“Qi Wan, you helped the traitors of my clan to slaughter the strong people of the Black Yan Ancient Crocodile Clan, do you know that this matter is making a big deal, even the Heavenly Demon Palace will not be able to protect you!” ”

In the Sifang City, the powerhouse of the Black Yan Ancient Crocodile Clan said in a fierce voice.

“Qi Wan, Hei Yuan is a traitor of my clan, if you are obsessed, Hugh blames the old man’s men for being ruthless!”

“Don’t think that you are a disciple of the Heavenly Demon Palace, the old man is afraid that you will not succeed!”

A strong man of the Black Yan Ancient Crocodile clan spoke one after another.

Although it is a warning, there is an unconcealable fear in his eyes, and his confidence is obviously insufficient.

The source of their fear was not Qi Wan, but Lin Yang above Linli and the void.

However, what answered them was a huge sword qi that tore through heaven and earth!

A slender iron sword appeared in Qi Wan’s hand, the sword blade sharply tore through the heavens and the earth, and the cold ice ~ qi froze people’s hearts


An eighth-order peak Black Yan Ancient Crocodile clan powerhouse could not dodge, and was directly cut in half by the huge sword qi, manifested into the original form, and fell from the high school!

Everyone looked shocked, Qi Wan was just a cultivator in the early stage of the eighth class, and she could actually slaughter a strong person at the peak of the eighth order with one sword.

Seeing that this matter could not be avoided, many elders of the Black Yan Bone Crocodile Clan did not have the slightest hesitation and made a move towards this Qi Wan.

Lin Yang looked at this scene indifferently, if Qi Wan couldn’t even slaughter these eighth-order Black Yan Ancient Crocodile powerhouses, then he was not worthy of being his attendant!

Feeling Lin Yang’s eyes, a trace of determination flashed on Qi Wan’s beautiful face, and the slender holy sword in his hand flew over, accompanied by a wild surge of blood.

In less than a moment, all the eighth-order Black Yan Ancient Crocodile powerhouses in Sifang City were slaughtered!

And those guards were also killed and injured at this moment!

At this moment, Qi Wan’s tight palace clothes were full of blood, like a bloodthirsty Asura goddess of war, standing above the void, sword qi rippling, and blood flying.

However, Lin Yang did not have the slightest residence in this, and directly turned into a stream of light towards the city lord’s treasury.


At the same time, in the Black Yan King City, Hei Qing looked at the many elders in the hall with an indifferent expression.

The masters of the Black Yan Ancient Crocodile clan are like clouds, and there are even strong people at the peak of the ninth order sitting in the town, and they were actually stolen from the holy land in the clan by outsiders,

This made the Black Yan Bone Crocodile family lose face, if it is passed on, I am afraid it will become a joke in the entire First Realm!

The atmosphere in the entire hall was solemn to the extreme, and no one dared to say a word.

And yet, right now.

A chief who went out to investigate came back, he was going to investigate the sacking of the city by the three demon blood tribes.

“Patriarch, the name of the marsh and the other three cities were probably not done by the people of the demon blood clan!”

The elder said as soon as he returned.

“Is that really the case?”

Hei Qing’s brows furrowed.

He had been in a row with the high-level of the Demon Blood Clan, and he also thought that it was unlikely, but after investigation, he had conclusive evidence!

Now that there is a result, this matter is not from the demon blood clan, then someone deliberately planted blame.

Who would that be?

“Patriarch, is there something big happening in the group?”

This long man who went out did not give birth to anything, but on the way back, he had already seen an unusual atmosphere in the entire Black Yan King City.

Something must have happened in Wang Cheng!

Then the high-level of the Heiyan Ancient Crocodile clan told everything.

“What happened to such a big thing?”

This elder was also taken aback and participated in this meeting!

Suddenly, the elder seemed to have thought of something, and he said, “I see! ”

The high-level leaders present looked at each other, what do you understand?

“The person who ransacked the three cities of my clan is probably the city lord of Black Abyss City!”

The elder said.

He didn’t expect this originally, but after learning about the master who happened in the clan, he learned that the Black Abyss City Lord had betrayed!

In combination with some of the situations I investigated, I came to such a conclusion!

“Black Abyss City Lord? He probably has this heart, but he doesn’t have this ability, right? ”

“That’s right, the strength of the Black Abyss City Lord, it is impossible to do this!”

As soon as this remark came out, there was immediately a rebuttal from the top level.

But this elder was obviously not talking nonsense, he deduced it based on the results of his own investigation!

“You guys listen to me first, the first point, the three cities that were looted happened to be on the route between Heiyuan City and Heiyan King City!”

“The time when the three cities were ransacked happened to be during the period when Hei Abyss arrived in the Black Yan King City, and after we got that the three cities were ransacked, the Black Abyss also arrived in the Black Yan King City, is there no connection between this?”

“The route is mild, the timing is also mild, and the suspicion of the black abyss is very large!”

0···· Ask for flowers0 ··

After this elder finished speaking, the entire hall suddenly fell into silence.

There are no fools who can sit here, they are all real high-level and elite figures of the Black Yan Ancient Crocodile Clan!

After this elder’s analysis, they also gradually figured it out.

The Black Abyss City Lord is suspicious, it is indeed very big!

But the strength of the Black Abyss City Lord was there, and looting the three cities was simply not something that his strength could do!

But they have an association.

Hei Yuan was able to slip away from the Black Yan King City without knowing it with Qi Wan.

Perhaps the strength shown by this black abyss is not his true strength, and obviously there is something hidden in it!

“Perhaps, this black abyss is fake?”


That Changlai spoke amazingly again!

Many high-ranking people present were shocked when they heard this, and they vaguely caught something.

Originally, many clues that had no connection were suddenly enlightened at this moment!

If this black abyss is fake, if his strength is really hidden.

Then these three looted cities were really his doing!

Then before, Black Iron Demon, Black Bear Cloud and others must have been killed by the Black Abyss City Lord!

Thinking of this, the high-level of the Black Yan Ancient Crocodile family present were all terrifying and shocked!

Immediately afterwards, they felt extremely humiliated!

If everything is really speculated like this, then their entire Black Yan Ancient Crocodile family has really been tricked by the Black Abyss!

A person who impersonated, killed many masters of his Heiyan Ancient Crocodile clan, ransacked three cities, almost caused a war between the two races, and even entered the Black Yan King City.

Stole the holy relics of the Black Yan Ancient Crocodile Clan from under their noses!

This can make them feel as if there is a big face hidden in the dark, silently mocking!

In the hall, the faces of all the high-level people were embarrassed, gloomy, annoyed, and even contained terrifying murderous intent!

They were all tricked!

The entire Black Yan Ancient Crocodile clan has been played!

The elder who said all this was also silent.

He actually had another guess, but he didn’t dare to say that it was too involved.

It’s amazing!

That is, the fact that Qi Wan stole the holy relics was also the ninth planned by Hei Abyss! _

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