Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 1023: : Mr. Expected Will

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"It's really you." Senjutsuji heard this familiar shout, and he was not sure, but he was immediately determined. He looked at Uchiha Madara, who was full of death, and frowned." How is this going?"

"What's going on! Dashewan, what did you do!?"

Tsunade asked the same question. She directly rolled up her sleeves and walked over in strides. The breath that radiated even made Uchiha Madara feel a pain like being burned by the scorching sun.

So powerful!

Uchiha Madara showed a shocked expression.

This seems to be the granddaughter of Senjujuma?

Although he was controlled by Osamaru now, Uchiha Madara could feel his power, not much worse than before.

But in front of Tsunade, it was like a maggot in the shadow exposed to the sun, and there was a strong fear that originated from the soul's instinct.

"Tsunadehime, are you really going to be rough in front of your husband?" Oshamaru had a smile on his face, and he didn't mean to avoid it at all.

Tsunade glanced in silence, his expression a little uncomfortable.

The momentum has converged a lot.

But still glared at Oshemaru.

"How could Uchiha Madara's soul be in your hands?"

"Even the souls of Senjujuma and Senjukuman are in my hand, why wouldn't Uchiha Madara be in my hand?" Osaimaru asked back, then glanced at Senjujuma. The smiling face said with a smile, "I just think that since Senju Zhuma is resurrected, it would be a pity if Uchiha Madara is still deposited, he might become my companion."

"Companion? What the **** are you making?" Tsunade stared at Oshemaru firmly.

It seemed that he wanted to see something from his expression.

But it's a pity.

She could not see anything.

And the other side.

Senju Junma and Uchiha Madara seemed indifferent to the rest. From the beginning, the two of them stared at each other closely.

Thousands of complex emotions flowed in the eyes.

"Masha." Senjuzuma sighed, "I didn't expect that when we met again, it would be in such a situation."

"I didn't expect it either." Uchiha Madara's gaze was also quite complicated, "You turned out to be resurrected in the end."

At this moment Uchiha Madara could clearly perceive it.

The Senjujuzuma in front of him was alive.

And not like him, still dead, even subject to others.

no doubt.

His plan was completely shattered, and everything turned into a situation that he could not predict at all.

"No matter what idea you are making, don't even think about me reviving Uchiha Madara." Tsunade's voice while gritting his teeth interrupted the strange state of the two.

"Resurrection?" Uchiha Madara looked at Tsunade. "Senjuama and Senjuuma, did you resurrect it?"

"Huh." Tsunade snorted coldly, and put his hands around his chest. "It's me, Uchiha Madara. The times have changed. The times that belonged to you have long passed. You can be solved by anyone who comes here."

Ono Shemaru said something similar to Senjukao just now.

Tsunade now speaks to Uchiha Madara again.

Many people are aware of the implications.

Including Uchiha Madara.

"If this is the case." Uchiha Madara's eyes fixed on Tsunade. "Why would you fear me?"

"You--!" Tsunade gritted his teeth.

Fear, indeed.

People like Uchiha Madara, no matter how strong they are, will leave a deep shock to those who have met him, the unspeakable madness, the unparalleled overbearing, especially for Tsunade, Uchiha Madara can almost Said it was the shadow of her childhood.

Think about it this way.

The scorching light had already poured out from Tsunade's skin.

Just the aftermath shining on Uchiha Madara's skin made a scorching sound.

This is pain that burns along with the soul.

However, Uchiha Madara did not groan.

"That's it." His voice was so calm as if the burned soul was not him, "Is it the attribute of complete restraint? No, there is also the power of complete crushing, even the power possessed by the six immortals can't compare. You are now."

"That's right." Oshemaru said hoarsely, then glanced at the Qianshou Zhujian, the corners of his mouth curled up, with an expression that he didn't plan to do anything, just watched the show.

"Tsunade, stop." Senjuzuma sighed.

"Grandpa." Tsunade frowned. "Oshemaru doesn't know what he is making. It's better to get rid of him completely now."

"Tsunade, do you want Grandpa to lose his last old friend?" Senju Junma's expression was pitiful.

"...What an old friend, this **** wants to destroy Konoha and kill you grandpa." Tsunade gritted his teeth, really can't stand Senjujuma's expression, and finally snorted coldly. With a sound, I sat down and took a big sip from the glass, "Men are all the same. UU Reading"

"Hahaha, this is a man." Senju Junma was proud, and stretched out his hand to pat Uchiha Madara's shoulder, "Maara, as you can see, our era is over, these descendants They have their own opportunities and strengths far beyond us. From now on, we will look at them honestly."

Senjuzuzuma really thought so.

After knowing the changes today.

All ambitions seemed to be lost all at once.

This is an era that belongs to future generations. Even if there is competition and crisis, it belongs to them as well. After seeing Uchiha Madara, what Senjujuma wanted most was to continue living the days before.

There is no disagreement, no war.

Two people can become companions again.

"..." Uchiha Madara looked at him, and was silent for a moment, with a slightly sarcasm smile on the corner of his mouth, "Yes, our era is over, it looks like you won, Qian Between the hand posts."

"Hahaha, whoever wins or not, we all won." Senjuzuma slapped Uchiha Madara's shoulder hard.

But I didn't notice that the smile on the side of Dashemaru was even more interesting.

The current Uchiha Madara, strictly speaking, is the summoning object of Osaimaru.

So Oshemaru can feel Uchiha Madara's mood.

This former hero, the mood at this moment is not at all accepting reality as he said, but full of unwillingness, full of struggle, and endless ambition and desire.

This is a man who is never willing to be lonely.

Sure enough, it was the same as the husband said.

Uchiha Madara is the driving force for the struggle between Senjuju, and the reverse is also true. Only when these two people are together, will they burst out with a firm will-the will that the husband appreciates and expects.

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