At the same time, Lin Yang, who had finished ransaking Sifang City, had already returned to Heiyuan City with Qi Wan.

The formation platform and the dark silver spar that came here last time were all put away by him, and it was by Hei Yuan that they relied on this to open the space channel connecting the earth.

However, at that time, Hei Yuan had been brewing for decades, and it took a lot of effort to find a relatively weak place in the spatial power to lay down the formation.

It’s a pity that before Hei Yuan could start his grand hegemony, he was taken over by Lin Yang.

Qi Wan took the array platform and spar handed over by Lin Yang, with surprise in her eyes, “This is the stone of breaking the wall?!” ”

“You know this spar?” Lin Yang asked rhetorically.

“Yes, master, almost all of the formation you gave me are made of space stones, space stones are very rare, but there is no wall breaking stone scarce, only wall breaking stone can break space with the energy of space stone.”

Qi Wan looked at the dark silver spar in her hand, “It’s a pity that this has been used once and used twice, and the requirements for the weak point of space are very high.” ”

Lin Yang knew Qi Wan’s ability, at least in terms of spatial talent, she could become a disciple of the Demon Spirit Palace, and no one could compare with her.

Qi Wan put away the formation platform and the dark silver spar, and set out to investigate the weak points of the space.

Mu Qingyao looked at Qi Wan from afar, and couldn’t imagine that Qi Wan would have the ability of spatial talent, how strong Lin Yang was, even this kind of demon beast could be accepted as a spiritual pet.

“Tell everyone to gather, after staying for so long, it’s time to go back.” Lin Yang said and turned around and walked back to the City Lord’s Mansion.

Mu Qingyao’s face was full of surprise, and her heart was excited, after staying in the Earth Demon Realm for so long, she could finally go home!

Lin Yang returned to the bedroom of the City Lord’s Mansion and took out the holy relics of the Black Yan Ancient Crocodile Clan that Qi Wan had snatched over.

The black sharp corners look shiny, and the barbaric ancient charm on them makes people’s hearts beat faster.

Lin Yang put the holy relics into the storage space, if the holy relics of the Black Yan Ancient Crocodile Clan were refined, would there be any powerful talent abilities.

However, Lin Yang is not in a hurry to consider this, the refining degree of the earth has reached 99.014% so far, but a spirit crystal vein has only increased him by nearly five percent, and the remaining one percent, the required spirit crystal is still not a small amount.

Now that Qi Wan is looking for a weak point in space, going back is imminent, Lin Yang will not let go of this last bit of time.

After refining the Spirit Crystal Vein, he had a new ability, that is, [Spirit Vein Induction]!

[Spiritual Pulse Sensing] can sense whether there are spiritual veins within a certain range, some spiritual veins are hidden deep underground, many spiritual veins are buried by the earth, and many demon beasts cannot be found at all.

With [Spirit Pulse Induction], it will not be difficult to find spirit crystals in the future, it is difficult to improve the refining degree of the sun, if you have to try your luck every time to find the spirit crystal veins, upgrade the solar refining degree will not have to wait until the year of the monkey.

Just as Lin Yang was about to leave, Mu Qingyao came over.

“My lord, everyone has arrived.” Mu Qingdao.

“Is there a problem?” Lin Yang didn’t know what Qing Yao meant.

“Everyone really wants to thank the adults, if it weren’t for the adults, we might still be the slaves of the Black Abyss City Lord now, and you saved us!” Mu Qingyao said gratefully.

“I just went with the flow.” Lin Yang was not interested in accepting any collective thanks.

“Get them all ready, and as soon as the space is found, we can go.” Lin Yang said and got up and walked out of the bedroom.

Mu Qingyao clenched her fingers and breathed a long sigh of relief, and the crimson on her pretty face did not recede.

Looking at Lin Yang’s handsome back, Mu Qingyao actually wanted to communicate with Lin Yang here, but really standing in front of Lin Yang, she suddenly woke up to the fact that she and Lin Yang were completely people from two worlds.

She didn’t think that in her lifetime, she could still catch a late-eighth order demon beast as a spirit pet, and this kind of behavior that shocked other people’s jaws could only be done by Lin Yang.

However, Mu Qingyao hurriedly followed out, and Lin Yang looked at the crowd in the square with a happy expression.

“I didn’t expect you to rescue so many people in such a short time, it’s good.”

Lin Yang clearly remembered that when he left, there were not many humans in Heiyuan City, but in such a short time, Mu Qingyao was actually able to entrap so many humans.

In the end, some work has been put into it.

“It’s all arranged by adults properly, otherwise Qing Yao would not have been able to rescue so many compatriots in such a short time!”

Mu Qingyao heard Lin Yang’s praise, a touching blush flashed on her pretty face, and she said in a low voice.

Lin Yang remembered that when he left, he did let the demon beasts of the City Lord’s Mansion listen to Mu Qingyao’s dispatch.

But being able to recruit so many people in such a short period of time, among which Mu Qingyao’s ability also accounted for the vast majority.

Thinking of this, Lin Yang couldn’t help but glance up at Mu Qingyao.

“With everyone, follow Qi Wan tonight and night, you can’t continue to stay here.” Lin Yang’s foresight made Mu Qingyao a little puzzled, but he still honestly obeyed.

After Mu Qingyao left, Lin Yang cast [Spirit Pulse Sensing] to try to find the spirit crystal vein nearby, so that with the spirit crystal he accumulated after coming to the Earth Demon Realm, the refining degree of the earth is expected to reach 100%.

At 100%, the refining degree of the earth is completely complete, and I don’t know what natural abilities will appear, Lin Yang can’t help but look forward to it.

Thousands of miles away from Heiyuan City, the Great Elder of the Black Yan Ancient Crocodile Clan, Crocodile Tian, brought hundreds of Black Yan Iron Guards, with an amazing momentum, and everywhere he passed, it caused a lot of panic!

The people of the small clan who were close to Heiyuan City were so frightened that they closed the city gates, for fear of provoking the anger of the Heiyan Ancient Crocodile Clan, thus inviting the scourge of extermination!

“Great Elder, there is a black abyss, let my Black Yan Ancient Crocodile Clan dispatch the Black Yan Iron Guard, it is enough to let it die.”

“With you, even the Demon Blood Clan Patriarch Blood Sail will not escape death, let alone the black abyss!”

“I’m afraid that at this moment, the Black Abyss has long been terrified, hiding in the Black Abyss City and not daring to come out!”


One after another sycophancy sounded, and the crocodile heaven was full of pride in his heart.

But his face was still smiling, gloomy, and he headed towards Heiyuan City first.

Behind him, many strong people of the Black Yan Ancient Crocodile clan had a relaxed look on their faces, as if they had seen the scene of the destruction of Black Abyss City.

I saw the scene of the Black Abyss City Lord kneeling in front of them and begging for mercy!

Thinking of this, they couldn’t help but feel happy in their hearts1

All those who dare to provoke the Black Yan Ancient Crocodile Clan, the only end is death!

Even if you calculate the monstrous sky, in the face of absolute strength, you will still be a mantis!

A moment later, a majestic ancient city appeared at the end of the sky, exactly what they were aiming for.

Black Abyss City! _

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