Supervisor Wang anxiously called Lin Yang, but because his hand trembled, he didn’t press it accurately.

The phone was immediately answered over there, and a somewhat hoarse voice came: “Director Wang, are you coming again today?” What role do you want people to play with you? ”

The nearby driver’s bodyguards all heard it and looked at Supervisor Wang with a meaningful gaze.

“Ahem, I made a mistake, let’s talk next time.”

Supervisor Wang quickly hung up the phone, and this time dialed Lin Yang’s number very carefully and carefully.

“Toot … Honk…… Honk…… Hiss. ”

However, there was a beep on the phone, and then suddenly it hung up automatically.

Can’t get through!

Lin Yang was too far away from the Chenghai base, and the communication was strongly interfered with, and Lin Yang’s phone could not be reached.

“Damn, I can’t get through at this time!”

Supervisor Wang cursed angrily.

That’s a beast tide, every beast tide is a test of life and death for any base, I don’t know how many people have to die, and how many families have to be destroyed.

Director Wang’s father sacrificed his life in the last beast tide.

And Lin Yang’s strength is very strong, if he is there, he can kill more demon beasts and save more people.


Chenghai Academy is already the first force in the Chenghai base, the absolute hegemon.

Since the last holy scripture, Chenghai Academy has undergone great changes, there are outer courtyards and inner courtyards, and there are more powerful alchemists who want to join Chenghai Academy, a thriving scene.

Chenghai College has invisibly gathered more resource wealth and invested it in students, allowing them to grow rapidly.

The more strong the academy, the more solid the foundation will be and the more prosperous it will be.

In the core building, a senior director suddenly received the news of the guards and was dumbfounded in place.

Beast tide?

Wondering if he had misheard, he contacted the guards again to confirm.

“The beast tide is coming!”

The senior mentor suddenly stood up and exclaimed.

After a moment of silence, everyone’s faces were solemn or panicked, and then some people took action and made corresponding preparations, and some people took out their mobile phones and called their families at the first time.

And that senior director sent the news of the beast tide directly to all the high-level and all the decision-making levels of Chenghai Academy!

Those who can sit here have seen the world, experienced the wind and waves, and are not as flustered as at the exit of the city wall.

A few minutes later.


Dean Hang Xiuping flew out of his residence and floated above the academy, releasing a terrifying aura coercion all over his body, and the aura of one heaven and earth violently stirred!

“Look, someone is flying in midair!”

“That’s Lord Dean, now the supreme ruler of the entire Chenghai Base!”

“This is a fifth-order alchemist, but I can fly in the air, and I really want to become an alchemist like the dean one day!”

On weekdays, Hang Xiuping is very attentive and tries not to cause any sensation, but this time it is really difficult for him to keep calm.

Chenghai Academy just ruled the base, it was the weakest time, but at this time, there was a beast tide, and this luck was really extremely bad.

Hang Xiuping’s deep gaze flashed with a sharp glow, as if penetrating the distant time and space, looking beyond the base, and seeing the black-pressed beast tide oppressing!

The beast tide is really coming!

“The beast tide is coming, all the students of Chenghai Academy, the next time is for you to defend your homeland.”

Although these students are still young and in the brightest moments of their lives, the world is cruel and unavoidable.

Concealing the truth is more able to sharpen and promote their growth than to directly disclose the truth.

What’s more, under the tide of beasts, everyone is equal.

As long as the alchemist wants to participate in the battle, he must defeat the beast tide in the shortest time, otherwise the losses will only increase, and more people will die, and even the base will be breached, and the survival home will be lost.

The Chenghai trainees never expected that the dean floating in mid-air would say such a sentence!

They were confused, then shocked and panicked.

All of them had almost never seen the beast tide and had no idea what it was like, but the horror of the beast tide was deeply imprinted in their minds through television images or the narrations of the older generation.

At the same time, inside Chenghai Academy, a blood-red flag rose into the sky.

On the bright red flag, there are two big white characters: Chenghai.

Followed by.

Other academies also have super families, and there are also blood-red flags raised!

After a while, blood-red flags were all over the Chenghai base, and almost everyone could see the blood-red flag.

Many people who were working looked up and even thought they were delusional.

“It’s the Banner of Bloody Battle!”

“In history, there are only two situations in which the flag of bloody war will be raised, either hostile forces attack, or beast tides attack. Every time the flag of bloody battle is raised, blood will flow into rivers and corpses will be strewn all over the field! ”

“This time it’s the beast tide, and there is a beast tide that is killing the Chenghai base!”

“Mixed account demon beasts, Lao Tzu wants to go to the battlefield, he wants to kill a hundred demon beasts!”

The streets and alleys of the Chenghai base were all chaotic and boiling.

Some people were shocked, some shivered, and some people ran home in a panic, hugging their families tightly, and some people were full of fighting spirit, and the spiritual energy in their bodies was surging, and they took the initiative to gather at the city wall!

Especially the older generation, some even experienced two or three beast tides, when they saw this blood-red flag, they immediately cried bitterly, and then wiped their tears and resolutely chose to go to the battlefield.


All the major academies, families, and martial arts halls mobilized, and a team of refiners and transport vehicles continued to converge towards the city wall.


The walls of the Chenghai base were already full of warriors, they looked into the distance, some were painful and sad, some were panicked, but more showed battle intent, anger, and killing intent!

They felt the tremor of the earth, felt the terrifying and monstrous demon aura rolling in, and no one took half a step back.

Suddenly, at the end of their line of sight, a black line appeared, and the black line seemed to have no end, extending to both sides.

The black line became thicker and thicker, and the figure of a fierce and vicious demon beast gradually became clear.

The terrifying and boundless army of monster beasts slowly oppressed.

The number of demon beasts is too much, and at a glance, there is no end in sight!

But the most eye-catching thing is not the demon beast, but the human in front of the demon beast army, and the human being floating in mid-air.

“How can there be humans with the beast tide? What the hell is going on here? ”

“And those humans are more like the leaders of the beast tide army, they bring the beast tide over!”

“Bastard, it’s someone from the Styx Organization!”

“Damn, are you still human? Actually united with demon beasts to attack the human base? ”

On the city wall, many refiners were shocked and surprised, followed by monstrous scolding.


Inside the base, figures flew from the sky.

They were all fifth-order alchemists in the base, from major academies, major super families, there were seven people in total, and Hang Xiuping was among them.

These seven people exude an earth-shattering momentum, they are the seven giants standing at the base of Chenghai, like the needle of the sea god, their arrival has stabilized the army’s heart and boosted morale.

(PS: There is another change later, the author stays up late to write, readers don’t stay up late and wait, tomorrow when they get up to see the same.) )

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