
"12 million ???"

"This Nima...... What's going on!"

"Obviously, this is to stun Xu Fei'er with money!"

"The question is, how can Xu Fei'er's family background smash people out with this little money!"

"You think too much, isn't it just licking the dog, showing your determination not to let Xu Fei'er spend money!"

"It is worthy of being the ancestor of the dog licking world, there is no one in this operation, as soon as the 12 million comes out, it is estimated that Xu Fei'er will not increase the price again!"


Chen Yu's 12 million is really surprising, and there will inevitably be another commotion at the scene.

Xu Fei'er was also stunned, she obviously wanted to help Chen Yu save some money, however, the other party was so persistent, she had to pay for the porcelain bowl and give it to herself......


I knew that he was so persistent, so I wouldn't have raised the price, and it could have been sold for 3 million, but now it has soared to 12 million......

Xu Fei'er was a little distressed, and felt that it was too much for Chen Yu to break the bank.

"Chen Dong, why are you bother......

Xu Fei'er turned her head to look at Chen Yu and pursed her lips slightly.

"It's all for charity~!" Chen Yu still said officially.


"For Charity ......"

Xu Fei'er shrugged, but glanced at Chen Yu with a rather resentful look, you just continue to pretend, I will see how long your charity drama can be performed.

"12 million!"

"Mr. Chen's bid is 12 million, will anyone increase the price?"

Zhang Han on the stage was stunned for a while, and then said with a happy face, and his eyes also fell on Xu Fei'er, after all, she was the bidder in the previous round.

However, at this moment, Xu Fei'er shook her head slightly, and directly signaled that she would not bid.

"12 million once!"

Seeing this, Zhang Han directly started the countdown.

Soaring from 4 million to 12 million, it is naturally impossible for anyone to bid again.

And at this moment, Chen Yu was a little disappointed, the price was too low, he really hoped that Xu Fei'er or someone else would fight with him for a few more rounds......

"12 million twice!!"

Zhang Han's voice sounded again.

Chen Yu sighed faintly......

Invincibility...... It's so lonely......

Which angel brother can't pull the price again!!

"50 million !!"

Just as Chen Yu was praying silently, a voice like heaven suddenly sounded in his ears.

Chen Yu turned his head and saw Chang Yunfeng looking at him defiantly.

"How much?"

"I'll go!!, straight up to 50 million!!"

"What's going on!!"

"Chang Yunfeng, is this the rhythm of wanting revenge!"

"Haha, the two of you are on the bar!!"

"Tsk, today's charity auction is a bit too exciting!"


There was another uproar at the scene.

Zhang Han on the stage was also stunned, a porcelain bowl of 200,000 yuan has now risen to 50 million!

However, he can probably guess Chang Yunfeng's thoughts, after losing to Chen Yu in the last round, he was obviously unconvinced, and in this round, he jumped out directly to cut off his beard, probably because he wanted to be ashamed!

"50 million!!"

"Chang always bid 50 million!!"

"Today's charity auction is really up and down!!"

"Mr. Chen, do you still have a price increase???

Zhang Han sighed, and then his eyes fell on Chen Yu again.

Obviously, now it's another battle between the two.

"Chen Yu, don't increase the price!"

Offstage, before Chen Yu could respond, Xu Fei'er on the side was already anxious, and said to Chen Yu with a frown.

12 million is enough for her to feel distressed, not to mention that now the price has risen to 50 million!!

Xu Fei'er glanced at Chang Yunfeng with disgust, this guy was obviously deliberately making trouble!

"Chen Dong, everyone is for charity, I hope you don't mind, of course, if you really like this porcelain bowl, you can continue to increase the price......"

Chang Yunfeng said with a sneer.

The reason why he directly bid 50 million was naturally deliberate, and he didn't want Chen Yu to do what he didn't do.

took a picture of the oil painting donated by Xu Feier herself, and wanted to take a picture of this porcelain bowl to please her "father-in-law".

The wishful thinking was good, but Chang Yunfeng didn't want Chen Yu to be satisfied.

Chen Yu had already spent 330 million in the last round, and he didn't believe that Chen Yu still had such a high budget to compete with him for this porcelain bowl.

Therefore, Chang Yunfeng will make a move at the last moment, in order to disgust Chen Yu!!

"50 million once!"

Seeing that Chen Yu didn't react, Zhang Han thought that he had given up directly, so he started the countdown.

"50 million twice!!"

The gavel in Zhang Han's hand had been raised high......

At this time, Chang Yunfeng was proud, although he spent 50 million, he could be regarded as a breath of relief, and by the way, he also destroyed Chen Yu's dog licking plan, he felt that the money was well spent!

However, just when Chang Yunfeng thought that his victory was in sight.

Chen Yu raised his card again and said lightly: "100 million ......"


"100 million !!"

"It's sky-high again!!"

"This ...... That's too arrogant!!"


"Hahaha, here it is again, I thought the show was over!"

"He deserves to be the head of China Southern Airlines, one word, Niu !!"


Chen Yu's bid once again shocked the audience.

It was even more shocking than the previous 330 million, because, according to common sense, Chen Yu, who had just produced 330 million in the last round, should die down this round, and it is impossible to bid a high price.

It is precisely for this reason that Chang Yunfeng will provoke again, to be honest, he actually has some meaning of "taking advantage of people's danger", because everyone knows that Chen Yu should not be able to offer a high price anymore!


That's how unexpected!

Chen Yu actually bid again, and as soon as he made a move, it was 100 million!!

After listening to Chen Yu's bid, Chang Yunfeng was directly stunned......

He looked at Chen Yu with a face full of disbelief, in his opinion, Chen Yu shouldn't have paid such a high price again!

"You ......"

Chang Yunfeng opened his mouth, but he didn't say a word.

And Chen Yu smiled lightly: "It's all for charity~!"


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