At the moment when the Breaking Bad man burst that poison sac.

Inside the Qingfeng base.

An alchemist came home from work, and his wife was stir-frying in the kitchen, and the fragrance was overflowing.

The alchemist husband looked at his wife’s back and hugged her with a smile.

“What about stir-frying, what are you doing?”

The wife scolded, but there was a happy smile on her face, enjoying her husband holding her like this.

But at the next moment, there was a sound of “Pong” behind her.

The wife was frightened and turned to see that her husband’s head had exploded.

A large amount of poisonous mist drifted out, and strange worms, large and small, crawled out of the shattered skull.

Some worms flew directly into his wife’s face and burrowed into her skin!


The wife’s desperate and painful screams reverberated throughout the floor.

“What’s wrong?”

“What happened? Could it be that someone robbed? ”

People nearby heard the screams and came to check on the situation.

The door of this family was not closed, and when many people came to the door, they directly saw the situation inside, and saw the male alchemist who died miserably, and the woman who was screaming in horror on the side, with dark spots on her face.

“Not good, poisonous, and worms!”


“Get out of here, get out of here!”

Immediately afterwards, the scene was noisy and chaotic, and more people were infected with poison.

On the other side, in a cafeteria, dozens or hundreds of people eat here.

An employee who was eating suddenly threw himself on the dining table, motionless.

“Hey, Xiao Li, what’s wrong with you?”

The colleague came over curiously and asked.

The employee named Xiao Li did not respond, and the colleague gently pushed with his hand, and Xiao Li rolled to the ground.

I saw that Xiao Li’s eyes, mouth, nostrils, and ears were flowing out of black-green liquid, emitting a very fishy smell, and tiny worms crawled out.


The colleague’s frightened face turned pale as paper and cried out in horror.

“What? I also shouted when I ate a meal. ”

“There seems to be something wrong over there, someone fell to the ground.”

Many people in the cafeteria heard the sound and came to watch.

“Breathe! Save me! ”

A few seconds later, someone was breathing poorly, pinching his neck with his hand, and his body convulsed violently.

There were also people whose eyes suddenly shed blood and tears, could not see anything, and shouted in horror: “What’s going on, why is it suddenly dark?” ”

“Ah! My face! ”

A beautiful woman’s face suddenly melted and dripped like wax.

At this moment, such a scene broke out everywhere in the Qingfeng base.

The whole base suddenly boiled, despair and terror were spreading everywhere, all panic and cry for help.

The doors of some medical refiners were directly knocked on.

Inside a treatment unit.

A medical alchemist looked at the patients swarming not far away, and suddenly frightened and stupid, his legs were limp, and he knelt on the ground, crying and shouting bitterly: “Damn, what did the damn Breaking Bad do!” ”

At this moment, there were not a few people in the entire Qingfeng base who wailed like him.

The City Lord’s Mansion was not spared.

Suddenly, the source of poison broke out, and many people were poisoned or poisoned, wailing in pain and causing chaos.

“Help! Save me! ”

“I was poisoned by the Breaking Bad, where is Lin Yang’s Divine Doctor?”

The high-level of the City Lord’s Mansion received a lot of relevant information in a short period of time, and they were all panicked for a while!

“Medical refiner quickly carry out treatment!”

“Where are the medical refiners?”

“There are not enough medical refiners in the mansion, and Lin Yang Divine Doctor didn’t see it.”

This sudden outbreak of disaster left the high-level officials in a hurry, not knowing how to respond.

“What the hell is going on here?”

“It’s Breaking Bad, it must be Breaking Bad!”

“But a month ago, there were only occasional poisons in the base, but now it is a sudden outbreak, and tens of thousands, or even 100,000 people, are poisoned in an instant! Why did Breaking Bad do this all of a sudden? Could it be that he was going to declare war on the City Lord’s Mansion? ”

“Messing with things, he is alone, and he really takes himself seriously, and wants to be an enemy of the entire Qingfeng base?”

“Don’t panic, the deputy city lord and a sixth-order elder have already led their men to the Black Poison Swamp Forest, and they will soon be able to kill the Breaking Poison Master, and return the Qingfeng base to a quiet and tranquility.”

“I only hope that they can get the antidote, otherwise the situation of the Qingfeng base will still be difficult to improve…”


On the other side, Su Haowei’s team came to the outside of the Black Poison Swamp Forest.

There were a total of twenty-five people in the team, nine fifth-order refiners and fifteen top-level fourth-order alchemists.

There was also one who was the elder of the City Lord’s Mansion, a sixth-order alchemist!

At this time, Su Haowei’s mobile phone text messages rang non-stop, all of which were messages sent by his subordinates.

Su Haowei glanced at it, and suddenly anger erupted, and he gritted his teeth and became angry: “The Bad Breaker is so frustrated and wantonly destroys the Terran people of the Qingfeng base!” ”

The rest of the people didn’t know why, and took out their mobile phones to flip through the news.

Through the news pictures, they saw the tragic scene in the base, and immediately understood why Su Haowei was so angry.

“Damn, Breaking Bad, we definitely can’t spare you!”

“And the child is also poisoned, such a small child!”

“This Breaking Bad is a beast!”

They were even more angry than Su Haowei at the moment, cursing one by one, eager to immediately kill the Breaking Bad and save the compatriots in the base.

You know, those who were poisoned by the Breaking Bad before, the survival rate was only three or four percent, most of them could not be cured, and the poison died.

This time, I don’t know how many people will die in the Qingfeng base, and conservatively estimate that there are tens of thousands!

Killing tens of thousands of people at once, regardless of men, women and children, what a loss of conscience!

The sixth-order elder glanced at it, just as angry, but much calmer than the others.

“Vice City Lord Su rest assured, the City Lord let me out of the horse, this time is to destroy the Breaking Bad!”

The sixth-order elder said in a deep voice.

“There is work.”

Su Haowei hugged his fist and bowed, very grateful.

“After finding the Breaking Bad, I will stop him, you first rescue Su Lanyue, and then besiege him from a distance, and you will definitely kill him here today!”

The sixth-order elder said the plan, and his determination was strong.


“Listen to the elders.”

Su Haowei and the others nodded.

Then twenty-five people carefully entered the Black Poison Swamp Forest!

Of course, they know that there are poisonous gases, poisonous snakes and worms everywhere, and they have prepared corresponding means, such as antidote pills and the like.

There was an alchemist in the team, exerting his innate ability, urging a layer of green light mask, just shrouding twenty-five people inside.

As they moved, the light mask also moved, resisting the attack of the poisonous mist.

Hours passed, and the team went smoothly along the way.

After all, they were all elite alchemists of the Qingfeng base, there were supreme powerhouses in the late fifth-order stage such as Su Haowei, and there was a sixth-order alchemist sitting there.

“The poisonous fog here is getting thicker and thicker, and there are more demon beasts, I am afraid it has reached the depths of the Black Poison Swamp Forest.”

“You may encounter a Breaking Bad at any time next, everyone be careful!”

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