“Shuolan City is just a change of city owner, everything is as usual.”

Lin Yang’s eyes swept over these demon beasts faintly, and no one dared to look at them.

“Thank you, my lord! I am willing to be a pioneer for adults! ”

Listening to Lin Yang’s words, several people breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed a little.

This new city lord did not plan to take the post of three fires with a new official, and everything was as usual, so it was not much difference for them to change the city lord.

The Earth Demon Realm is already respectful of strength, and it is even more serious.

And most of the monsters are cunning and cruel, selfish.

They also don’t have the idea of avenging the original city lord.

“The news of the death of the city lord of Shuolan City does not have to be spread.”

Lin Yang tapped the armrest of the throne and said.

He hadn’t forgotten that Heiyuan City and Shuolan City were just two small cities with lower and middle strength, and there were many cities around that would continue to expand their territory around.

Originally, these two cities were united, and two eighth-order demon beasts were sitting in town, so no one dared to bully.

Now that the city lord of Shuolan City is dead, and there is only one city lord left in the two cities, it is bound to attract some covetousness, and Lin Yang doesn’t want to put himself in a place too conspicuous so early.

That way, some things are not so convenient to do.


The demon beast below hurriedly responded.

723 Lin Yang waved his hand and let these monster beasts retreat.

Now in the main hall of the city lord’s mansion, there is only one demon beast left, it is the demon butterfly lady who kneels on one side in respect.


Lin Yang called, her body trembled, and she raised her head.

Most of the demon beasts are in human form and also show the characteristics of hideous monster beasts, and Madam Demon Butterfly is naturally no exception.

Her shoulders and backs were raised with two thin deformities, and the skin behind her was thin to transparent, and the roots were clearly revealed with a pair of thin bones of butterfly wings, entrenched and spread over the entire back.

But Mrs. Demon Butterfly’s extremely beautiful face is fragile to set off the enchantment behind her.

“How many Terrans are there in Shuolan City?”

Lin Yang asked.

“Huh?” Madam Demon Butterfly didn’t seem to understand what Lin Yang meant, and hesitated to speak, “Adults want to eat?” ”

Lin Yang frowned fiercely, and raised his hand to release the talent skill [Spirit Invasion].

After a moment, Madam Demon Butterfly seemed to have a trace of confusion in her eyes, and then quickly recovered.

Mrs. Demon Butterfly is also a demon beast and has eaten a lot of Terrans, and he has no mercy for the demon beast, and directly changes the memory of Mrs. Demon Butterfly, making the latter obey him.

“Remember, I will take all the races in Shuolan City away, not one left, and those Terrans in the Demon Beast Strongman’s Mansion, let them also send them over.”

Lin Yang ordered directly.

“Yes, master.”

Lady Butterfly responded respectfully.

“Also, if there are any treasures in the City Lord’s Mansion, all of them will be offered.”

Lin Yang immediately dropped the second sentence.

He could see that Lady Demon Butterfly had a very high status in the City Lord’s Mansion, and she must know best where the treasure was.

“The original Shuolan City Lord was not at ease with others, and hid everything in the concubine’s body.”

Madame Demon Butterfly dropped her hand behind her, abruptly pulled out a demon bone from behind her, wiped the blood stain, and offered it with both hands.

Lin Yang took it, raised his hand to erase the seal on the demon bone, and took a look.

Among them, there are not only many treasures, but also a thousand spirit crystals!

One thousand spirit crystals is equal to one million billion spirit coins on earth.

But on Earth, how difficult it was to earn so many spirit coins, and now, Lin Yang easily earned it in the Earth Demon Realm.

“There are spirit crystal veins in Shuolan City?”

Lin Yang looked at Mrs. Demon Butterfly.


Madam Demon Butterfly shook her head: “These spirit crystals were obtained by the original Shuolan City Lord who intercepted the demon beasts that left the city outside the Swamp City Auction House, and he devoured most of them, leaving the rest with me before going to Black Abyss City.” ”

“Numaaki City? What is the strength of the monster beasts in the city? ”

Lin Yang tapped the back of the chair.

“The early eighth-order powerhouse is like a cloud, and the most important thing is that the strength of the old city lord of Numb Ming City is the early ninth-order, or the elder of the Heiyan Ancient Crocodile clan, no one (aceb) dares to provoke.”

Mrs. Butterfly knows everything.

“There will be an auction in ten days from Numaaki City, and Shuolan City has also received an invitation.”

She handed over an invitation letter with both hands and handed it to Lin Yang.

“Adult? Are we going to the auction? It’s too risky…”

Mu Qingyao was beside Lin Yang, and seeing Lin Yang accept the invitation, he opened his mouth, and his eyes were worried.

“No hurry, first bring the Terrans of Shuolan City back to Heiyuan City.”

Lin Yang put the invitation away, shook his head, and pointed to Mu Qingyao at the two Terran slaves in the hall who were even breathing lightly, next to each other.

“You recognize them?”

Mrs. Demon Butterfly didn’t see it, but he could see it clearly, and Mu Qingyao made a few gestures to them.

“Lord, the Terrans who have cultivated higher in the Earth Demon Realm are all people who originally guarded the abyss.”

Mu Qingyao lowered her eyebrows, slightly disappointed.

But they did not die in the battle with the demon beasts, but fell here and suffered great torture.

Those two Terrans listened to Lin Yang and Mu Qingyao without shying away from their conversation, reacted, plucked up the courage to come out, and said excitedly to Lin Yang: “Is the adult here to rescue the fellow Terrans in the Earth Demon Realm?” ”

“I mean it.”

Lin Yang nodded.

Madame Demon Butterfly’s movements were fast, and in a short time, she brought out dozens of Terrans whose slaves were also imprisoned in the dungeon.

“Master, not only the Terrans of the City Lord’s Mansion, but also several strong people in Shuolan City have also sent several of their Terran slaves, and none of them remain, they are all here.”

A few powerhouses in Shuolan City had only seen Lin Yang fawei, and when they went out from the City Lord’s Mansion, they were almost like escaping from death.

Hearing that Lin Yang was going to take away all the clans in Shuolan City, they sent everyone over in a hurry, for fear that if they were slow, Lin Yang would find them and lose their lives.

The situation of these races in Shuolan City is even worse than that of Heiyuan City.

Seven or eight people were dying.

The City Lord of Heiyuan City was greedy for pleasure and left many Terran slaves to serve, but the City Lord of Shuolan City was even more willing to use these Terrans as food!

The Terrans of the Earth Demon Realm are worth a lot, and killing them at one time is too luxurious, so they first take the meat piece by piece, cut off the hands and feet, and concoct it like a human being, but it still makes people alive.

They were all Terrans, and Lin Yang frowned when he saw the miserable situation of these people.

Even Mu Qingyao, who was accustomed to seeing demon beasts feeding on people, was full of tears in her eyes at the moment.

They were still in Shuolan City now, and Lin Yang did not rush to recover from their injuries, but just raised his hand and dropped a [Pure Healing Spirit] on a few Terrans who only had one breath left.

“Bring them back.”

Everything he was looking for was found, and Lin Yang had no intention of continuing to stay in Shuolan City.

He wanted to return to Heiyuan City, and the high-level demon beasts in Shuolan City naturally wanted to send him away early, and the carriage to transport the Terran slaves was quickly prepared. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect and push

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