Chapter Eighty-Two Chen Ting Absolute Pinglier! Luca was dumbfounded!!

Montpellier fans in the stands stood shoulder to shoulder and roared to cheer on the players on the field.

If football is a war in peacetime, now this war has reached its most intense stage.

Both teams, whether players, coaches or fans on the sidelines, are fully committed to the game.

No one wants to drop the chain at this moment.

Even if Lille is still ahead in the scoreline, even if Lille has more fans and louder than them.

Montpellier fans did not flinch, shouting hoarsely.

After scoring the goal, Milo gave Chen Ting a thumbs up and quickly ran to his position.

All the Montpellier players did not celebrate, at most just high-fived each other.

They knew it would take another goal to equalise.

If it ends like this, the goal loses its meaning.

On the other side, the Lille players also tensed.

The format of the pitch is changing rapidly, and although there are only ten minutes left in the game, there can still be surprises.

Centre Nolan looked at head coach Garcia on the sidelines and appeared to ask for his opinion.

At this time, Garcia was also very entangled, not knowing whether to continue to attack or retract to defend.

In the end, Garcia, eager to win, waved his hand and signaled the players to return to his own half to maintain the score until the end of the game.

Although Nolan was a little surprised, he decisively executed Garcia’s tactics.

Under his organization, Lille changed 532 and began the defensive phase of the last ten minutes.

Even so, they did not give up their eyes on Chen Ting, and the two midfielders still stood firmly near Chen Ting.

After Lille contracted the formation, Montpellier finally got a respite and came to the vicinity of the halfway line as a whole.

Only two defenders remained in the back.

Over the next few minutes, the situation was reversed, with the attacking side becoming Montpellier and Lille defending wholeheartedly.

In the 85th minute of the game, Chen Ting on the left wing won the ball.

A straight ball was passed to the goal, Milo inserted the ball, and as soon as his toes touched the football, he was grabbed by the opposing defender Rozenard.

Three minutes later, Montpellier again charged the Lille goal.

Van den Bowman’s shot in front of the box was saved by goalkeeper Ellana.

In the 90th minute, Lille launched a counter-attack when Luka broke through on the wing and took a long pass to the left wing.

Payet headed in to dump a Montpellier defender for a one-handed chance.


A powerful shot.

The soccer ball deflects off the left post of the goal.

Seeing his teammate squander a great opportunity, Luca hammered the air angrily.

“Fak! Rubbish! ”

Payet didn’t hear Luca and returned to his place.

Ninety minutes later, the score still hasn’t changed.

The expressions of the Lille fans in the stands became relaxed, and it seemed that the victory was in hand.

Montpellier fans are a little worried, although they say it’s okay to lose, but deep down, every fan wants the team to win.

Memphis put down the camera and looked intently at Chen Ting on the field.

“Will you still work miracles? I believe you! ”

The fourth official on the sidelines held up an electronic display board and had only two minutes of stoppage time.

In order to buy time, goalkeeper Pierre immediately drove the ball with his feet after receiving the ball.

The football drew a graceful line in the air and came to the Lille half.

Van den Bowman in the middle grabbed the first drop and easily unloaded the ball at his feet.

Nolan and Luca stepped forward to fight, Van den Baumann poked lightly on his tiptoes, and the football came to Chen Ting’s feet.

As soon as Chen Ting took the ball, several defensive players immediately pounced.

Having seen Chen Ting’s precise and straight stuffing, their faces were solemn and they did not give Chen Ting any passing route.

In the face of many people’s pressing, Chen Ting is not stubborn, even if he passes the ball, Milo in front of the goal may not be able to seize the opportunity.

Because Lille’s defense is too dense.

Chen Ting turned around and passed the ball back, but the Lille players did not continue to press forward.

Time passed by second by second, and the game came to the last minute.

Chen Ting looked at the surrounding players with resolute eyes and nodded emphatically.

Whether it is life or death, it depends on this final attack.

Seeing Chen Ting’s expression, the Montpellier players collectively pressed forward, and almost all came to the half of the Lille team.

Even goalkeeper Pierre came to the front of the box.

Chen Ting took the ball and retreated, widening the distance between him and the defenders.

Van den Baumann, Babett and six other Montpellier players rushed to the Lille half, and the constant running disrupted the Lille players’ defense.

In the midst of the chaos, Chen Ting ran forward with the ball and got up near the middle circle.


The football went through the layers of defense and came to the goal of Lille.

“Fak oil!” Garcia on the sidelines couldn’t help but burst into a foul word.

Alfred on the other side was also shocked: “Can this be passed on?” ”

Although he also hoped that Montpellier could equalize the score, Chen Ting’s operation still made him stunned.

Compared to the two coaches, the Montpellier fans in the stands were even more frantic.

The words “Chen Ting” were sung by them, and a huge sound wave swept the entire Morois stadium.

Dragon Kingdom, the studio of the Sports Channel.

“Okay! There are twenty seconds left in the game! Montpellier launched the final attack of the game! ”

“Subtle! The football passed through at least six players and came to the feet of teammate Milo! ”

Liu Dahong’s hand holding the microphone trembled slightly: “It’s hard to imagine that someone can pass such a ball, and with just one kick, it penetrates the three defensive lines of the central midfield of the Lille team.” ”

At the Morois stadium, Milo, who had already prepared in front of goal, stopped the ball with his right foot and swung his left leg back.

A blast kick that kicks into the goal.


Goalkeeper Elana punches the ball out.

“Hold on! Ellana is good! The Lille fans in the stands shouted.

But before he was happy for a second, he closed his mouth again.

After the football was knocked off, seventeen or eight players from both sides fought fiercely.

The football came over Van den Bowman’s head, and he jumped up to grab the first drop point.

To everyone’s surprise, he did not attack the goal directly, but rubbed to the back point.

Chen Ting stood on the periphery, looked at the football flying towards him, and raised his right leg.

Although he did not have the long-range shooting ability, the previous long-range shot also greatly improved Chen Ting’s shooting ability over time.


Chen Ting kicked out with his feelings, and the football jumped over the heads of the players on both sides with an arc.

Flew into the goal.

The number on the sideline scoreboard became 3:3.

Montpellier equalised.

In the next second, the referee raised his whistle and blew the whistle for the end of the game.

Luca froze in disbelief and muttered, “This can’t be!” When pigs fly! ”

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