Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 214: : Luosha your ally is here

   That's right, death in the stage of destiny can indeed be resurrected.

   The price is not great.

  However, if you don’t plan to return Luo Sha’s badge to the village of Shayin Ninja, the phrase Ape Feizhi will be similar to “surrender and spare you”.

   asked Luo Sha to give her life, even the future of the village, to the enemy.

   "Don't be too full, Huo Ying!"

   Luo Sha glanced toward the stand of the Asahi Ninja, her figure quickly shrank again, constantly deformed, and finally turned into a small quail.

   hurried towards the sky.

   "Is it going to run?" As Tsunato reached out his hand, a spear composed of light appeared in her hand.

   "If you want to escape from the stage of fate, you have to admit defeat first." Ape Fei Ri cut his head.

  If you escape and fight again, then you are dead, but it is not so easy to resurrect.

   But Eraser's current situation.

   It is also possible to make this choice of trying to escape.

at this time.

   Sudden bursts of gusts of wind suddenly lifted and rolled a large area of ​​dust.

   "It's not about running away." Zilai seems to be aware of something again, and can't help shouting, "I'm afraid it's a big move."

   "Great move?"

   Everyone's complexion has changed.

  For can openers, the meaning of the two big strokes is not trivial.

   "Ake broke!" Tsunato didn't think about it, and shouted again.

   The little sun without entity rises above the arena, and the light shines on everyone.

   This time, it was just for gain.

   The wind screamed more and more, and there were even lightning flashes in the clouds. After just a few seconds, the huge thunder just continued to explode like the roar of the world. The terrible wind has even made it difficult to stand.

   "Find a way to resist!"

   Ape Fei-Chan shouted loudly, but the sound could not be transmitted at all, and even his eyes were gradually blocked by the wind.

   And in the eyes of the onlookers.

   The arena in front has been completely covered by a huge storm.

  Breeze and thunder mixed, roaring just a few steps away.

   That's right.

  This is another blue rare skill acquired by Luo Sha.

  ——The storm is coming.

   Before he was transformed into a quail, it was not to escape, but in this form, the power and scope of the spell will be strengthened. This is his last and most powerful means.

   "Damn, this skill is completely used to deal with group fights!" Tsunato inserted his cross into the ground fiercely, curled up, and even released his own tycoon technique.

   also had some luck.

   Without the protection of the stage of fate, this move alone can destroy the entire Konoha.

   At the moment, Luo Sha gritted her teeth in the center of the storm and used her own Chakra.

   Magnetic escape · gold dust!

Chakra summoned a golden yellow sea of ​​sand, and in the blink of an eye, he was completely immersed in the violent wind. Every sand was turned into a roaring bullet under this terrifying storm, and the continuous impact Holding everything inside.

   Sandstorms are more terrible than storms.

   Luo Sha has no reservations, and uses all her natural forces, all Chakras, all of them.

   has no reservations, this is his last blow!

   This time.

  The figures that were originally visible to everyone were completely swallowed up by this thoroughly formed sandstorm.

   Even in the projected picture, nothing can be seen.

   Everyone in the stands can only clenched their fists, waiting nervously and helplessly.

   "Mr. Naruto, Mr. Tsunade, don't stop it!"

   "This kind of battle... Even if we participate, we just die."

   "Damn! What the **** is going on!"

  Don't talk about the average person, even the dried persimmon shark and Uchiha Itachi are caught in unspeakable shock.

"This is not just a battle to change the terrain." The dried persimmon looked at the seemingly unbreakable barrier in front of him, and suddenly seemed to wonder what it was. "It turns out that the role of this arena is not to restrict them, but to protect us. No, it should be said to protect the village outside."

   Without this arena, the battle broke out in the original Konoha.

   Then, Konoha is likely to become a thing of the past.

   The survivors are likely to avenge the village of Shayin.

   Such a group of monsters are fighting because of hatred.

   What a terrible situation it will be.

   Even...the world may be destroyed!

   Even the always fearless dried persimmon shark, thought of that scene, could not help but shudder.

"Give them great strength, but don't want the world to be destroyed by battle?" Uchiha Itachi realized this too, he raised his head and tried to find the figures of these two people, but even he couldn't see through this A degree of sandstorm.

   And the silence at the moment.

   is interested in fighting below.

   Luo Sha is naturally impossible to be the opponent of so many people. The jar he opened is not enough for him to single out the entire wooden leaf.

   However, he also has his advantage.

   More powerful natural power, so that he can use blue rare level skills to exert more powerful power, and then combined with his own ninjutsu, the resulting sandstorm has more terrifying power.

   Although he will surely die himself.

   But if the duration is longer, people with weaker defenses such as Yuri Hikaru and Nara Lukyu may not be able to persevere.


  Dead in the stage of The price of up to thirty or forty third-level jars can almost be resurrected.

  No surprises.

  Shayin Nimura suffered a big loss this time.

  Because of their defeat, the badge of the most powerful and rich Luo Sha will fall into the hands of Konoha.

   But will there really be no accidents?

   turned his head in silence.

   looked out of the destiny stage.

   Mouth corners raised.

   He made Da She Wan unearthed in advance because it was because Luo Sha alone would not be the opponent of Konoha.

   Luosha, your ally is coming soon.

For the people outside at the moment, all the people in the entire China-Ninja test arena, including Fengying and Naruto, suddenly disappeared, causing them to inevitably fall into a panic. This is called the history of ninja There has never been a big event.

  However, Naruto and Sasuke with Naruto's warrant came out and relieved the anxious people outside.

  According to the warrant.

  The whole village is on alert. Once something happens, Naruto and Sasuke and others will bring the information back to the stage of fate.

  After doing all this, a group of forbearance surrounded Naruto and others.

   asked solemnly:

   "Now, can you tell us what the **** is going on."

   "Yes, Ning Ci, why are they disappearing, Lord Naruto?"

   "And why only you can enter and exit?"


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