When the God Pattern imprint is successfully depicted, on the information panel, the refining degree of the earth will increase rapidly!

The ground of the red coral reef trembled, and the rich and majestic energy gushed out, which was quickly swallowed by the system.

Puff boom!

The red coral reef under Lin Yang’s feet suddenly collapsed a lot, and a dark red blood-colored air jet erupted.

“This is the smell of blood, what’s the treasure underneath?” Veins of the Blood Dao Attribute? ”

Lin Yang guessed in his heart.

At this moment, six patrol boats appeared around Lin Yang!

The cannon barrels above the six patrol boats fluctuated with amazing energy at the same time, blooming with bright light on the dark seabed!


That light was shining more and more, and I saw that the six spiritual light cannons were about to be launched!

Bang bang bang…

Lin Yang once again activated the talent ability [Serpent of Thorns], a lightning-fast dark green thorn, destroying all the spiritual light cannons on the six patrol boats!

Boom –

Since the aura cannon was destroyed when it was about to be fired, the brewing energy was not released and exploded directly.

Six dull explosions sounded at the bottom of the sea, all six patrol boats were blown into broken iron, and all the patrolmen inside died.

Lin Yang glanced at the system panel and said, “Soon, soon!” ”

As soon as the earth’s refining degree stops beating, he will immediately withdraw!

Dayang Empire Patrol Headquarters!

Everyone saw the picture of Lin Yang destroying six patrol boats with thunderous means, and their faces were either shocked or angry!

“What a big boldness, killed twelve more patrolmen of our country and destroyed six patrol boats!”

“This person is provoking the majesty of Dayang, and he must be severely punished!”

“Boss, activate the Dayang Energy Fort!”

A staff member suggested.

The person in charge sank his gaze and pinched his chin.

Around Dayang Island, there are a total of ten energy forts, extremely powerful, even sixth-order demon beasts can be killed with one shot!

However, the person in charge wanted to capture Lin Yang alive and interrogate Lin Yang’s secrets!

However, Lin Yang’s actions were too weird, and the mysterious pattern he had just portrayed must have an unspeakable secret!

In order not to let Lin Yang succeed, in order to prevent Lin Yang from escaping, even if he killed by mistake!

Moreover, Lin Yang’s strength is not bad, coupled with his boldness, there must be some life-saving cards, and the energy cannon will not necessarily kill Lin Yang.

Being able to hit Lin Yang hard, or missing an arm and a broken leg, is better and easy to capture.

“Activate Energy Battery No. 2!”

The eyes of the person in charge flashed!


Below the island, in the sea, a giant artillery battery suddenly made a sound, and the huge barrel was slightly adjusted to the direction and aimed at Lin Yang!

I saw that inside the giant cannon barrel, the orange blazing light shone!


A few kilometers away, Lin Yang immediately noticed an orange glow in the distance!

Next second!


An orange-red pillar of light with a diameter of ten meters rushed through the sea, setting off turbulent undercurrent waves, and arrived in front of Lin Yang in the blink of an eye!

Lin Yang was not in a hurry, and he used his talent ability [Golden Body]!

Suddenly, sharp golden rays shone out from his body, and Lin Yanghun’s body was quickly plated with a layer of gold, he was as dazzling as a small golden sun, and he also looked divine and majestic.


The attack of the energy cannon descended, completely enveloping Lin Yang, and the furious energy eroded every inch of Lin Yang’s body.

When the artillery fire dissipated, the red coral reef near Linyang was destroyed, and a deep ravine stretched for kilometers into the distance.

And Lin Yang was shining with golden light, like a holy Buddha, without moving a single bit, and there was not a single scar on his body!

Dayang Empire Patrol Headquarters!

“Groove! How is this possible! ”

“Hard resistance to the blow of the Great Yang Energy Cannon, actually unharmed, what kind of monster is this?”

“This talent ability is too powerful, it looks really powerful!”

Numerous staff were amazed and unbelievable!

The energy fortress is a high-end weapon of the Dayang Empire, and for countless years, not only many powerful monster beasts have died under the energy cannon!

However, Lin Yang resisted the shot hard, and he was unharmed!

Lin Yang looked so young, it was impossible to have such strong strength.

“He’s so handsome!”

A female staff member couldn’t help but say, Lin Yang, who was originally super good-looking, was shining with golden light at this moment, like a fairy god descending, handsome and extraordinary!

“Activate the three energy cannons and attack again!”

The person in charge ordered again!

The energy fort has only a total of masters, built around Dayang Island, and where Lin Yang is located, at most only three energy cannons can attack him!

“Activate Energy Cannon No. 1!”

“Activate the No. 2 energy cannon!”

“Activate the No. 3 Energy Cannon!”


Lin Yang glanced at his feet, and at the place of damage caused by the energy cannon bombardment just now, a large amount of dark red air flowed out, dyeing the surrounding sea water red!

Such visions made Lin Yang a little curious.

But right now, he doesn’t have time to care about anything else.

He noticed that in a dark ocean ahead, three rays of orange light appeared!

An even heavier artillery attack than just now was about to kill.

Lin Yang’s [Golden Body] can only transform the whole body into a special golden state for a short time, and it cannot be continuously cast.

But right now, Lin Yang didn’t need to resist the enemy’s attack.

Because on the information panel, the earth’s refining degree data has stopped beating and is frozen at 78.5159%!

The further the refining degree of the earth, the more spirit coins are needed, and the same is true for the God Pattern Imprint Point, and the effect that can be improved in the future is gradually declining.

No time to think too much.

The talent ability [Thunder Lightning] was activated, and Lin Yang directly turned into a brilliant white lightning bolt, and instantly rushed out of the sea!

The attack of the three Dayang energy cannons was perfectly avoided by [Thunder Flash]!


Three energy cannons destroyed everything along the way, leaving three huge ravines and a large amount of rocks and dirt flying!

A huge blood-red vein was revealed.

However, the energy essence of this vein has been fully absorbed, and the color of the spirit mine has been reduced, showing a translucent texture!

Some situations in the blood-red vein appeared, and there were corpses inside!

The entire thousand-meter-long vein was actually full of corpses!

Dark red water rose from the cracks in the vein!


Suddenly, the entire vein shattered, and a large amount of blood erupted, dyeing the nearby sea water a blood-red!

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