Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 229: : Power of 1 hero

Latest website: Silent words, except for these members, most of them are a bit confused.

But smart people are not ruled out.

Can be keenly aware of the key points in this sentence.


"From a different world... the law of record..." Uchiha Itachi repeated this meditation in his mind repeatedly, and a conjecture close to reality has gradually come to his mind.

This mysterious man comes from outside this world!

Everything makes sense.

The incomprehensible power, the incomprehensible purpose, since they are from outside the world, it is not surprising in any case, because this is beyond cognition.

However, this answer did not let Uchiha Itachi relax his vigilance, but became more uneasy.

Sasuke seems to have fallen deep into it, if this man has a bad purpose...

Silently read the worries of Uchiha Itachi.

The smile on the corner of his mouth seemed to bend a bit more. He looked at the Naruto who was still excitedly writing the roulette, and said: "Okay, keep on opening the jar, write the power of the roulette, you can ask Kaka West for advice."

Naruto remembered that he had to resurrect his father.

Moved his eyes back to the jar in front of him.

The chakra eye was not closed, anyway he chakrado.

"We must resurrect the daddy, we must resurrect the daddy..." It was a hypnotic meditation, and then suddenly opened the second level four tube.

The still blue smoke flew out.

"Not purple." Naruto was a little disappointed. "I thought it would be the same as Bai."

"How could it be so easy!" Sasuke and Tsunato shouted almost simultaneously.

Then the two looked at each other, and there was a feeling of sympathy.

Naruto this guy.

Do you think the prize is so easy to open?

"When you reach the fourth-level jar, the chance of a big prize is very high." Silent laughed.

After all, it is expensive, and few people can buy hundreds of four-level cans in one go.

If it is so high, it will be difficult to open.

In fact, Naruto sold Chakra to buy some jars almost every day during this period.

Judging from the results.

Although luck is preferred, it does not reach the level of exaggeration.

Explain that the prize pool customized by the system should be fairly fair.

So Tsunade...

Never mind.

"There are three more jars." Although Naruto is a little nervous, he is not discouraged, and his face is full of confidence in his luck.

Then he took out the contents of the jar.

Inside is a card.

"This is..." Kakashi looked at the familiar golden pattern on the card and seemed to know what type of item this was.

There was also a card in his arms, which was a copying eye on the runaway.

"Seal card of one-time power." Silence also glanced at the picture above the card. Some surprise, "This...

"I'm sorry, but please give us a little time to be silent." Kakashi suddenly opened his mouth, bowed to the silent and respectful, then turned his head and said to Tsunade and others, "At this time, the jar is opened What comes out is likely to determine the outcome of future battles."

"Yes!" Tsunade's eyes sharpened, "Everyone is spreading out, the day is going to the foot, you take someone to appease the villagers of Muye, and check if there are any spies left by Shayin Village. , There may still be people hiding Xiao."


The remaining ninjas immediately realized the importance of confidentiality.

In fact, the existence of silence is too shocking.

They cannot determine whether it is a silent will to let everyone watch.

Seeing the silence at this moment did not object, immediately began to clear the crowd.

"Ape flying Asma." Tsuneo turned his head again. "You take the teacher to the medical hospital. He is now in a serious condition, which will not be resolved in a short time."

"Yes!" Apei Asma just wanted to act.

"Wait." Ape Feizhi suddenly said hoarsely. He opened his eyes slightly and turned his head to look at Naruto. "I want to see if I can see Watergate again."

"..." Tsunade nodded after being silent for a moment, "Okay."

The efficiency of many ninjas is still very fast. After a while, the arena is still full of people, and now it has been completely emptied.

In addition to some high-level core.

All the people have left here.

Including Uchiha Itachi and Dried Persimmon Shark, the two of them easily left while there was some confusion in the early days.

"Mr. Itachi, let's go back first." The dried persimmon shark turned his head to look at Uchiha Itachi. "In that village, there are all monsters. It's too dangerous to stay there, and the related situation must be reported back early. ."


Uchiha Itachi just whispered.

The two men's feet accelerated at some speed.

And on the other side.

After everything was done, Kakashi and other talents respectfully said in silence:

"Sorry, I'm so sorry."

"It's okay." Silence doesn't care, and laughs, "If the customer values ​​confidentiality, I can create a separate space, but I usually think that more people will have a more jar-like atmosphere."

"That's it." Kakashi smiled dryly.

Because the silent tone is like saying, "Of course, it is more interesting to draw a lot of people." However, such a thing as opening a jar is about blocking all the battles.

Silence did not tangle too much of this kind of thing.

Looking at the card in Naruto’s hand said, “This is a one-time power seal pattern. This one in your hand will allow you to have the power of the hero above in a short time. The higher the fit, then The more powerful it is exerted."

"Hero?" Naruto raised the card as if surprised. "Is this man also a hero? It looks ugly."

Because of his movements, everyone saw the picture on this card clearly.

That is a strong man.

A bulging muscle, green skin, and a strong man wearing only a pair of pants.

That's right.


Silence put a lot of hero power cards in it, and I really didn't expect Naruto to get this.

Strong is strong, the style is a bit strange.

But at this time, silence still touted a wave:

"He has participated in several actions to save the world and even the universe several times, and has played a vital role. It is also known as "Invincible Hulk". The seal in this card is only part of his strength. Reach the blue rare imagine it yourself."

"so smart!?"

Naruto looked at the strong man on this card.

I can't see such a powerful person.

"Go on," said silently.

It has taken a lot of time.


Naruto carefully collected the card and opened the third jar.

This time, it's still skill.

——Elementary fairy mode.

"I don't need to explain this, you can ask yourself later." Silence simply said.

Wonderful book house

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