A few days after the carnival, the captains of the "Ten Fallen Teams" began to go back to pacify their own territory.

Although this is a big victory for the Fallen Angel Pirates, the losses are also very huge, and the islands that have been attacked alone are countless, and the loss of treasure is incalculable!

Fortunately, the Fallen Angel Pirates have the "Golden Emperor" Tezzolo, and no matter how big the loss in terms of money is, it can be earned back, but the loss of population, construction, crops, personnel, etc., will not be able to be relieved for a while!

The first is the population, many villages in the territory have been destroyed, which has caused the population of the Demon King Sea to plummet, which will lead to an impact on supplies and protection fees in the future, which is quite unfavorable to its development!

The construction of the site is even more of a mess, wineries, reservoirs, mines ......

Most of the crops in terms of food have also been destroyed, but fortunately, the Fallen Angel Pirates still have money and can still buy it!(Don't talk about robbing, pirates also have rules, you can't rob everything!)

The biggest loss is personnel, the ordinary team members of the Fallen Angel Pirates have suffered huge losses, although the two fronts have an advantage, but the casualties are also quite heavy!

Not to mention anything else, the "Ten Teams of the Fallen Heavens" alone has shrunk by as much as half, and the captain of the fifth team, San Juan Wolf, is even more sacrificed!

This puts the Fallen Angel Pirates in an embarrassing situation, that is, the territory is too large, and the manpower is seriously understaffed now!

If it weren't for the Fallen Angel Pirates, I'm afraid they would have been able to receive requests for help from various territories right now!

However, those who can survive this war are all elites! I believe that as long as they get through this "weak" period, the Fallen Angel Pirates will be even stronger!

In addition to the huge losses, the Fallen Angel Pirates still have gains!

The biggest gain is to intimidate the fame of the entire sea! You must know that in the world of pirates, as long as there is fame, that talent, beauty, and treasure...... It's all about to follow!

No, in just a few days, there are thousands of people who want to join the Fallen Angel Pirates! This doesn't include the affiliated pirates who want to join!

The most important task of the "Ten Fallen Sky Team" this time is to select suitable members to join and recover as soon as possible!

"Ah...... Ahhhh......h

Outside the newly built palace on Demon King Island, after Sisr finished cultivating, he was enjoying the coffee brewed by Bacarat himself, listening to the miserable cries outside from time to time!

"Husband, do you really have to worry about it? Does Barrett train people?" Baccarat obediently wiped his sweat and massaged Sisle, looking out worriedly.

"It's okay, Barrett is measured! As long as you don't kill or maim people, let him toss!"

Sisle took a sip of coffee without hesitation, closed his eyes comfortably, leaned back, and enjoyed Baccarat's soft little hands on his head!

Baccarat was speechless for a moment, what does it mean to be okay if you don't die or be disabled, is this training people, or torturing people!

"How could Barrett suddenly be interested in training new people, it's not like him at all!" Baccarat said curiously.

"Yesha, maybe I've been beaten by the captain all the time, and my heart is unbalanced, I want to find a few punching bags!"

Anilu suddenly appeared on the recliner next to him, and said teasingly as he munched on an apple with his legs crossed.

"Anilu, can you not suddenly appear scary, didn't you go to the barbecue with Xia Xia and them, why did you suddenly run back!"

Baccarat was taken aback by Anilu and complained that it was a quiet time for her and Sisil to be alone, and what a disappointment!

"Sia drank down, Xiliu and they went to gamble, and the god wanted to come back to bask in the sun. Anilu said casually, and as he spoke, he took out his sunglasses out of nowhere, put them on, and lay down comfortably!

"Being a punching bag is also a good way to cultivate, if you don't want to be beaten, you have to run faster, be more able to resist beatings, and force your potential out!"

Sisl didn't care about Anilu's sudden appearance, and took over the topic lightly.

"When I trained Anilu and them, I used this trick too! Beat them to death and it's over, the rest depends on themselves!"

Anilu next to him shuddered unconsciously, that time was really a history of blood and tears! Even the most resistant to beating, Xia Xia, had been lying for a month when it was serious, not to mention that he was not good at physical skills at that time, and his bones were broken at both ends in three days!

"Forget about Bashas, he takes the physical route, isn't Oka a sniper?" asked Bakhara curiously.

"Whether it's a sniper or a swordsman, the body is the cornerstone of a strong man!" Sisr said lightly, Bakara didn't pay much attention to cultivation, Sisr didn't force it, the Fallen Angel Pirates hadn't reached the time when they needed the captain's wife to do it!

"Leave them alone. Sisil waved his hand absently, turned his head to look at Anilu and asked, "Is Peach Rabbit willing to surrender?"

"Not yet, don't look at it as a woman, in your words, captain, it's really a stone in a pit, smelly and hard!"

Anilu frowned and said, "Just kill it directly!"

"No, don't you think it's quite interesting to turn a Navy Headquarters, a rather serious vice admiral, against him?"

Sisl said with a wicked smile, of course, he did not deny that he was interested in the beauty of Peach Rabbit!

Of course, Baccarat could see that Sisr was different from Peachrabbit, but she couldn't help it, she knew that she couldn't tie Sisle.

Sisr is powerful, handsome, and domineering the sea! Such a man is too attractive! Not to mention, as far as she can see, Captain Smuji has a very good impression of Sisel!

And as a pirate, Sisl won't just love one woman, that's unrealistic, so she's ready for it a long time ago!

Sisl doesn't have the idea of taking the peach rabbit away at the moment, but yes, he is very interested in turning a beautiful lieutenant general against his side, and he is very interested and interested!

"Captain, I'm afraid this is difficult! Didn't you say that she was like a sister to that old woman Crane? Such a person is very determined!"

Anilu said disapprovingly.

"That's challenging, isn't it?" said Sisle, undeterred.

Sisr lowered his head in thought, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, and he had an idea............

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