The nearly a thousand seafood floating on the sea, including many demon beasts, were all cooked by the scalding seawater at this moment!

“I wipe, so fierce!”

Lin Yang was surprised.

I didn’t expect that small group of [Great Sun Golden Flame], the power was so terrifying, it instantly burned the demon beast blood devouring shark to ashes!

The flames on the ashes fell into the sea, directly evaporating a large area of seawater, scalding thousands of fish, shrimp and monsters alive!

[Great Sun Golden Flame], it’s really awesome!

What if, after Lin Yang urged the talent ability [Blazing Flame Divine Body], he would cast the [Great Sun Golden Flame]?

[Blazing Flame Divine Body] can double the power of the fire attack, how strong should the power of [Great Sun Golden Flame] be at that time?

“The Blazing Flame Divine Body and the Sun Golden Flame will be my strongest killing move!”


Lin Yang flew back to the energy speeder, calmed his mood, and continued to hurry, targeting the fourth god pattern imprint point.

Solve the fourth god pattern imprint point as soon as possible and leave the Dayang Empire as soon as possible.


Ten days later.

The holy place of the Dayang Empire, a hundred miles away from Dayang Island, an energy speeder stopped in midair.

“The fourth Divine Pattern Imprint Point is actually on Dayang Island!”

Dayang Island is equivalent to the imperial palace of the Great Xia Empire, heavily guarded, and the strong are like clouds!

Lin Yang, a Daxia person, entering Dayang Island, it is absolutely very dangerous, once discovered, it will attract a large number of strong people to hunt!

In other words, in the Great Xia Empire, even well-trained undercover personnel would not easily infiltrate the imperial palace.

That undercover stronghold of the Dayang Empire also captured the people of the Great Xia Dynasty, and then brainwashed and controlled them to help themselves do things and achieve certain goals.

Those undercover agents will not enter the imperial palace rashly!

What’s more, Lin Yang is the most ordinary level in terms of sneaking in disguise, and if he enters Dayang Island, the probability of being found is extremely high!

“Is it possible that we can only temporarily give up this God Pattern Imprint Point?”

Lin Yang was a little unwilling, after all, he ran all the way.


At this moment, a small drone flew over in the sky, this is a patrol machine of Dayang Island, monitoring the situation in a radius of tens of thousands of meters on Dayang Island!

Lin Yang immediately put away the energy speeder and slowly flew towards Dayang Island, so as not to be targeted by patrol drones.

As he slowly approached Dayang Island, Lin Yang suddenly found it.

The position sensing of the imprint point of the god tattoo is a bit peculiar.

“The fourth divine pattern imprint point, it seems… In the sea below Dayang Island! ”

Lin Yang made a new discovery.

If so, then there is no need to venture into Dayang Island.

However, in Lin Yang’s next exploration, he found that in the sea near Dayang Island, there were also patrol boats, and even giant artillery batteries!

After all, the Dayang Empire is an empire on the sea.

As the holy place of the Dayang Empire, the security of Dayang Island is the same as that of the imperial palace of the Great Xia Empire.

The imperial palace is tens of miles around, and there is not a single demon beast in sight.

And dozens of miles near the sea of Dayang Island, there is also not a single demon beast in sight.

In other words, if Lin Yang approached Dayang Island from the sea, he would be discovered by patrol boats and set fire by the artillery battery!

That’s a tough one.

After thinking for a long time, Lin Yang came up with two plans.

The first option is to find a way to obtain special talent abilities, avoid patrol boats, and reach the god tattoo mark point on the bottom of the sea.

For normal people, this plan is too difficult to implement.

But it was easy for Lin Yang, he had a god-level refining system, which could directly unlock the location of several sub-attribute refining objects, and then quickly refine some special treasure or sea demon beast.

If you don’t get the desired innate ability, immediately peel it off and refine it again.

As for the second option, that is to go straight through.

Anyway, the portrayal of the god pattern is very fast, and he will leave after painting.

In the end, Lin Yang chose… Option two!

The main thing is that the first plan takes too much time, and although the second plan is more dangerous, Lin Yang is confident in his strength.

“I won’t be expanding after the sun refining reaches 5%…”

Lin Yang laughed at himself.

Of course, even if you choose the second option, you must pay attention to the way to break through directly.


In the sea water near Dayang Island, there are a total of thirty patrol boats, always patrolling the movements of the seabed, and once they find any monster beasts approaching, they will directly bombard them!

Each patrol boat is equipped with high-intensity aura cannons, which are cannon attacks launched with aura as the main energy, and have lethal killing power against fifth-order demon beasts.

If it encounters a sixth-order demon beast, the patrol boat will choose to retreat.

And if the sixth-order demon beast is close to a certain range of Dayang Island, the energy batteries around the island will attack, even if it is a sixth-order demon beast, a cannon will blast you into slag!

“Huh? A demon beast approaching? ”

In a patrol boat, one of the refiners saw a huge black shadow approaching ahead.

“There are actually demon beasts that don’t have long eyes, and they want to get close to Dayang Island!”

Another female refiner sneered.

Due to the sacred status of Dayang Island, countless terrifying powerhouses sit in the town, and under long-term deterrence, there are very few demon beasts nearby.

“Activate the Aura Cannon and prepare to attack!”

The female alchemist shouted.


In a black cannon barrel above the patrol boat, a bright white light shone out, and amazing energy fluctuations were brewing.

And the huge black shadow approached the patrol boat at a faster speed.

“It’s actually a black spiny squid!”


A shining pillar of bright white light penetrated through, illuminating the dim ocean brightly!

The moment the black spiny squid encountered the artillery attack, it immediately spewed out a large amount of black ink mist.

For a while, the two people in the patrol boat could not see anything.

But they are not worried at all.

Because that aura cannon accurately hit the black thorn squid, this demon beast will definitely die!

But when the surrounding ink fog cleared, they found a very young and handsome man floating on the glass directly in front of the patrol boat!


The female alchemist was shocked by Lin Yang’s appearance, and immediately frowned!

How could a normal person run into the sea near Dayang Island?

I am afraid that this person has some intentions.

The female alchemist was about to shout, but her mental consciousness was attracted by Lin Yang’s eyes, as if she was about to fall into the dark blue vortex in Lin Yang’s eyes!

This is exactly the innate ability [Spirit Invasion]!

Lin Yang directly invaded the spiritual consciousness of the two patrolmen, tampered with their memories, and set his identity as a patrol captain, their top boss!

A few seconds later, Lin Yang ended the [Spirit Invasion] and said, “This patrol boat, I requisitioned it now!” ”

“Yes, Captain!”

The two Great Yang refiners inside said respectfully.

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