A few days ago, when Lin Yang and his classmates went out to hunt demon beasts, they all laughed at Lin Yang’s self-righteousness, not knowing whether he was dead or alive, and actually acting alone.

There were even many male trainees who felt that Lin Yang was dead.

But a few days passed, and everything changed.

Now everyone did not dare to talk to Lin Yang, and their eyes looking at Lin Yang were full of awe and fear, as if they were looking at a barbaric beast!

They still can’t forget the picture of Lin Yang and the five consignment trucks leaving in the dust outside the base, which is so shocking and imprinted in the depths of their minds.

They asked about Gu Qingqing’s relevant situation, and Gu Qingqing naturally said it truthfully.

But the trainees could not accept it, they were classmates with Lin Yang, and when they were beating the powerful pig, Lin Yang actually hunted the monster beasts of five trucks alone, even the rare giant beast Black Ancient Crocodile.

Their pride and self-esteem are struck by the skin.


Yesterday, there was a rumor in the academy that Sheng Feng, a genius refining master of Chenghai Academy, was injured by a very handsome freshman!

Is there anyone more handsome than Lin Yang among the freshmen?

What’s more, there were students in the class present at that time, watching Fu Shengfeng pointing to Lin Yang’s house and scolding!

“Is he really the same age as us? Killing the black ancient crocodile and hitting Fu Shengfeng is too terrible! ”

“The key is that he is strong and so handsome, why is God so unfair!”

“Be quiet, let him hear you and it’s over, Fu Shengfeng he dares to fight, how old are you?”


The students exchanged ears and whispered.

As everyone knows, Lin Yang heard that with the improvement of his cultivation, his eyesight and hearing have improved, especially after taking the blood crystal spirit jade liquid, it is more obvious.

“It is only a matter of time before the strength is exposed.”

Lin Yang said secretly, not caring.

As for that Fu Shengfeng, he also didn’t care, it was the other party who broke into his room first, and the two sides were fair to fight, but the opponent was too weak to get hurt.

That’s right, it hurts because you’re too weak.

“You say, what will Lin Yang’s refining substance be?”

“It’s definitely not low-grade monster beasts such as Mighty Pig and Wind Chasing Dog…”

Lin Yang suddenly heard someone talking about this.

Lin Yang’s strength is too strong, and it will eventually arouse suspicion, thinking of refining materials.

It was impossible for Lin Yang not to have refining substances, but that was even more terrifying.

But the refining substance of the earth cannot be detected by ordinary people, and he must not be exposed!

“It seems that I need a refining substance on the bright side as a cover…”

Before, Lin Yang felt that he didn’t need other refining materials at all, and now he had to get one.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yang was thinking about what he should refine.

He can only refine one item at present, and it can’t be too ordinary, so he has to choose it well.

Refining blood crystal spirit jade?

This is the most valuable treasure in Lin Yang’s hands at present, and it is also a very good refining substance, and after refining, there is a certain chance to obtain [Healing], [Blood Coagulation], [Jade] and other natural abilities.

Lin Yang decided that if there was no better refining substance within a week, he would finish refining the blood crystal spirit jade.

After a while, the mentor Yan Qiulan came.

She was surprised to see Lin Yang actually sitting here.

Sure enough, Lin Yang’s strength is so strong, and the factor of talent is inseparable from hard work.

In this class, Yan Qiulan mainly explained and analyzed the problem of hunting demon beasts last time.

After that, the content is how to practice, how to break through, and so on after possessing the refining substance.

After class, Lin Yang returned to the college residence.

“Lin Yang, are you there?”

Gu Qingqing shouted outside the door, the last time she invited Lin Yang to dinner was rejected, she decided to try again.

“Yes, come in.”

“Qingqing, you haven’t become an alchemist yet, have you?”

Lin Yang asked, with his current realm, he could directly sense it.

At the same time, he also saw that there were light red blood-red lines in some places on Gu Qingqing’s body, which was a subtle embodiment of refining.

Lin Yang does not currently have one.

“Well, almost, but soon.” Gu Qingqing nodded.

“You wait, I’ll get something good for you to taste.”


Gu Qingqing thought that Lin Yang wanted to pour himself a drink or wine.

After Lin Yang tinkered in the room for a while, he took out a small cup of blood crystal spirit jade liquid, which was very small.

“What is it?”

Gu Qingqing’s small face was puzzled, and she drank it all in one gulp.

Immediately afterwards, her whole body turned red and hot, and she was a little uncomfortable.

She has not yet become an alchemist, her ability to withstand it is too poor, drinking such a little blood crystal spirit jade liquid is already the limit, and if she has more, her meridians may burst and die.

But Gu Qingqing doesn’t know this.

After drinking what Lin Yang poured, this situation occurred, could it be that Lin Yang gave some medicine?

So what happens next… Gu Qingqing suddenly felt a little dizzy.

“After digesting these medicinal liquids, your life physique will improve, the aura in your body will increase, and you will be able to become a first-order refiner today, and your strength will be stronger in the same rank.”

Lin Yang said with a smile.

He will not be soft on his enemies, nor will he be stingy with his friends or his own.

At this time, Lin Yang’s phone rang, it was Yan Qiulan who called, asking him to go to the core building of the academy now.

“So urgent, what the hell is going on…”

Lin Yang hung up the phone, saw that Qingqing was a little delirious and picked her up and put her on the bed to rest, and went out.

(ps: Thanks to a certain big guy for more than 700 flowers, and thanks to some other big guys for their monthly tickets!) )

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