Not long ago, Lin Yang faced a fifth-order refiner, and he was not his opponent, so he could only save his life.

But after the earth’s refining degree reached 40%, and after obtaining a more lethal talent ability, Lin Yang had already killed four fifth-order refiners at this moment!

Such a terrifying achievement is unique in the entire history of the Chenghai Base, shocking the ancient and modern!

At this moment, the [Troubled Storm] has disappeared.

Lin Yang glanced back at the earth behind him, as if there had been a devastating earthquake, the earth was destroyed in a mess, with potholes and ravines stretching out.

Blood and pieces of flesh spilled all over the earth, soaking the earth into black and red, giving off a pungent fishy smell.

Lin Yang couldn’t remember how many demon beasts he had killed, it was too difficult to count.

He only knew that when he first returned, he was densely packed with demon beasts, and now it was much empty.

“It’s a pity, so many demon beasts were strangled into demon beast sauce by the [Storm of Troubled World], otherwise it would be worth a lot of money…”

The value of the monster beast is the material, and the value of the monster sauce is low.

“It’s over?”

“The storm has dissipated!”

Several members of the Styx organization said with horror on their faces.

Such a terrifying killing move was finally over, and all of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Of course, the same is true of demon beasts, they have never seen such a devastating disaster, and today Lin Yang taught their beasts a lesson that they remembered deeply.

“Very good, kill him now!”

Nie Ghost Wind ordered the demon beasts.

But he found that he was originally able to command these demon beasts to do anything, but when he let them attack Lin Yang, these demon beasts showed an extremely frightened expression, and their hearts were extremely resistant, unwilling to carry out Nie Ghost Feng’s order.

It was really Lin Yang who left too deep a terrifying shadow in their hearts, and the area was still large.

This made Nie Ghost Feng a little angry.

At this time, Lin Yang moved his steps and walked back step by step.

He wants to return to the Chenghai base, where there are also six fifth-order demon beasts, a fifth-order alchemist of the serpent, fighting against Hang Xiu and others!

With such a large number of fifth-order battles, it will definitely cause serious damage to the base, affecting some low-level refiners, causing serious casualties.

On the road that Lin Yang walked back, there were many demon beasts.

But when Lin Yang walked over, all the demon beasts retreated hundreds of meters away, and some of the demon beasts’ legs were still shaking.

“These idiots!”

Nie Ghost Feng’s face was gloomy.

As soon as Lin Yang finished performing the Great Killing Move, he would definitely not be able to exert such a terrifying talent ability, and Lin Yang’s aura would definitely not be much left.

In this case, the beast tide launched an attack on him and was definitely able to take Lin Yang.

But the demon beasts didn’t think so much, they only had very simple thinking, and they were very afraid of Lin Yang now!

Lin Yang’s current aura is indeed not much, this is still the two pills that restored the aura just now swallowed.

But he consumes some of the [Wind Chasing Arrow] in a row, and secondly, the recovery of Aura also takes time.

Therefore, Lin Yang did not make a move to kill these weak demon beasts for the time being, it was a complete waste of aura, and his target was the fifth order in the beast tide, as well as the fifth order of the Hades Snake Organization.

Kill the top combat power, the dragons are leaderless, and the enemy army will naturally rout.

“The fifth order of the Styx Organization, it seems that there are only two left.”

Lin Yang observed.

One is fighting with Hang Xiuping, and the other is the leader Nie Ghost Feng.

And the fifth-order demon beast, there are six more.

The overall strength of the enemy is still a stable pressure Chenghai base.

“The storm is over, Lin Yang, he’s back!”

Some refiners in the base saw the situation outside through the cracks in the gates of the city wall, or through the holes in some city walls.

They saw that on the road back of Lin Yang, all the demon beasts gave way to a road.

This scene is too bizarre, too shocking, has a strong impact, and stimulates everyone’s nerves.

