Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 1013: : The late? Or?/a>

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What Karp said is simple and easy to understand.

However, Bo Feng Shui Men can only remain silent.

It's not so easy to understand the rest. If everyone can understand each other, there will be no so-called war in this world.

In the end, he just returned to his companions and relatives, and then left this place.

All the members are no longer close to the battlefield.

Instead, they stood together in accordance with their respective guilds, feeling the battle that was devastating from a distance.

Both parties in the battle have extremely high control over their own power, even if every fist swings with great power, every movement exceeds the speed of sound, but it does not disturb the air at all.

Even so, the fluctuations caused by the battle are still heart palpitations.

Is this an intermediate member who is only one term ahead of them?

Compared with the power of silence like an omnipotent god, this kind of seeing and hopeful power of chasing makes people feel even more heavy.

So that no one spoke.

Everyone is quietly floating, watching, and accepting the changes brought about by this perspective.

Then, one person broke this calm.

"Wow, many people."

Everyone looked at it, and it was a bald head wearing some funny tights.

Is a member!

"Mr. Saitama." Trunks looked at Saitama with some surprise.

"Yeah, Trunks, you are here too." Saitama raised his hand and greeted Trunks in a very ordinary way, then looked around, "Is it too late?"

"No, Uncle Monkey King is still fighting the most powerful and evil man-made." Trunks pointed not far away.

"Yeah, I'm watching." Saitama nodded and craned her neck. He was indeed watching the battle on the other side, but nodded inadequately. "The Monkey King seems to have become stronger again. It's really scary. Obviously I am working hard. Yes, what is that bug? It can be recovered even if half of the body is broken..."

Everyone is staring at this bald head that looks like a movie at home. They only feel that since the appearance of this bald head, the original tense, solemn, and oppressive style of painting seems to have undergone some subtle changes.

Meet Trunks and Monkey King.

In other words, this is also senior?

"Saitama..." On the 18th, staring at Saitama, "Is this the one Dr. Gro said that we must be alert...Hey!"

Suddenly shouted on the 18th.

"Huh?" Saitama turned his head, "Are you calling me? I'm not calling, my name is Saitama."

"Saitama." No.18 pursed her lower lip. "You should be stronger than Monkey King, why are you watching here? If it's should be easy to get Sharu out."

Three years ago, when Saitama first came to this world, she had a discussion with Monkey King.

At that time, his advantage was still obvious.

And Dr. Gro did not discover why Saitama was so powerful.

Therefore, in the database on the 18th, Saitama is a more powerful person than Monkey King, and it is also the object of artificial people who need the most vigilance.

As for now, who is strong and who is weak...I'm afraid they don't know themselves, after all, apart from learning and discussing, they have not really fought.

Faced with the question or request of the 18th, Saitama just shook his head simply.

"There is no problem with Sun Wukong, this is his battle."

"..." On the 18th, there was nothing to say.

But Saitama's eyes widened suddenly, staring at Anzurgung dumbfounded.

"Skull, skeleton...?"

"...Is the undead." If Ainzurgon had lungs, he would sigh at this time.

"It's amazing, there are really undead." Saitama rushed to Ainzi Urgon's front, acting like the 18th who first saw Ainzi Urgon.

The rest of the members also saw it.

Under this big brother's predecessor status and powerful strength, it is an equally ordinary heart.

"Saitama...Senior?" The bee-eater's eyes rolled and flew over, "Have you never seen the undead?"

"Of course not, uh, not in the game." Saitama can be considered a game fan.

The undead, skulls and crossbones, have only been seen in the game.

"How come." The bee-eater's voice was a little sweet and greasy, "You are members earlier than us. You must have been members for a long time and have been to many worlds."

The rest of the members reacted at once.

The bee-eater Fuck Chi is actually talking about it!

But...not only did no members stop it, but almost all the members focused their attention here, pretending to be nonchalant, and pricking their ears to eavesdrop.

After this mission, they are going to merge with these powerful "predecessors" and complete the mission together.

These are all necessary information!

Saitama didn't think so complicated, but while looking at Anzurgung in awe, UU reading replied with regret:

"No, it just means that I have been to a few worlds, and there is no world that is too interesting."

"Hey--how could it happen." The bee-eater had a surprised expression. This is not a pretense. "But you are seniors, aren't you? You are still so strong."

Many members also showed an expression of disbelief.

Even they have been to many worlds.

In their imagination.

Seniors who have reached this level must have experienced more world tasks.

However, when Saitama talked about this, he was rather angry.

"Silence that bastard, saying that the strength has not been reached yet, and he has no permission to travel to more worlds. As a result, he only went to a few worlds, which is not so interesting."

The freshness of Saitama comes quickly and goes quickly.

In the past three years, in addition to looking for Monkey King and fighting in the Doomsday dungeon world, most of the time was still in his own world, continuing to live the life of a weird spike killer dictated by interest.

Even weirdos are getting fewer and fewer.

After all, One Punch World also has many members.

Looking at Saitama's expression.

The members finally believed that this predecessor might not really have the character of Chengfu, but was similar to Monkey King. He would not care too much about what he said should be true.

"President." Lelouch's voice suddenly passed to the bee-eater Fuqi, "You can ask him something about the Doomsday Instance."

The silence has made it clear before.

After the two batches of members are mixed, the doomsday copies between each other are also shared.

in other words.

They can also go to the doomsday copy of these seniors to spawn monsters.

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