Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 237: : Dried Persimmon Shark Series

   has a wide view, which is very effective for people's mood.

  After the silence, gently wave with the scepter.

   Suspended everything around resumed again.

   Then, the dried persimmon shark and Uchiha Itachi felt that there was inexplicable force pulling their bodies, pulled up from the ground, accelerated violently, and rushed towards the sky.

  Silence and Icarus are the same.

  Not far away, Payne and Xiaonan who were still on the way, looked up at the same time.

   Relying on the eyesight of the reincarnation eyes, the long gate controls Payne, and can clearly see the flying people.

It's them!

   He sharply focused his eyes, as if he wanted to see more clearly.

   But at this moment.

  These people accelerated rapidly, and the air formed white mist around them, rushing straight into the sky at a terrifying speed, and turned into black spots and disappeared into the blue sky in the blink of an eye.

   After a while, there was a rolling impact sound coming down from the sky.

   Payne stopped.

   The six Payne all looked up in the same direction, looking at the sky.

  He now, a little believes that the dried persimmon has just reported.

   What a terrible speed.

   is countless times faster than the fastest eagle, so fast that it is hard to imagine that it is a certain kind of flight speed that can be achieved by existence.

   The two people who are the parties have a more profound experience.

   "Where are we going?" The dried persimmon shark asked with a difficult voice.

   He felt that there was an extremely heavy pushing force on himself.

   Tightly holding his big knife of shark muscle.

   couldn't even move a finger.

   This is the idea of ​​completely losing resistance.

   "Did I not say that? The field of vision is wider." With a wave of silence, the two men turned over directly.

   appeared in front of them, is completely different from the past.

   Mountains, woods, everything is like a picture in a bonsai.

   And still shrinking quickly.

To the back, you can already see the horizon in the distance, even the obvious bending of the earth, and the surrounding scenery gradually dimmed. When you raise your head, you can see a dark starry sky, and when you lower your head, you see a bright world. .

  Finally, silence stopped at the edge of outer space.

  Four people just hovered here quietly.

   There was no howling wind in my ear, everything seemed quite quiet.

   Both dried persimmon and Uchiha Itachi quietly looked at everything below.

   Beautiful and spectacular.

the most important is.

"——It's so small." The dried persimmon shark stretched out his palm. "There is the country of water, and Wuyin Village should be in this position. I can't even find it... Really, I didn't expect us The world is so small."

   The size of this planet is indeed small and pitiful.

   The entire continent seems to occupy nearly one-third of the surface area.

   And at this height.

   Everything in the whole world can be reflected in the eyes.

   reaches out his palm as if he can hold the whole world.

"How are you, your fish tank?" Silence said with a playful tone. "Uchiha Itachi has his own firm obsession, being restrained is his own choice, but you, dried persimmon, you are even The choices are all **** by this small fish tank."

   "...It's like a shark that was raised in a fish tank since I was a kid?" The dried persimmon sneered at himself, looking at everything below, the mood seemed to have an unprecedented sense of relaxation.

   He does have a feeling now.

   This world is too small.

  Whether it is false or true, he is bound by such a world and makes himself false.

   "Understood, just think about the fate you want to pursue, choose the power you think can achieve it, or let me recommend it."

  The silent scepter was a little softer, and all the information about the jar poured into their minds.

   A jar with the power of a different world.

   Various series.

   Only need to pay the price, all answers about fate are in these jars!

"As long as I can gain strength." The dried persimmon lightly stroked the shark muscle sword in his hand and turned his head to look at the silence. The dull shark's face even smiled. "I don't want to betray any companions anymore." , Whether it’s Xiao, that person, or Mr. Itachi, so I need strength."

  He now began to feel that Mr. Ban should also be disappointed with this world full of betrayal and betrayal, and only hope to find the truth from the false world.

   But even so.

  He is still ready to continue to help.

   is no longer for that plan, but as a companion recognized by Mr. Ban.

   Of course, the same is true for Mr. Itachi.

  As the dried persimmon said, he never wanted to betray any of his companions anyway.

"In this way, you might as well choose the contract series." The silence said, "The contract series is a relatively unique series, usually belonging to your destiny, it will be a companion with you, a living creature, The subsequent limited series is also closely related to your companion."

simply put.

   opened the dragon, that is the dragon knight.

   Develop dream treasure, that is the trainer.

   "Is it the same as the squid muscle?" The dried persimmon squid's eyes lit up. "Then this, my task for so many years, I still have some deposits. It should be enough to open up fateful items. I also have this confidence in selling Chakra."

   "It's barely" laughed silently.

   Then waved his hand, hundreds of jars, quietly suspended in mid-air.

  Dried persimmon monk's usual hidden money also flew out one by one.

   "So, what about you?" Silently looked at Uchiha Itachi.

   This person is also at a loss for his future at the moment.

  After seeing Sasuke fighting side by side with his companions.

  Uchiha Itachi already understood.

   who wants to take everything on his own is a failure.

  A person has limited power, and should work hard with his companions to do his own thing. Then, the only future in which you have made that kind of mistake, is to entrust everything to Sasuke.


   Sasuke no longer needs his power.

"He still needs you." The silent voice suddenly appeared in Uchiha Itachi's mind. "Your mistakes can't be compensated. Your heart also hopes to be punished. However, Sasuke's future may be more than you think. It’s even more bumpy... because compared to Naruto, he has so little, and sooner or later he will lose the pace of his companions."

  Uchiha Itachi's body shook slightly.

   looked at the man with a deep vision in front of him.

   clenched some fists.

   Probably because the other party was too kind, even he almost forgot about this changed world.


   The companion of his younger brother was only the blonde teenager, but the companion of the younger brother was more than his younger brother.


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