Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 200: : Naruto vs. I love Luo

  The game between Lu Maru and Temari ended soon.

  Although the process is slightly different from the original plot, the results are basically the same.

   Then, as the second most touching game, Naruto and Iro appeared.

   "I really look forward to it, I don't know if Naruto can win." Suddenly there was such a voice beside him.

   turned his head in silence.

   Sitting there was two Konoha's Zhongren.

"Regardless of whether we can win, it's amazing how Naruto can get to this point." Another Zhongren said, and then clenched his fists. "But, I still hope Naruto can win. I love Luo really. Excessive enough!"

   "Well, it turned out that Xiao Li was like that. If it weren't for Master Gangshou... I hope Naruto can teach him a good meal."

   "Come on for him later..."

   These two not-too-year-old Zhongren, between words, no longer treat Naruto as a monster.

   There was a smile on the silent face.

   looked at Naruto who was walking in front of the audience.

  Compared to the rest of the people, Naruto, but in a little, close to his desire.

   vs. I love Luo?

   There is some expectation in the silent heart.

   And now.

  With the beginning of the voice, I love Luo and Naruto but neither of them moved.

   A breeze rolled up the gravel between them.

"I already...know your identity." Naruto looked at me in front of me with some complicated eyes. "You are like me, you are human, it's no wonder you are so jealous of me. "

   He has heard this fact from the silence.

   looking at me at this moment.

   In Naruto's heart, there is pity and fear, because I love Luo, it's like he is going to another road.

"Jealous?" I love Luo raised his right hand, covering his forehead, looking at Naruto in front of bloodthirsty eyes, "Yes, it is jealous, you are a monster like me, but why! You own me Nothing, your eyes, your smile, your companions...!"

   is clearly the same monster.

   But Naruto is very different from him.

   Without his despair and his hatred, those eyes are the same as those who hate him, who exclude him!

   "You think, how do I have these?"

   Naruto seems to be undisguised by this one, and is even irritated by the jealousy that even wants to destroy him.

   He raised his fist in his hand and pointed at Iero, shouting loudly:

"I used to be like you before! Adults crowded me out, and no friends played with me, but ah! Don't friends have to find it by themselves? If they are scared, they prove that they are not terrible people, if they are disgusted, If you try to do something and show your sincerity, how could there be no friends!"

   Naruto's voice echoed throughout the arena.

   See in silence.

   The two ninjas over there seemed to be a little ashamed, and many of Konoha's expressions were similar.

   They treated Naruto in the past, they were indeed alienated and even afraid.

   Suddenly, a ninja stood up and shouted at the venue:

   "Come on! Naruto, beat him!"

   "Yes, come on!"

   "After winning, I invite you to eat ramen!"

   "Come on!"

   For a time, one after another the shouts came from the stands, and later became a cheers, even gradually joined together.

   Here, after all, it is in Konoha.

   and Naruto's opponents are people from other villages.

  Even if some people are so afraid and hate Naruto, under such circumstances, they will stand up and cheer for Naruto because of the surrounding atmosphere.

   and Naruto.

   looked up stupefiedly and looked around, his mouth grinning, not to mention how happy he was.

"I see it." He clenched his fists and confidently said to me, "This is what I have now. There are so many people who support me and encourage me, so I will not lose, even for them. I look forward to, I will definitely win!"

  Naruto is eager to become Naruto and become a hero.

   must be trusted by everyone.

   If you have a heroic image that will never be defeated, how can you lose!


  I love Luo covered his head and made a painful voice.

The applause around him was extremely harsh to him, just like a lover he dreamed of, but he was snatched away by another **** of the same level as himself. That sense of consternation and jealousy almost made him crazy. .

   Raised his hand.

   Tu Dun·Sand Bound Coffin!

  Innumerable sand rushed toward Naruto, to wrap him up, with a roar:

   "Kill you! Only by killing you, my existence, my will is meaningful!"


Naruto was taken aback, but jumped keenly, I love Luo's hands constantly emptied, and the sand piles like the open hands continued to grab toward Naruto, for a time, it seemed dangerous Sanitation.

   "This guy, can release the ninjutsu at this frequency?" There was a cry from the ninja in the stands.

   "He seems to be able to control the sand freely." Some people said, "This Iero is Fengying's son."

   "This strength is beyond the level of Zhongren." Some people squeezed sweat for Naruto.

   Even Zhongren, no one can release ninjutsu so skillfully and intensively.

  Not everyone can evade flexibly like Naruto.

   There was a cry of exclamation from the scene.

   It can be said that This battle is just the beginning, and the one that was just now at Lu Maru is not at the same level.

   "The art of shadow avatar!"

   Naruto's hands seal, mobilize Chakra, dozens of shadow avatars appeared in the audience.

   Some ninjas couldn't even stand up.

   So many shadow avatars?

   Shadow Doppelganger is forbidden because it is very easy to dry Chakra.

   "Now, when I fight back!"

   Dozens of Naruto shouted at the same time, and then madly rushed towards Iro.

   had to say that so many people rushed together, giving a strong visual impact.

  I love Luo without showing any weakness.

   Sand shuriken!

   A large number of shurikens made of sand flew towards many Naruto.

Puff puff.

   One shadow after another, all turned into smoke and disappeared.

Around    there was another sound of exclamation.

   Silence even heard a ninja murmur behind, "Is this really a fight of Ninja?"

   Even if it is Zhongren, it can't compare to the following two.

   And under the protection of numerous shadow avatars.

  Naruto finally rushed in front of my Ai Luo.

   "Ready, are you facing my fist?" Naruto smiled with a big smile. .

   "Ridiculous!" I love Luo Man's fierce expression and strong murderous intention, "With your speed, it is impossible to pass my sand escape!"

   "I didn't need to be fast, as long as I was strong enough!" Naruto shook his hands with his gloves, and even gave a loud bang.

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