner Tower, Inner City, Burial Stele, Quetai, God Wall, Stele Pavilion, Sacrifice Hall, Lingtai and other buildings are all available.

Shirley Yang looked at the palace relief, looked at Li Daoxuan and said:

"Old Li, how come this palace looks so similar to your floating fairy island."

Li Daoxuan shook his head and said slowly:

"Impossible, how could that old man Xian Wang have seen my fairy island."

"And the shape of this palace is also different from my palace."

"It is probably that old man Xian Wang wants to be a fairy, so naturally that palace cannot be really floating in the sky."

"It is only possible that this seemingly floating palace was built according to the special terrain here."

Old Hu and Shirley Yang nodded one after another, agreeing with Li Daoxuan's statement.

The fat man was confused and pretended to understand and nodded all the time.

Li Daoxuan looked at Shirley Yang and Old Hu Fatty and said:

"It's quite late now, let's rest early and continue our journey after dawn tomorrow morning!"

Several people nodded, and Li Daoxuan tapped the ground lightly, and the nearby vines and branches suddenly grew wildly, forming four tree houses.

After entering the tree house, everyone rested.

At night, Li Daoxuan was about to fall asleep.

Suddenly, he heard a slight sound coming from outside, as if someone was walking.

Li Daoxuan closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep. In less than a moment, a beautiful figure walked into Li Daoxuan's tree house.

No need to guess, you know it's Shirley Yang, because Shirley Yang has a faint fragrance on her body.

Shirley Yang looked at Li Daoxuan who was sleeping soundly and wanted to wake him up.

But thinking that they had walked for so long during the day, although Li Daoxuan was incomparable to ordinary people, he was probably tired now.

Otherwise, let's not disturb him!

When Shirley Yang was about to go out, Li Daoxuan opened his eyes and looked at Shirley Yang who was tiptoeing.

Li Daoxuan asked softly: "Xueli, what are you doing?"

Shirley Yang suddenly came back to her senses and saw Li Daoxuan, showing a hint of surprise.

Shirley Yang said with some stammering:

"I... I was just worried about you, so I came to see you."

"Thank you, but I'm fine, you should get some rest early." Li Daoxuan looked at Shirley Yang tenderly.

Shirley Yang nodded slightly, and was about to leave, when she suddenly seemed to remember something and turned back and said:

"Daoxuan, you said before that King Xian might eventually become a zombie, so what should we do next?Will the tomb be dangerous?"

Li Daoxuan sat up and comforted:

"Don't worry, I'm here. Even if there are zombies, they can't hurt you at all."

Shirley Yang looked at Li Daoxuan, feeling very relieved, and said with a smile:

"Then I'm relieved. Good night. "

After saying that, she walked out of the tree house gently.

Li Daoxuan looked at Shirley Yang's departing back, and a complex emotion flashed in his eyes.

He lay back on the bed, and fell asleep in less than a moment.

The next morning, the sun shone through the rainforest and shone on the tree house.

Li Daoxuan felt that it was dawn, opened his eyes, and then looked at the environment outside the tree house.

Bursts of plant fragrance came from outside, took a deep breath, and immediately felt refreshed.

After Li Daoxuan left the tree house, he saw that Lao Hu had gotten up and was about to go to the fat man's tree house.

Li Daoxuan walked directly to Shirley Yang's tree house, looked at Shirley Yang who was still sleeping, and walked to her side.

Gently shaking Shirley Yang's body, Shirley Yang felt someone was by her side.

Immediately opened his eyes, and after seeing that it was Li Daoxuan, he looked at Li Daoxuan with joy.

Li Daoxuan said softly:

"Get up, we still have to set off early. "

"Eat something first!"

Li Daoxuan took out food from his storage ring and put it next to Shirley Yang.

After putting the food, Li Daoxuan left the tree house.

Shirley Yang looked at the food beside her, and then looked at Li Daoxuan's back as he left.

I suddenly felt a little warm. I haven't felt so warm for a long time since my father went to find the Zhuchen Pearl.

After Shirley Yang and the fat man came out, Li Daoxuan took them to the direction of King Xian's tomb.

After walking for about an hour, we saw many flower trees, red, white, and yellow. Each flower was the size of a bowl, and colorful butterflies were dancing in the air.

Seeing this scene, Shirley Yang hurriedly took out the camera from her backpack and started taking pictures of the surroundings.

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