Start selling jars from Hokage

Selling jars 418 from Huang

"Hey, the group is hidden ..." The sky sighed on the surface, walked over, the badge of the Zhi Village, "His badge, let me get together, wait until this After a battle, find a time to resurrect him. "

There is no comment at all.

Not familiar, nor isn't really dead.

Even the silence above, I can't help but.

It is really miserable.

Zhidun Group is very good, use Yi Evil to block the energetic offensive, then wear, Nai, this skill is a cooling time, he himself has not pumped it, the strength is basically not upgraded.

So I met the storm to fall in this big trick, but only to persist in minutes, and finally torn into pieces in roar.

After all this is handled.

, looked up and looked at Luo Sand in half an air and the big snake pill.

Pick up your own brush, write the edge while halfway:

"I want to go through the wind."

The golden writing is covered with a breeze, holding his body, and flying together.

Established with Luo Sand and Big Pills.

"Big Snake Pill ..." , , "I didn't expect you to ..."

He has heard that the big snake will be killed by the master, but I thought he didn't become a can, but now it happened to happened there?

"I haven't seen you for a long time, the teacher." The big snake pills gave a lot of flying days, "Looking, there is a lot of young, unfortunately, I originally thought it was able to see a poor old man."

"Big Snake Pills." What did you think of what I thought, squatting, "Do you still pursue your prominent goal?"

"Virume? Old man, this is a gentleman's face." The big snake pill lifted his hand, greeted the silence of the silence in the high-altitude, "The wish of eternal life, I have been got here, now I, I have Higher pursuit. "

"Get it?" ...

Careful looks silence, if it is, it is really possible.

Luo Sand also lifted.

Faced with these three people, as well as the views of the entire wooden leaves.

Silence, just a slight smile, one raise hand, a huge and luxurious seat, appeared behind his back, slowly sat up, take a position around you, indicating that Iralos also sit.

Subsequently, his dull voice appeared in the ear of everyone:

"You have their own desires, I offer, just to achieve its chance, but can be achieved, which step can you see your own efforts, and ... can pay for it cost."

Silence, although it is short.

But a key information has been passed.

If it is a smart person.

In combination, you should easily find the focus.

For example, Yushuo is.

He has already understood, these people in front of them, fire, wind shadows, big snake pills, and even Sasuke, they have passed some kind of power, from this man in high altitude, has obtained different types of powerful forces.

The purpose is for your own wish.

And this price ...

Yisi Hosi thought of the picture of the gold and silver, thinking of the things owned by the card.

The answer is already coming.

It is gold and silver, or money, the least is something that can be exchanged with money!


Yisi Hou looked up, looked at silence, and there was a question that everyone had ever had once.

In this case, what is the use of money, what is the use, or says why it is in this form.

With his strength, you should have something happening faster, simpler.

Yisi Hosi with questions and deep concerns, continue to look down.


The Naruto is still struggling, but it doesn't work.

But this sound, also attracted the attention of the Japanese and others.


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