Unknowingly, he thought that Lin Yang was a metamorphosis monster beast, the beast king of this group of monster beasts.

But in fact, they were just afraid of Lin Yang!

“Master Lin Yang, don’t come back!”

“Yes, leave quickly, run away!”

The refiners within the city walls did not want Lin Yang to come back.

They all knew that Lin Yang couldn’t cast a big killing move again, there was definitely not much aura left, and in the current situation, the Chenghai base still did not have an advantage.

Lin Yang came back, and it was likely that he would die with them in the end.

Nie Ghost Feng looked at this scene with grim eyes, and did not stop Lin Yang’s return.

Lin Yang returned to the Chenghai base just in time, and he could catch it all, so as not to distract him, and he had to deal with the base, and he had to deal with Lin Yang’s attack behind the beast tide.


In this tragic war, Lin Yang walked through the battlefield unharmed and unharmed, without being stopped by any demon beast.

How incredible this is.

When Lin Yang returned to the base, all the nearby refiners cast reverent eyes!

When the Chenghai base encountered life and death danger, Lin Yangming could obviously ignore them and escape, but he brazenly struck and killed four fifth-order alchemists of the serpent, severely damaging the beast tide!

Now, Lin Yang has returned to the base, and it seems that he wants to live and die with them.

Everyone was moved to tears and wept.

“In this battle, even if we are all dead, we can’t let Lin Yang have an accident!”

“That’s right, in case the Chenghai base is destroyed, we must let Lin Yang escape!”

“Lord Lin Yang is the only hope for the Chenghai base!”

Everyone said.

Ning Baixue also nodded affirmatively.

Lin Yang looked at this group of fellow Terrans, looked at the teachers and students of Chenghai Academy, looked at Ning Baixue and Gu Qingqing, and a warmth flowed in his heart, and he said, “Don’t worry, the Chenghai base will not be destroyed, and I will not die!” ”

Then, Lin Yang’s gaze swept over Nie Ghost Wind and the demon beasts, and his voice was cold: “It will be them who die!” ”

“You don’t have the ability to do this!”

When Nie Ghost Feng heard this, he said indifferently!


He urged the special talent ability to the limit, and all the demon beasts around the base shook their bodies, revealing fierce killing intent and surrounded the base!

Although the beast tide was severely damaged by Lin Yang, the number was still amazing!

Inside the base, the fifth-order alchemist of the serpent and six other fifth-order demon beasts surged wildly with spiritual energy in their bodies, forming a frenzy of spiritual energy and stirring up the wind and clouds in all directions!

This moment!

The serpent organization and the beast tide launched a final attack, pouring everything into the onslaught!

The moment of life and death battle has arrived!

All the alchemists in the Chenghai base showed killing intent and fighting intent, and many alchemists remounted the city wall, wanting to fight to the death with demon beasts and protect the homeland territory of the Terrans!

“Dean, give me a high-grade elixir to restore my aura.”

Lin Yang said suddenly.

The elixir that he had just swallowed to restore his spiritual energy had a good effect, but it could not meet Lin Yang’s needs.

When Lin Yang came back just now, he deliberately walked very slowly, just to let the aura recover more, but the result was still not very good.

Dean Hang Xiuping is a fifth-order alchemist, and there must be pills to restore aura, and they are aimed at fourth- and fifth-order alchemists, so the effect will be very fierce for Lin Yang.

“Take it!”

Hang Xiuping threw a pill at Lin Yang.

Lin Yang swallowed down, and suddenly felt a majestic aura explode in his body, impacting his meridians, flowing through his limbs and bones, and finally merging into the dantian in his body.

“It is worthy of being a high-grade elixir to restore aura, and the effect is good.”

Lin Yang felt the rapid recovery of the spiritual energy in his body, from four percent quickly to five percent and six percent… Seventy percent…

“It should be enough for me to urge the Talent Ability [Earth Spirit Giant]…”

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