"What kind of move is this, what kind of mending knife, I believe that this big boss says that he is a professional player!"

According to the dispatch of troops in the middle lane, 78 soldiers were killed in 6 minutes, while Chu Yun's number of mending knives in 6 minutes was 70, and 8 were missed, and this was also missed when killing Yasuo.

Looking at Chu Yun on the side, he was still the old god, and it looked boring to kill Yasuo, but at this moment, Chu Yun was thinking about going back to continue replenishing the troops, when a black shadow appeared on the edge of the grass on the left, followed by a flash of golden light.


At this time, PDD has become serious, he has known Da Sima for a long time, and he knows that he will not tell lies in this kind of thing, so in this way, the strength of the big boss is really strong?

It's a pity that the moment he flashed out of the grass, Chu Yun had already reacted.

Chu Yun's eyes narrowed, staring at the screen in front of him tightly, the spider instantly narrowed the distance, Chu Yun was not stunned, and put W [I Stream Mystery Yi Xia Array] on the spot, and a circle of gray smoke blocked Akali's figure.

However, the Q skill in human form, the little spider has the ability to find its own target, and Rao is Akali's figure was blocked by smoke, but it was still blown up by the little spider.

AOE's magic damage is hit, Akali's health bar drops by one, and her own figure is revealed.

PDD obviously knew that Chu Yun would put W to cover up, but he was still blown up by the little spider, and the E skill [Cocoon] followed, intending to directly control Akali's body.

Spider is one of the heroes with the highest damage in the early stage, and the E skill has control and stun, as long as it is controlled, the later skills keep up with a set, and it will definitely be able to hit the damage of the explosion.

And PDD also has a red buff on his body, and the Q skill comes with a burn, which can definitely take away Akali.

Not only PDD thinks so, but many viewers in the audience also think so, being controlled by Spider E, it is difficult for Akali's HP to escape.

"If you can leave alive, it will be a heavenly show. "

"No loss, no loss Akali, one life for one life, and the flash of the jungler. "

The audience thought of this kind of small idea that was not a loss, but Akali's next second of action made everyone in the audience shut their mouths.

I saw that the spider was like an E skill close to the face, but it was directly empty, and it was at this distance that the E skill could still be empty, fake, right!?

No, it can also be said to be exact, this E skill is dodged by Akali with the outrageous movement of Shente Meow!

"You're dead!"

The cold glint in Chu Yun's eyes flashed, and he controlled Akali to move continuously, ignited it and hung it directly, and hit it with a Q, returning a mouthful of blood!

It was only three seconds, and Akali, who still had a third of her blood, stepped on the spider's corpse and left, and a loud sound came from the entire summoner's canyon.


The audience in the audience was speechless one by one, looking at the invincible figure on the screen dumbfounded, and their faces were really hot and painful.

"Can anyone tell me, what the hell is this wave of operation, the E who is close to the face can be dodged by moving position, God!"

Before he finished speaking, the spider died of his life, and the extreme snakeskin movement was really showing the scalp of everyone present.

"This wave, 6 flies!"

"Oh my God, my husband is so handsome!"

"Green tea, see clearly, this is your husband?!"

"Nonsense, this has to be my husband, handsome, rich, and strong!"

"Thank you, you have been laughed at!"

Not to mention the audience, it's just that some anchors and up masters in the audience are dumbfounded at this time, and they can't do this operation instead.

"Really... It's awesome!"

He belatedly wanted to help a wave of blind monks, but he could only watch Akali's figure slowly return to the city, Xiaohu is really convinced now, in exchange for him, the ending of this wave can only be one for one, there is no other possibility.

On the anchor team's side, PDD stared at his gray screen in a daze, unable to say why.

Da Sima said faintly: "I didn't lie to you, this big boss really has something." "

You're telling me it's something?

Is that a bit of that?

It's big, right!?

"Wow, Akali and their heads, that's pretty bad. "

But what should be uncomfortable is Mr. Dema, Akali and the two of them have their heads in hand, and they can get a big hat when they go home for the second time!

When Chu Yun returned to the city, he even bought a killing ring, and the people in the audience looked confused.

It's started, it's started, it's time to start the pig operation!?

The murder rings are out, and I'm afraid I'm really going to open a pig farm.

However, Da Sima knows that his current level is too poor, and now he has been singled out by Akali by level 4, and the upper field is only about level 7 now, but Chu Yun's Akali is already level 9.

Not to mention, Yasuo hasn't even reached level 6 now.

Xiaohu's blind monk stopped on the grass and asked angrily, "Brother, can you use me to help you squat for a wave?"

"No, I don't. "

Chu Yunyun said lightly, glanced at the map, and the Noshou on the road had not appeared since he returned to the city just now.

Not only that, Chu Yun glanced at the grass on the right, and there was the spider who had just finished beating the three wolves, and he came over to gank without even hitting the basket.

But Chu Yun's consciousness is very good, he has been hanging the spider and does not dare to go, nor does he dare to take the lead, but he still presses Mr. Ma's Yasuo to fight, and controls the soldier line under his tower, which is simply uncomfortable.

"Go to the red of the jungler, go with the top lan, and the hand is there. Chu Yun suddenly spoke.

Xiaohu couldn't help but be stunned, Rao is heart was full of doubts, but he didn't dare not listen to Chu Yun's words, and controlled the blind monk and the upper order to get stuck in the enemy's wild area in his field of vision.

Xiaohu is also a casual Q, and he really hit the hand in the grass, and he doesn't know what this guy is doing and why he is standing here.

"Is there really someone?" Xiaohu couldn't help but be surprised, and even took Nar stunned for a moment, but the two of them went to fight one, and they had a great advantage, even if they didn't kill the promised hand, they reversed the spider's red BUFF.

Jing Huiyin on the side was very surprised, as excited as a hundred thousand whys, and the words in his mouth spit out a series of words: "Oh my God, how do you know Chu Yun, and besides, why are you so strong!?"

"Also, you didn't have a professional before, did you?"

Chu Yun chuckled, but did not open his mouth to explain.

Or rather, there are things that are more scary to say.

He has the martial arts of his previous life, and his reaction speed, consciousness, and hand speed are all blessed, so it can be said that in terms of the current Chu Yun, his strength has reached the world-class Far Mobilization!

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