Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 239: : The power of the betrayal

   Compared to Uchiha Itachi's worries.

   Dried persimmon shark looks normal, but stares closely at the jar in front of him.

  He heard the familiar emotion from the roar.


   The betrayed anger.

   Those who were killed by him, including the last master of the ghost shark, mostly made such roars in the end.

   "Your Excellency, what's inside?" The dried persimmon raised his head and looked at something.

   "Ghosts and Gods." Silently spit out these two words.

   In this world, there are legends of ghosts and gods.

   Most of them are rumoured generals, or some people who are famous for their fierceness.

   Therefore, the dried persimmon seemed to understand what it was.

"The ghost of destruction, Kazan, Kazan, Kazan, is his name." Silently looked at the jar, and then explained, "That world has sixteen ghosts, and Kazan's danger is also among the best. He was a general of a powerful empire, and was condemned under the conspiracy to be rebellious and ruined, so after becoming a ghost, he has been in a state of anger for a long time-this contract companion is not so easy to get along with."

   in that game.

   There is even something called Kazan's disease.

   refers to maniac disease.

  Pupillary discoloration, strength and speed increased greatly, but the mental breakdown, unable to maintain reason.

   can be imagined.

   Kazan's madness has reached a point.

"Is it framed as a crime of treason?" The dried persimmon seemed to be unaware of the other party's danger, and even smiled. "That's not the person who was betrayed. It's a match with me who betrayed others. , How to build a contract."

   "May be dead." Silently looking at the heart of the dried persimmon, the voice threatened slightly.

   "Ghostfish." Uchiha Itachi also said.

  He felt a strong sense of unknownness from this jar.

   and dried persimmon shark, it seems a bit surprised to look at Uchiha Itachi.

   Although very light.

   But he still saw a trace of worry from Itachi's eyes.

"It turns out that Mr. Itachi still regarded me as a companion." The dried persimmon shark suddenly said something, and then put his eyes back on the jar, "But, this lord also said, what is in the jar, is The fate of the can opener, if I am destined to die in the hands of a betrayal, then this is my fate."


  Uchiha Itachi stopped talking.

   Several years of teammates.

   He did agree with this teammate who betrayed countless people, but he valued his companions.

   But since this is the other party's choice, he will not say anything.

   In fact.

Looking silently at the heart of the dried persimmon shark, this man who looks like three big and five thick men, but with guilt for those who had betrayed him in the past, was determined to accept the ghosts and gods in the jar in front of him, and he didn't even care. Your own life and death.

"Just put your hand in." Silent said, "The seal has been placed inside, and the ghost will be sealed in your arm. If successful, you can open the third-level jar of the ghost swordsman series, and, the ghost Will be with you throughout your life."

   "Ghost swordsman?" The dried persimmon shark looked at the shark's muscle sword and couldn't help laughing, "It really suits me."

   Then walk straight over.

   Without any hesitation, dig your right hand into the jar.

   looked silently at the free and easy movement.

   always feels that after jumping out of the shackles of his heart, this man's original heroic character has become more and more prominent. He was supposed to be the kind of heroic character who was righteous, but the result was the sin of betraying his companion.

   can only say that it is the fault of this world.

   And the moment the arm stretched in.

The dark and violent power penetrates directly into the skin, the skin becomes black and red at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, and the body of the dried persimmon trembles slightly trembling, which is caused by the pain of the soul, and is accompanied by constant Negative emotions pouring into my mind.

   Kazan's hatred, Kazan's rage, Kazan's curse...

  Everything, plus the severe pain in the body, rushed towards the dried persimmon like a tide.

   But he didn't make any sound.

   The body was trembling, and the green muscles burst one by one.

   sweat flows like a waterfall.

   endured so silently.

   to the end.

   This arm, has become extremely cruel, red and black skin, bulging muscles, and sharp claws, with a dark dark mist, looks like a real "ghost hand".

   And the scope of this ghost hand began to spread towards his shoulder.

  Uchiha Itachi could not help frowning.

  Think of it, if this thing continues to spread it will be very bad.

   "If I can still keep my senses now, the most dangerous time has passed." Silent laughed.

   is when his voice fell.

   The sound of chain lock collision kept coming.

A pair of rings with two iron chains flew out of the jar, one was stuck on the upper arm of the ghost shark, and the other was stuck on the wrist. The middle chain was tied in a circle, and Kazan seemed to An unwilling roar was issued, but the terrible breath could only converge a little.

   The pain receded like a tide.

  Dried persimmon shark is just like taking off, breathing heavily.

   could not help but sigh in my heart, this is a real man.

  Although the success rate is still, the pain of this process has not weakened at all.

  The pain from the soul.

  Even people like Da She Wan will wailing loudly in pain.

   "Am I even successful?"

  Dried persimmon shark looks at his right hand. Although the spirit is very weak now, there is a strong power actually coming from the body.

   Especially this right hand.

"Yes, you have succeeded in becoming a ghost swordsman, but this power cannot allow you to relax." The silent gaze seemed to become deeper, his warning-like voice passed into the dried persimmon. In his ears, "It's entirely up to your own will to open the iron chain, but if you can't fight against it in the end, you will be swallowed by the raging ghosts."

  The strength of ghost swordsmen is very strong.

   However, it is also very dangerous.

  If the will is not firm enough, it is difficult to withstand the power of ghosts and gods, and finally will usher in a tragic fate.

   "I get it." The dried persimmon said simply.

   has no fear.

   is not enough self-confidence, but can accept that fate long ago.

   The big sword in his hand.

   is also a dangerous weapon that will defy the owner.

   "Are you going to continue to buy jars?" Uchiha Itachi said at this time, "I used some of the resources belonging to Cardo."

   "No, I now want to see what kind of power Mr. Itachi will get." The dried persimmon looked at the remaining jar of Itachi.


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