Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 232: : Resurrected Wave Feng Shui Gate

"what is this."

   Naruto shook his hand and could not shake the mark in his hand, but his eyes were full of gloom.

   It doesn't look like a resurrection.

   "Congratulations, Naruto." The silent voice suddenly entered his ears, "Although it is not a complete resurrection, it is already a pretty good result. You can live with your father."

   Naruto turned his head suddenly and opened his eyes wide.


   opened his mouth, although he wanted to say something, but when it came to his mouth, there was some froze again.

   For Naruto, there are really few such performances.

   Even though he always seems to be careless, like a fool, he will be nervous and uneasy when facing the results he attaches great importance to.

   "Is this also a means of resurrection?" Tsunate asked Naruto's words.

   She is a little curious, because it looks very different from the resurrection coin.

"Although the results are similar, but strictly speaking, this is not a resurrection." Silent looked at this radiant magic circle and explained, "It can return the dead to the present world, but not as a living person. , Is not the shape of the undead, but another, known as the existence of the spirit."

   That’s right, it’s the heroes from the Moon World.

   Silence added this method to the Resurrection Prize Pool.

  It is not a direct call to heroes.

   To be precise, it should be manufacturing.

The core commodity of this resurrection method is a blank spiritual foundation. If it blends with a certain soul, it can become a brand-new hero, and it will exist in the world for a long time as a follower until the spell is used up. After being killed, it will return to the dark earth.

   "It won't be the way that the dirt is reincarnated." Tsunate was worried.

   Since it is not a resurrection, if it is like a way of reincarnating dirt, if it exists for a long time, it will only bring pain to the living.

"Of course not." Silently shook his head and laughed. "Although it is not human in shape, life experience is similar to human. Of course, because of the essential change, it also has some abilities and characteristics of heroes, such as rank and treasure. With."

   Everyone is listening carefully.

   Especially Naruto.

   This is about his father.

"Each hero has his own rank, which basically represents a different direction of power. Once the world is determined, then the ability in this direction will increase, and the ability in the other directions will weaken. As for Treasure..." Silence seemed to organize the language, and then continued, "That is the ultimate weapon composed of the cognition and thoughts of others. It is the crystallization of fantasy and the spirit of the spirit. Proof of heroes."

After    finished speaking, he looked at everyone.

   found that they were all expressions that "although I don't understand but I feel so good".

   could not help but speechless.

   "The rules from a different world, how to explain, it is better to look at it with your own eyes." Silently looking at Naruto, "If you want to summon your father, you still lack the same medium-it can represent your father's identity and belong to his relics."

   "Father's relic?" Naruto was suddenly stunned.

  He only knew who his father was today, not to mention the relics, not even a photo.

   Fortunately, there are a group of people around.

   "If it represents identity, does Naruto's robe count?" Kakashi asked.

   "Yes." Silently said.

   "I'll get it." Rixiang Rizu volunteered.

   "Wait a minute."

   Zilai suddenly opened his mouth, and then slowly took out a scroll from his body, opened it, and pressed it on it.

   After a loud bang.

   There are three diamond thorns on one handle, and the bitterness of rune paper around the handle appears.

   "This is..." Ape Feiri recognized it.

"Well, it's the flying **** Lei Kuwu of the Watergate." Zilai also looked at this Kuwu, with memories in his eyes. "I originally wanted to keep it as a memorial. I didn't expect it to be used now. Right."

   The last sentence is for silence.

   silently nodded and said, "Just put it in the jar."

   Naruto took the bitterness from Ziya and held it tightly in his hand, taking a step, but paused again, raised his head, and looked at the people around him.

   "Go." Zilai also patted Naruto's shoulder.

   The rest of them also gave encouraging smiles.

   For most of the people here, such a scene will make them moved.

   It represents a miracle, and there is regret to make up.

   That is why silence strengthens their enemies and brings greater challenges to their future, but no one will really resent the silence because of it, because it also gives them hope that could not have existed.

   Naruto's eyes were slightly red. He wiped the corners of his eyes with his sleeves, holding his father's bitterness, and then tried to show a bright smile, and put the bitterness into the jar.

   "Come back, dad." Naruto said expectantly.

  Everyone stared intently, even Icarus couldn't help but stretched out his hands involuntarily, hooking his silent fingers nervously.

   She could feel the emotion in the scene filled with air, like the tide.

   Xuan Ao's magic array burst into a more brilliant light.

   seems to be connected to the unknown void.

   Even, everyone can vaguely hear magnificent hymns.

   Everything is like a real miracle.

   Everyone looked at the silent smiling side, and suddenly there was a kind of godlike feeling that he could make people pray.

   And it is in this emerging light.

  The figure of a person slowly condenses and appears in front of everyone with the fading of light.

   White cloak, golden hair, handsome face.

   still has that gentle smile.

   is not wrong, this is the fourth generation of Naruto, wave Feng Shui Gate!

   "Daddy..." Naruto walked blankly.

   "Son." Bo Feng Shui Gate smiled and opened his hands.


  Not only did Naruto not put him in the arms as the wave of Fengshui Gate thought, but hit his stomach with a punch.

"I've wanted to do this for a long time! You irresponsible dad!" Naruto's eyes shed tears, and then hugged the wave Fengshui gate fiercely, whining, "Welcome back.. ...."

  The feng shui gate hugged his son tightly, and there was a little redness in his eyes.

  All this is like a dream to him.

   "It seems that you seem to have accepted the memory of the doppelganger." Silence said at the moment.

   "Yes, sir."

   Wave Feng Shui Gate raised his head and looked at the silence, still with a look like a dream.

   He did receive the memory of Chakra inside Naruto.

   Even, when summoned.

  There is also some information related to heroes in my mind.

  Because of this, he realized more deeply how exactly this person exists in front of him.

  Not to mention that his soul should have been in the belly of death.

   alone is a form of heroic spirit, as if it involves the realm that mortals can never touch, even the imagination.


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