"Little one, you have to work harder!"

"Otherwise, we both might have to confess here. "

Jiang Chen couldn't help but explain.

And the little glutton is also very sensible.

Nodding earnestly.

Although I couldn't see where the neck was, I was sure that it really nodded.

"The tender moment is over. "

The Scaly King suddenly spoke.

Jiang Chen didn't dare to hesitate, and hurriedly summoned Xiao Bai and flew to the side.

The battle between these two guys is definitely not something that they can participate in.

The aftermath may shock you to death.

The moment Xiaobai appeared.

Just look cautious.

Obviously a little panicked.

The main thing is that the gap is too big.

"It's a bit of a good thing, you and the little gluttony are my royal beasts, you look at the people, the front is just right, you are looking at you, hiding so far, and shivering. "

"What a shame. "

Jiang Chen couldn't help but complain.

This makes Xiaobai a little aggrieved, there is no way!

The other party's strength is too strong.

If it is in the same realm, it will definitely dare to face it head-on.

But that's two or three realms off.

I'm scared!


The gluttony let out a low roar.

looked at each other.

In the end, he was ready to fight with his small body.

In this way, there should be some slight advantages.


The Scaly King moves quickly.

Jiang Chen's eyes couldn't keep up at all.

Accompanied by a punch.

A violent wave of air rushed in.

caused Xiaobai's figure to sway in the sky.

Jiang Chen even almost fell from the air.

"Damn! It's too strong. "

It is directly in the direction of the Scale King, to say the least, it is thousands of meters.

But the strength of the punch can still affect them.

This strength.

It made Jiang Chen feel a little chilled.

It's too strong.

It's not at all in the same realm.

I finally understood why Xiaobai, who has the bloodline of the Four Saints, was so nervous.

"Xiaobai, retreat!"

Jiang Chen's feeling.

The Scale King shouldn't have reached his limit yet.

Wait a minute, if you make a big move, you may not have a chance to escape.

Therefore, now we can only distance ourselves as soon as possible.


with the passage of time.

The Scaly King also gradually let go of his hands and feet.

Every punch and leg will cause a sonic boom.

Even if you are far away, you can hear it clearly.

Looking at the little gluttony again, he was dodging almost the whole time.

I can't grasp the opportunity to devour at all.

The other side is too cautious.

Every time.

The moment of the punch.

I've already figured out how to stop the gluttonous attack with the next punch.


Let out an angry roar.

Watch the gluttony dodge their own attacks.

The Scaly King was also horrified in his heart.

The opponent's current cultivation will not exceed the late stage of the Star Rank at most.

But it was back and forth with himself.

I am one big realm higher than it, and three small realms!

I couldn't take down the other party in an instant.

"I'm afraid it's really from the blood of that place. "

I also had an idea in my heart.

As a former confidant of the Sea King, he naturally knows some secret letters.

Although Aquaman seems to be almost invincible in the universe, he still has an existence that makes him fearful.

That kind of existence, almost from one place.

"Whatever, as long as I eat this little glutton, my strength will skyrocket, and my qualifications can also improve, even if someone is chasing and killing, most of them will find the Sea King first. "

No way.

This place is the hometown of Aquaman.

If something happens here, I'm sure I'll be looking for him.

Come to think of it.

The Scaly King took a breath.

A faint steam gushes from the surface of the body.

Even, the scales on his body have turned a weird pink.


The speed of the Scale King suddenly skyrocketed.

This sudden change made Xiao Tao completely incapable of resisting.

A kick flew out.

The whole person turned into a black light.

I don't know how many meters I flew upside down.

After succeeding, the scaly man king couldn't see his joy, and even frowned slightly.

"It's so tough! This guy is so strong. "

The kick on the front didn't hurt the little glutton.

This made him even more convinced that Xiao Gluttony was extraordinary.

After eating, the strength will inevitably skyrocket.

The little glutton stopped his body and shook his body vigorously.

The kick didn't hurt it, but it loosened its seal again.

There was even a trace of black gas coming out of the crack.


Let out an angry roar.

It's also a little anxious.


How can it!

Directly turned into a streamer of light, and killed the scaly king again.


This time.

Hit it directly with his body.

The King of Scales punched out, directly facing the hard.


There was a loud bang.

The shock wave directly set off a huge wave of hundreds of feet.

Jiang Chen was also looking at this.

Completely unable to see what's going on.

It's too fast.

has exceeded the limits of eye capture.

If it weren't for the sound of collision in his ears, he would have thought that he hadn't touched the Scale King.

"Little thing, your strength is good, but compared to me, it's still a lot worse. "

The Scaly King let out a gut-wrenching laugh.

When he spoke, his fists were like a torrential rain.

Pounded on the body of the little glutton.

The little gluttony didn't say a word.

Angry eyes look at each other.

Open your mouth.

Suddenly, a terrifying suction force appeared.

This made the scaly king's expression startled, and he couldn't care about attacking.

Hurriedly dodged.

Almost instantly.

The terrifying suction directly sucked a hundred-foot-thick column of water.

Even some passing monsters are unable to escape their fate.

It was swallowed into the belly of the little glutton.

Look at this scene.

A deep fear flashed in the eyes of the Scaly King.


It's the power of rules.

This is nothing more than a star-level beast!

He actually has the power of the rules.

This made me feel a little stunned, but I thought of the benefits I got after devouring it.

Even if the other party's background is very strong.

As long as I don't come, I'm sure I'll eat this gluttony.


The stronger the gluttony behaves, the more he needs to kill the glutton.

Because, the upper limit of this imperial beast is too high.

It is only a matter of time before you surpass yourself.

So the grass must be cut and eradicated.

Come to think of it.

The Scaly King uses his special skills again.

The whole body is directly transformed into turquoise.

The temperament of the whole person has also changed.

The figure has also reached 100 zhang.

Like a giant looking down on the world.

Raise your hand slightly.

Four hideous water dragons rushed out from under the water.

The body of the flowing water slammed directly into the little glutton.

Opened his mouth in an instant.

Arrows burst out.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

These water arrows are all turquoise.

The little glutton, who was devouring, suddenly trembled and dodged directly.


The water arrows made it feel a sense of crisis.


Ducked for a while.

The little glutton found that he couldn't seem to hide.

It's like a tracking system.

I can't get rid of it.


The gluttony stopped.

Let out a low growl.

Nor is it ready to continue to escape.

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