Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 234: : Reasons to fight for

"not bad."

   Silently gave an evaluation, and took back his sight.

  Although it is only a monotonous physical attack, but this is not a holy war, after all, the Feng Shui Gate is not an orthodox hero, and there is room for improvement in strength, especially after he opens the jar.

   Wave Feng Shui Gate was shocked.

  The information of the treasure should be the biggest secret of every hero, but the thought of silence is relieved.

   "It seems that none of you need to buy a jar anymore." Silent eyes looked around.

   "Are you going to leave?" Tsunade reacted.

   "If there is a need to buy cans, just use the badge to find me."

   laughed silently, and with Icarus beside him, the two figures suddenly disappeared.

  Since there is no business here, he will not stay.

  Wait until he left.

   The scene fell into silence for a moment.

   After a while, Nara Lukui felt a little helplessly rubbed his forehead, opening his mouth to break the calm, and said: "Every time this adult leaves, it gives people a feeling of being indifferent."

   "Because every time he comes, he will bring all kinds of unimaginable changes." Tsuneo's eyes looked at the wave Feng Shui Gate.

   It wasn't until this time that she realized that the resurrection of the fourth generation of Naruto did not mean that she couldn't fight for Naruto?

   Because of dissatisfaction with some of the teacher's practices.

  Tsunade, in fact, consciously wanted to compete with his teacher for the position of Naruto, but now it's all gone.

   After all, the Wave Feng Shui Gate is the orthodox current Naruto, only because of the sacrifice, so that the ape flying sun will be temporarily replaced.

   At this moment, everyone's eyes are also focused on the body of Feng Shui Gate.

   would like to see.

  What would this Naruto do.

   Wave Feng Shui Gate's sight, looking at the ape Fei Rijian who opened his eyes hard, walked over to grab his palm, and said softly:

   "Three generations of Naruto, you should take care of your wounds, no need to worry, no matter what you will face in the future, I will inherit the will of fire and bet everything to protect Konoha."

  No one doubts the weight of the phrase Feng Shui Men.

  Because he has already done this once.

   guarded Konoha at the cost of his and his wife's lives and most of them here.

  Ape Fei Ri cuts his eyes on the Feng Shui Gate sincerely.

   Finally, nodded.

  Close your eyes.

   This nod seems to mean the transfer of power.

   "So, Lord Naruto." Xiaochun, who was in bed, walked up from behind, "Please also pass this news to everyone in person. I am afraid that there are countless things in Muye that need to be decided by Naruto."


   Wave Feng Shui Gate nodded.

   held out Naruto's palm, took a step, and walked out of the arena.

   Everyone followed behind him.

   And the ninjas guarding outside, after seeing the people inside, stayed there all of a sudden.

   "Four Generations of Naruto Master..."

   "Really the fourth generation of Naruto!"

   "Naruto really did it!"


   Everyone has a shocked, incredible expression, but soon it becomes a cheering voice.

   This cheer.

   With the news of the resurrection of the fourth generation of Naruto, it gradually spread throughout the entire leaf.

   For a time, various people let go of things in their own hands and rushed in this direction, wanting to see for themselves the hero who had sacrificed himself for Konoha.

  When the wave Feng Shui Gate appeared to people

   is cheering like a tsunami.

  More than ten years of memory, gratitude and publicity.

   The heroic image of Fengbo Shuimen has already been deeply rooted in people's hearts. After witnessing such unimaginable things, everyone is eager, and there will be a miracle called hope.

   And Naruto bathed in such cheers.

   looked at his father who was smiling gently.

   The heart is extremely agitated.

   This is the real hero, his father, and the person he longs for and wants to be.


   Silence at this time, actually did not go far.

   He took Icarus and looked at everything below in the sky.

   "If it's really a game, this scene will definitely be put in the promo." Silence said with some exclamation.

   "Promotional film?" Icarus turned his head to look at the silence. Two question marks appeared in the gem-like beautiful pupil.

   Silence didn't respond to the question of the video, but turned his head and looked at her with a smile on her face.

  Icarus doesn't know what this means.

   seemed to think about it.

   Then also smiled at the silence.


   Silence couldn't help but laugh out loud, because Icarus's smile looked a little silly.

   But did not continue to tease her, laughing out loud:

   "Now is the test time for Icarus' assistant. Did you feel anything in this battle today?"

   "What do you feel..." Icarus remembered everything he had just seen.

   Silence didn't disturb her thinking, but just looked forward to it.

  Icarus at this time is still a blank sheet.

  Although she has her own emotions, common sense, values, cognition, etc., are not fixed, and she has great plasticity.

   Silence wants to teach her a little bit.

  Leave her traces in her growth.


  Icarus said slowly, she is not very good at expressing, and can feel it from the soft She is thinking about the language with her brain.

   "These people fight for different reasons..."

"Yes, reason." The smile on Silent's face was even brighter. He reached out and rubbed the top of Icarus's head, as if to encourage him, and then said slowly, "Combat needs reason, Icarus , I said, you don’t hate fighting, nor you as a weapon, you just hate the reasons you used to fight in the past."

   "...order." Icarus whispered suddenly.

   "What?" The silence didn't respond.

   "In the past... orders are the reason for my fight." Icarus explained in a low voice.

   "So...then next." Silence moved her hand to her shoulder, staring at her eyes, and said seriously, "You are going to find a new reason for fighting."

   "..." Icarus blinked, seemingly lost in thought.

   "Don't worry, think slowly." Silently laughed, and then withdrew his hand, "Now, let's go find a new customer."

  Dried persimmon shark and Uchiha Itachi, but they have gone far.

  However, just as he was about to leave, Icarus suddenly grasped the silent palm.

   "Protect the master." Her beautiful face without much expression, but now with a serious look, "This, is it a reason to fight?"


   remained silent for a moment, grinned, and smiled happily.

   "Of course not."


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