With the fall of the last ninth-order demon race powerhouse, in the entire abyss, all the demon races could no longer raise any thoughts of resistance at this moment.

When looking at the figure above his head, which was like a god of war, the eyes of all the demon races were filled with a thick look of horror.

“They lost!”

“A whole five ninth-order powerhouses made a move, but they lost in the hands of a human being!”

Looking at the other side of the passage, the camp of the Terrans, all the demon races had both unwillingness and a thick fear in their eyes.

This is the heaviest loss of the demon race in hundreds of years of war with humans.


Suddenly, the originally dim abyss became more and more gloomy, until finally it completely turned into darkness.

The entire abyss seemed to have completely turned into darkness.

There is no sun, moon, and stars, nor any light, and the only thing in the entire abyss is pure darkness, the darkness that swallows all light.

Eerily terrible.

“What’s going on?”

Such an astonishing change completely frightened the remaining demon race in the abyss.

They can feel that at this moment, the elements of the dark system in the abyss are intense to the extreme.

This kind of dark talent of the Intense Dao Extreme can only be displayed in the supreme royal families of those races in the Earth Demon Realm.

But the royal family among these demon clans did not step into the abyss battlefield at all.

“Could it be that this is the means of that human powerhouse?”

At this moment, this thought rose in the hearts of all the demon races.

But the human who was strong to the extreme before did not display the talent of the dark system?

At this moment, an endless dark force shrouded the demon race in the entire abyss.

With this dark force shrouded, all the demon races suddenly felt extremely sleepy, and their eyelids weighed even more.

Although they struggled with all their might, they resisted the invasion of this dark force.

But it didn’t do anything at all.

The drowsiness that came from the depths of the body became heavier and heavier, as if he was going to fall asleep in the next moment.

This caused all the demon races to retreat much slower, and even some demon races with low cultivation fell directly to the ground and completely fainted.

On the other hand, the human side, although still shrouded in darkness, but the actions are not affected in any way.

Watching a famous demon clan pass out, these strong people of the demon clan were overjoyed and directly rushed over.

The hand rose and fell, and every time it fell, it was accompanied by a burst of blood.

Less than a moment later, in the entire abyss, all the demon races that did not come and fled died in this abyss.

The demon clan that fled out was less than one-tenth of the entire demon army.

All the high-level demon races remained in this abyss.



“We Terrans have won!”

“Hahaha, the five ninth-order powerhouses of the demon race joined forces and all lost.”

“God bless my Terrans, Lord Lin Yang Wan”

In the abyss, many surviving refiners cried with joy, shouting loudly, and excited.

Even those seventh-order and even eighth-order legendary powers did not hold back, and at this moment the gaffe shouted with excitement, and tears of excitement flowed in the eyes of the tiger.

Don’t blame them for this, in fact, the five ninth-order demon race powerhouses brought them too much terror, and the power of the Dachuan Emperor Zhao Ren burning his divine soul to self-detonate failed to kill a ninth-order early demon race powerhouse.

At that moment, their hearts were already full of despair, and later, Qian Yuan Laozu was besieged by four mid-ninth-order demon clan powerhouses and almost died in battle.

All this made them feel deep despair!

They thought that the Third Abyss could no longer stand it, and that mankind would henceforth become the promised land of the demon race, and their descendants would become the eternal servants of the demon race!

All this made them deeply feel a deep despair and powerlessness.

And everything at this moment was completely changed because of Lin Yang’s arrival.

From despair to hope, to the killing of all directions, killing all the ninth-order demon race powerhouses, even the demon army that stepped into the abyss was destroyed nine times out of ten.

Such a great victory is a great victory that the Terrans and the Demon Race have never had in hundreds of years!

The two almost extreme endings made them, the usually resolute warriors, couldn’t help but leave tears of excitement at this moment.

Looking at the figure above the head, shrouded in thousands of rays of light, everyone couldn’t help but rise a trace of sincere admiration in their hearts!

At the same time, another section of the Abyss Passage, in the Goblin Realm.

In a magnificent mountain range, you can see everywhere, a huge and extreme demon beast, spitting out fiery demon breath.

The entire mountain range was shrouded in thick demon qi.


A muffled sound sounded.

In the midst of this majestic mountain range, a majestic giant gate that was hundreds of feet high shook slightly

This gate is the gate to the Earth Demon Realm, entering the Third Abyss Battlefield.

At this moment, the demon clan stationed outside this gate saw that the abyss passage was about to open, and their faces showed a hint of surprise.

“Hurry up and order, prepare blood food, five ninth-order elders have returned from the battle, presumably urgently need blood food to replenish.”

The demon clan guard said to the soldiers on the side.

“Lord Yu, Lord Demon Shuai has already ordered this matter, and the blood food of the five elders has long been prepared, and it can be eaten only when a few elders return!”

The guard said quickly.

“That’s fine, follow me to greet the five elders!”

The guard nodded and said.

At this moment, a demon clan wearing battle armor and a deep breath suddenly appeared outside the abyss passage.

“Meet Lord Demon Shuai!”

When the guard saw this demon clan who suddenly appeared, he quickly bowed and said.

“No need to be polite, wait for the five elders with me!”

The demon handsome who suddenly appeared nodded slightly.

Then his eyes looked expectantly into the abyss passage.

In order to be able to capture the third abyss this time, he spent a huge price to persuade the major powerhouses to send five ninth-order powerhouses to strike together.

The demon race has coveted the earth for hundreds of years, and has also fought with the Terrans in the abyss battlefield for hundreds of years, but for hundreds of years, it has never been successful.

If this time can break through the third abyss passage in one fell swoop.

Become the first demon to invade Earth.

In the future, when he talks about merit and deeds, he will certainly be able to occupy a rich territory, and his status in the clan will inevitably rise.

Even cultivation can go to the next level.

Step into the peak of the ninth order in one fell swoop!

“Boom, boom!”

At this moment, the majestic giant gate that was hundreds of zhang high suddenly opened.

A bloody aura rushed to the sky.

Looking at such a thick bloody aura, the demon shuai’s face couldn’t help but show a hint of joy.

It seems that the five elders have succeeded! _

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